Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1774: :bomb

That is to say, they found the bomb of the Jingjie Heavenly Tribulation, and then they got the key to the Heavenly Tribulation. Then Long Xuantian became a terrorist, and he carried the bomb to make the world. He now kills whoever can kill, others But he wanted to throw a rat avoidance on him.

"You ambush us in the azure blue sea, what's the purpose?" I asked blankly, Shaozi had no idea what to do at this time, after all, if you have a heart, you are unintentional, and it is easy for the calculation party to fall behind.

"Hehe, why should I tell you?" Chen Deputy Shuai said coldly, and then looked at the chief civil officer: "Prime Minister, what shall we do now? Should we catch them or kill them? There must be a charter?"

It turned out that the civil official was the prime minister, and now they didn’t bring anything that was suspected to be a “pure bomb”. They probably didn’t find it at all. I couldn’t help sending a communication symbol to Zhao Qian to confirm this, and soon, Zhao Qian also returned a message saying that the thing is still in the old place, the hexagram is correct.

The thing is still there, which means that they didn't get the pure world bomb, but I can't guarantee whether the key to the catastrophe in Long Xuantian's hand is a remote control bomb. If it is a remote control bomb, it will be troublesome. What is he going to do?

Is it to launch the Pure Realm Heavenly Tribulation?

I thought about it, and I found it impossible. If he is an old **** who is distracted, and now he has lost the connection with the deity, how can he go to the realm? Inheriting the deity's position of the godhead, how can you inherit if you are not in the upper realm? At that time, it is better to punish or punish, and it is better than in the lower realm, and detonating the pure realm bomb now is the same as ruining it. Therefore, no matter whether the **** divides the soul or not, it is impossible for him to trigger the bomb. Will be bigger.

"The magic mirror of Kyushu, I'm afraid it can't be used all the time, right?" The prime minister said in a deep voice, then stretched out his hand and said, "Kill them!!"

"Hehe, Long Xuantian is an idiot, and so are you." I said coldly, the civil official's eyes condensed, and he hesitated, I immediately transmitted Shaozi and Xiangling, and then fled out of the range with a small shy ground technique. Besides, as soon as she left the encirclement, Xiaojiao turned into a dragon and flew far away with us swishing. The speed was naturally incredible.

It was originally a dragon that is good at speed, and it should be used to escape. Who can catch up with it? So we galloped all the way, and the prime minister and generals of Long Xuantian were all left behind. After a while, the two gods of transformation were alone, but they still chased us hard.

I patted Xiaojiao's head, made her stop, and then looked at Shaozi and Xiangling, and said, "I will attack the deputy marshal Chen in close combat. You two will assist behind me, and the prime minister, Xiaojiao You hold him back and try to solve them when the enemy's large forces come over. If we fail by then, we will flee to the south."

"Okay." Xiaojiao nodded, and the two disciples were eager to try. It can be seen that after getting the two fairy swords, their confidence in them has increased a lot.

Soon those two God Transformation realms arrived at the end of our dialogue. They both focused on attacking me right from the beginning. After all, I was everyone’s primary goal. Killing me was equal to beheading success. It’s not that difficult to solve the problem for those who drop.

But at the beginning, Xiaojiao stopped them with a huge body, and I broke out of the demon-changing pill, and I also held the blue stone sword and shield in front of the deputy commander Chen, and launched with all the time and space sword power to inspire the mysterious in the shield. Heavenly devilish energy, a sword blasted towards the deputy commander Chen!

If I don’t erupt the Demon Pill, I’m already a pseudo-deity realm, but the eruption of the Demon Pill allows me to achieve a cultivation base that is close to that of the God Realm in an instant. With ten times the support of the Taoism, then Deputy Commander Chen will be tough If you fight this sword, you are not far from death!

However, those who can cultivate to the Transcendent God Realm are far from being comparable to ordinary monks in terms of their aptitude and combat experience. Suddenly, he felt the horror of power, and Deputy Commander Chen hurriedly used his spear to pick it up. Fight me with weapons!

My attack was indomitable, naturally unable to reverse it, but the intensity of the attack also caused the weapon of Deputy Marshal Chen to fly in an instant, and Shaozi and Xiangling also arrived in time, holding Chunjun and Taia in their hands. Sword curse!

