Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1851: : From the beginning

As soon as the ancestor said that the younger brother who died in my hands was called Zu Shanchan, he was burned to death by Wan Song Xiaoshui Hulu during the battle of Qiankun Dao, and Wan Song Xiao was my collaborator at the time, so he felt that I also have a share, so it is to resonate with Zhou Qiping to pull this hatred with me.

Zhou Qiping hesitated, looked at me and Xia Ruize with a sneer, and said, "Worry about the future? Haha, Fellow Daoist Ruize, do you think this ancestor Fellow Daoist's words are not credible?"

Xia Ruize frowned, looked at me, snorted and didn't bother to answer. It seemed that he could accept anything, but Zhou Qiping said to me: "Xia Xiaozi, you are too dangerous, even the ancestors can not tolerate me. I really don't blame me."

Zuziyi was even more happy, and immediately said, "Yes, isn't Dao Fellow Ruize cooperating with us just because of his cunning and wickedness? Now we are working together to kill him and his minions. , The matter of ascending to the **** realm can also be discussed carefully, isn't it?"

"It is true, Daoist friend Ruize, what do you think?" Zhou Qiping asked Xia Ruize, looking very satisfied with the suggestion.

Xia Ruize still didn't say a word, he obviously didn't believe Zhou Qiping would say so easily.

"Since Daoyou Ruize has acquiesced, let's just follow what the Daoyou ancestor said, what do you think?" Zhou Qiping smiled, looked at his daughter-in-law, and said a few words through the sound transmission.

"Okay, let's do them together first!" Zuzi nodded quickly, naturally willing to use the power of the two true gods, as long as the two true gods kill me first, the outcome will be fair, so he is the first to prepare to leave Encircle the circle, fly to me!

I was awe-inspiring, and the secret path couldn't hide this time, I had to take the lead in launching the big formation.

But at this moment, Xuanyuan Ruxin also raised her hand, chanted a few ghosts, and then waved her hand to point out, but it was not me, but pointed at Zuziyi!

In an instant, countless attacks all flew towards the ancestor, and in an instant, the ancestor was not like a person, and a ghost was not like a ghost!

Not only was my heart stunned, even my ancestor did not believe that Zhou Qiping actually attacked him by this time!

Is Zhou Qiping still a good person? It is true that it is not. He immediately flew to Zu Ziyi with a sneer, and took out a short sword, and said fiercely: "Friend Daoist Zu, sorry, although Xia Tiantian is dangerous, you are not much better. The falling bag is safe, how can I give you the slightest chance of turning around? You have something as dangerous as the key to the catastrophe in your hand. My wife is not afraid, but I am afraid to die. Therefore, you should die like this. I will wear it later. The godhead you gave me, occasionally I think about you!"

Seeing that Zhou Qiping was about to rely on his wife’s help to obtain the eighth-level true godhead, he was also eager to try it. After all, I was sure to get the key to the pure world. He got the true godhead from ancestor I, how can I get the key to the pure world? ?

In this way, I immediately prepared to shrink the ground, and I would take the key to the pure world first, but what I never expected was that at this time, my sister-in-law slammed the corner of my clothes, and I was so passionate that I seemed to be lost in spirit at this time. , Immediately took the shield and put it in front, chanting the shield spell, and while protecting himself in front, he protected everyone in the center!

Zhou Qiping paid close attention to my actions. Seeing that I had such a movement, his face changed drastically. After a moment of consideration, he suddenly looked back at Xia Ruize, and saw that Xia Ruize's hand that was always on his back reached the front. It was something similar to an octagonal astrolabe, and at this time, he had already chanted some spell!

"Xia Ruize!!!" The ancestor roared, and immediately took out the key to the pure world to start, and Zhou Qiping also stared with a look of soul flying away from the sky, and immediately planned to give up attacking the ancestor and flee, but this At that time, a burst of light bloomed from Zuziyi, and finally formed a terrifying and violent explosion, annihilating all the ghosts besieging Zuziyi in the light on the spot!

Boom! ! !

