Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1838: : Fierce

Seeing the light and breeze of the outer clouds, I was secretly surprised. This large array is very delicate from the inside to the outside. No matter how great the cultivation is, I am afraid that the slowly creeping white clouds outside will be confused and yearned, but But I don't know that as long as you go deep inside, you will encounter cloud storms and get involved! I broke into the clouds, and as expected, just after crossing the temperate zone, there was a hurricane inside.

At this moment, the inside is the same as I thought when I came before. Not only is there chaos, but also contradictions arise between cultivation, and mutual attacks and harms are caused. The reason is that under the chaos, people's hearts are floating, and everyone does not know. What should I do? Since the leaders of their respective groups were outside, the juniors were trapped, so naturally they would not do it.

And when I broke into the periphery of the city because I was looking for Yun Bingxin, I also found that the expressions of cultivation in the city were more or less hazy, which made my heart vigilant, and immediately grabbed a monk and asked about it. The reason.

"Pre... Senior, haven't you noticed... The power is disappearing..." said Xiuzhen tremblingly.

"Really?" I frowned. I didn't feel it at all just now, so after listening to his words, I immediately rechecked the energy in my body. It was fine if I didn't check it. I couldn't help but feel cold when I took it. The glutinous rice cake is slowly recovering its celestial power, so the energy consumption is completely unnoticeable, but after taking a closer look, I find that the energy slowly recovering now is less than that of the outside! This means that what this cultivation is saying is true, and everyone's strength is disappearing!

Let me let go of cultivation and immediately fled back to the city. He was a part of the monks who were going to rush out of the town to escape.

I immediately wanted to fly to the middle level, ready to see if Yun Bingxin and the others had summoned near the jade cong at the bottom level, but before I entered the entrance, I found one of the nine light pillars before, and a dark shadow was on the pillar. It flashed quickly inside!

My face changed drastically, and I immediately came to the front of the sacred pillar. I was surprised again by this look, because I found that Li Poxiao was moving at high speed in this huge pillar, and he seemed to be looking for something while flying!

"Li Poxiao!" I yelled, even directly knocking on the wall of the pillar in an attempt to attract Li Poxiao's attention!

However, this huge and transparent green sacred pillar seemed to contain the universe, and Li Poxiao was locked inside and did not react to the outside world at all, as if there was another space inside, so that he could not find the outside world, but the outside world could easily see him!

It was like a huge cage with people in it. I immediately flew to other **** pillars, looking for other people's images. As a result, a godhead owner appeared on every pillar!

After a lap, from the first Li Poxiao, to the second Yun Bingxin, followed by Zhao Qian, Xia Ruize, Long Xuantian, Du Yuchan, Zuo Lian, and Zhou Qiping!

The eight godhead owners have been summoned back into the pillars. I was shocked, and the expressions in them were all confused, shocked, and at a loss.

The way Zhao Qian was looking for an exit, the world stones floating around him kept banging, and Huntian Compass was also looking for an exit, but seeing her frowning look, I knew that these jade cong spaces were not easy to break.

And because Zuo Lian received the order of the gods from me, there were nine gods of the god-transformation realm with him, and they were scattered out looking for an exit, but Zhao Qian still had nothing to do, I didn't think she could break through.

Yun Bingxin is also using her own method to break the formation, and now the **** disk on her body is much lighter than others. I think what the jade cong is connected to is definitely attracting something I don't know.

Du Yuchan's clothes were torn in a few places. It seems that he suffered minor injuries during the previous melee with the ancestor. He is the most calm. He has been sitting in the cloud to recover his celestial power. It seems that he is holding Jilai. The mentality of peace.

As for Xia Ruize, Zhou Qiping, and both of them, they both showed confusion, and occasionally called out a few times. Looking at their mouth shapes, they should have been looking for Zuziyi, but this old fox was definitely not found.

Lastly is Long Xuantian. His expression is the most invisible to me. In addition to the signs of expression and inner struggle that everyone else has, there is also fear and loss on his face. I am afraid it is not strange to see this from others. , But showing it on his face is enough to make people curious.

Because at the time of the little heaven, even if Xia Ruize was forced to die, he showed fierceness and hideousness, but what made him so disappointed and terrified at the moment?

Is it the ancestor?

The eight sacred pillars passed through, and I turned my eyes to the last sacred pillar in the middle. That sacred pillar was not much different from the other eight pillars. If it was different, only Xiao Fei could see it.

I flew over, looking for a figure for the person trapped inside.

The result was not unexpected. After the cyan ripples rippled out, the nine godhead owners who were swept first were all in this **** pillar, including Zuziyi! Right now, as soon as Zuzi floated in the center of the pillar, his hands and feet showed a "big" character, and a green power in him was slowly expanding, as if some energy was gathering on him!

It can be seen that his expression is the strangest among the eight people. He is a successful smile. You don't need to think about this expression to know that he has become the biggest gainer since the start of this big battle! As for the green energy, it is converging on him right now. On the **** plate behind him, it seems that there are nine **** pillars, and only this one is the most special!

I don’t know what this means, but the current ancestor looks quite dangerous. I thought about it and decided to go to the middle layer to see the situation. After all, the outer layer is just a beam of light, and the possibility of breaking is close to zero, so before Xiao Fei Only changed the direction it runs.

Without destroying the Jade Cong or the Great Array, how to release the people inside?

The people in the outer cities are still absorbing energy, their treasures and fairy crystals have been turned in, and there is no way to recover, but now the second stage of the big formation has just begun, and I have not seen what will happen when their energy is exhausted. So I dived into the middle level with confidence, thinking about how I could stay for a while, and then figure out how to get out.

But I can’t mess around with Fang Cun. I passed a few communication symbols to Xiao Fei to explain what happened here, and then asked him to contact Si Xiaoxian as soon as possible to look at the three-dimensional picture of the big array, to clarify doubts or try to decode what I saw. Everything that has arrived, in addition, let everyone not come in easily. After all, it is constantly absorbing energy for the big formation. It is not excluded that it is a kind of blood sacrifice, not a joke.

I went straight to the center of the big formation core smoothly, and found the Jade Cong in the center. This should be where Zuziyi is.

The tall jade cong has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, but there is no trace of time. My blue stone sword riveted my strength and slashed at it, but with a bang, it seemed to chop the cotton, and it did not damage it. Bounced back! Including the use of spells, the use of various magic weapons, as if all mud cows entered the sea without a trace.

It seems that there is no other way except Talisman to change its operation, but I am not an array expert like Xiao Fei, how can I change its operation? I knew I had brought Xiao Fei, but I forgot about it.

Just when I was at a loss, the breath of hundreds of gods transformed from all directions, and I knew it was Ruan Li leading the other monks of the gods.

"Dear fellow daoists, don’t you understand the current situation? We can get in, but we can’t get out anymore. The ancestor has made a blood sacrifice asura field up and down here, and quickly started from the low level until Our high-level cultivation will all become the victims of the blood sacrifice, and he himself has become the biggest beneficiary right now, and now you plan to fight with me instead of cooperating?" I noticed the vicious atmosphere in the dark. It is not good to know that these people are coming.

"Xia Yitian! You killed so many of us! Do you think we will let you go? I want to kill you to avenge your dead brothers and sisters!" Ruan Li roared and released a lightsaber first, stabbing directly My face!

And his clamor, also received the resonance of many cultivators of the gods, released spells one after another, or took out treasures, and killed me!

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