The magical power of these two Xiao Nizi is among the best in the Kyushu world. As long as I push off Deputy Marshal Chen, the other party has to accept the spell, and I will definitely suffer a small loss. I will be the main attacker. It was a success!

On Xiaojiao's side, she also successfully stopped the Prime Minister, the laser in her one-eyed shot indiscriminately, hitting the prime minister who relied on long-range spells to attack and escape, and could not form an effective counterattack.

So in the face-to-face attack, we steadily gained the upper hand!

The two of them knew the danger to us after being singled, and each hurriedly sent messages to their own officials to send their positions, but we also had our plan. This attack could not work, and I did not intend to attack for too long, so I tried again. Can it hurt the opponent?

The Deputy Commander Chen lost his weapon, roared, his figure became huge, revealing a half-demonic hideous appearance, and he took out the two spare axes behind him, which was a violent storm for me. hack!

Bang bang bang!

The blue stone shield took over the opponent’s anger, and the blue stone shield recharged its energy. Just when I was about to launch the second attack, Shaozi and Xiangling's spells were also finished. Shaozi chose the "Flying Immortal Outside", and Xiang Ling, after all, prefers powerful and domineering sword moves, so he uses the "Wandering Wizard".

Shaozi's white clothes constantly appeared in different places, and that pure Jun sword also exerted a powerful teleporting attack effect. The flying fairy outside of him is a magic skill that is good at speed and attack. The sword is mysterious, it’s me. The proud sword technique that she created was displayed to her, with less murderous intent, but it was even more elegant and agile. It can be seen that whoever has the sword technique has its own style.

He was stunned, even in the four swords, the deputy commander Chen was shocked, but besides his armor is extremely strong, he is also rough and thick, and with the defensive ability brought by the domain, Shao Zi has brought him some points. Skin trauma can't kill it.

However, at this moment, Deputy Commander Chen, who had broken through his defensive capabilities, ushered in Xiangling’s "Wizard of Death". This attack consists of countless red lines. It is the classic killer move of Huangquan’s killing. Once locked down All targets have to withstand a fierce sword light attack!

Boom boom boom boom!

An individual has withstood countless red-line attacks, no matter how powerful it is, the deputy commander Chen retreats again and again, and to prevent accidental injury, I can't pursue it. I can only wait for Shaozi and Xiangling's attacks to end before they can attack each other. Perform a fatal blow!

But after being locked and hit by the deputy marshal Chen, he ran away shamelessly and didn't plan to fight.

"You guys wait for me! So many people beat me, do you think there is no one under the commander?" Deputy General Chen left this sentence and fled immediately.

The monks who entered the avatar would have domains. The domains of Shaozi and Xiangling were simply not enough to contend. They could only stop the attack and wait for my order. I looked at the prime minister and prepared to kill one by one.

As a result, the prime minister was also timid as a mouse. Seeing that Deputy Commander Chen had just escaped on his front feet, he also fleeed away, and because he was good at long-range warfare, he naturally escaped more than Deputy Commander Chen. Hurry, I'll be far away soon.

Seeing the two fleeing, I stopped Shaozi and Xiangling who were about to chase, and said, "The poor are not chasing, we should leave early. They can't catch up with us and will give up soon."

After the two disciples came back, we switched to the southwest direction, which was a departure from Zhongzhou, and the prime minister and deputy marshal Chen wouldn't be able to follow them.

And then it was true. After more than half a day passed, we didn’t know if we were too fast to completely throw them away, or if they gave up tracking, the ghost talisman paper I left along the way did not detect their breath. , And burned and summoned it. Obviously they were either looking for the wrong direction, or they really went back.

Feeling relieved, I contacted Senior Brother Hai and Zhao Qian with the communication talisman, and asked them about their current situation. Senior Brother Hai has already taken someone to chase Long Xuantian, but now Long Xuantian hasn’t found the shadow, so it seems that he should use it. The Kyushu map ran away, but the Kyushu map can be used continuously, which is quite strange.

On Zhao Qian's side, I heard that I found the Jingjie Bomb, but I was very curious.

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