I have never heard such a violent explosion. It really shook my eardrums. As for the cultivation behind me, my ears were more or less traumatized, and blood was stained around my ears!

The wave of the explosion hit my azure blue stone shield, and after absorbing most of the shield, the lesser half of the power still made me feel all over, but at least my life was saved. This terrifying attack was simply to detonate the explosion. Death god! And looking at this explosion, it seems that Xia Ruize started it!

I really don’t know where Xia Ruize had such a terrifying method, actually making hands and feet on Zu Ziyi’s octagonal star chart, and when the other party was dying, it happened to detonate the bomb! And it was detonated the moment Zhou Qiping captured the Godhead!

In this way, both Zuziyi and Zhou Qiping were blown to death, and he obtained the True Godhead, which is indeed a terrible trick! And his hand is always behind, it turns out that there is a bomb remote control, just waiting for the best time to detonate!

The depth of Xia Ruize's city mansion can surprise people every moment, and he can bear it until this time, and he is bold enough to the limit, no wonder it is always a bystander!

I should have kept an eye on it. He went to Qingmohai to dig a bomb for Yinxianmen. There must be another meaning in it. It is definitely not just a walk through the scene, but I attracted all the attention to Yu Cong, and it didn’t. Thinking of what Xia Ruize got from this, or what he did.

However, everything before is not important anymore, the important thing is that it has already happened.

There were not many breaths here. After the violent energy fluctuations of the explosion, I quickly noticed three breaths that were not our companions. One was Zhou Qiping, which was extremely weak at the moment, and the other was Xuanyuan Ruxin's, which obviously did not. After losing the sharp aura before, it seems to be affected by the explosion and injured!

"One day! Are you still there, right? The jade cong of Shengmen short-circuited for some reason and was blown up! Many people are fleeing there!"

Just before the smoke cleared, Han Shanshan’s voice came from a long way behind me. My face changed and my heart secretly said that it was true that Xia Ruize must have known the Yinxianmen’s transformation of the big formation in some way. And I also know that the ancestor left and transformed the path of life, and left the octagonal star plate to control the life!

So he made tricks on Shengmen and connected the loop to the remote-controlled bomb! This is the point of change that Si Xiaoxian, Han Shanshan, and Xiao Fei all doubt. Everyone knows that there are traces of changes in the big array, but they don't know what they have changed.

The ancestor was ignorant, carrying this terrifying bomb with him, thinking that he was the protagonist of the rising fairy altar! But I don't want the snipe and the clam to fight, but make the fisherman profit!

This time, the remote control destroyed the circuit of the life gate and formed a short circuit. As soon as the life gate sacred pillar exploded, the octagonal astrolabe naturally exploded, and the ancestor became a victim, fulfilling Xia Ruize!

"Haha...hahahaha! It really is like this! It really is like this!" Xia Ruize's voice came from the smoke, and then a gust of wind blew by. He was wearing a black armor and a red cloak behind him, standing and exploding a pit. Above the dark sky!

The Jade Cong Realm also exploded a huge hole because of the explosion, which was caused by the destruction of the life!

There is no doubt that Xia Ruize has obtained the eighth-level godhead, and the master switch in his hand to ascend the fairy altar, the new octagonal astrolabe has not lost its effect. The ninth godhead belonging to Li Poxiao is also giving him extremely fast Absorbed, this is also the reason why he has not started immediately! You have to adapt to the power of Godhead first!

Xuanyuan Ruxin held the immortal Dao bones that Zhou Qiping had exploded beyond recognition, roared into the dark sky, and then went up to the God Realm. She would flee here with her husband instead of continuing to fight! After all, at the moment she is not in her peak state, all the ghosts that she summoned are also exploded. Summoning ghosts was originally her support. Just summoning consumes most of her divine power. This explosion exploded her All the chips!

"Shanshan, lead everyone to find the key to the blasting clean world! Others put up the Xiaozhu Immortal Sword Formation!" I said loudly, took out the Xiaozhu Immortal Formation plate, and chanted a spell!

Unexpectedly, at the end, it was actually a decisive battle with Xia Ruize who became a true god. I really don't know if it was irony or fate!

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