Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 1918: : Private fight

"And even if you use the gas disk to compensate, the task needs to be completed, right? Only seven days are given to you, but it is not a good-looking one. It also has its effect. They can use various methods to make you subordinate." I analyzed. Bai Ruqi also sighed a little, and said: "I knew this, I won't take this task."

The goddess cried suddenly, Bai Ruqi's continuous relief didn't help.

"Let's go back and have a look, maybe we can start with the gods of their own. Could it be that if the bribe is taken, he can still get rid of the roots?" I suggested.

In this way, we returned along the road, and it took another two days to rush back to the scope of the God’s Court. The goddess was already familiar with us on the road. He reported that he had a brother in another God’s place. It's okay. She is now calculating for the gods. Although her mood is low, she doesn't have much despair, which shows that Bai Ruqi's persuasion is still useful.

And just when we were about to enter the court, Xiang Ming took out the rumor token and seemed to have received a message. She explained: "It's the celestial official of the mission. There is a Huangtian official who has an old relationship with me. He said that he was halfway. I met another group of guards who were guarding the robbery. After killing a few guardians, they ran away. Then they had reached the exit and opened the brocade box. All of them were exhausted. They were all cheated by God. Now ask me what to do, there are good strategies in the court..."

"Sure enough, these guys have prepared a few hands to prevent us from being too fast, and the chasing soldiers can't keep up." I hate this group of gods even more.

Bai Ruqi sighed and said, "In the future, when we become gods, should we also have to fight like this? Do your best to your subordinates?"

"If you start lower than others, you must have more calculations and tactics, otherwise you will always be overwhelmed at the lowest position. Even if you are a higher level, you will just stand on the edge of a cliff. If you don’t squeeze inside, you will be squeezed. Go down the cliff, but if you go inside, someone will inevitably force it down. Everyone is like this, and the gods are better at it." I smiled bitterly, if everyone is climbing up, how many people can stand on the highest peak spotlessly. ?

"I know what Xia Xian's family said, but it's so cruel...How can I do it..." Bai Ruqi shook her head. She is not unsure, but who can be cruel to herself and others.

Just when we were about to enter the God's Court, Zhen Dayu flew towards us head-on. He was worried and asked: "I heard that you are back, what's the situation now? Can I help you?"

I glanced at him for nothing and said, "You immortals have a lot of routines, what can you do if you are recruited? Of course, it is a bribe, and if you have the immortal spirit, you need to advance the pivot.

Zhen Dayu hurriedly nodded, and took out a four-year-old immortal disc to me: "I want so many, I said that I will give it to the sky, and I haven't got any benefits. You still get mixed up. Yes, it stirs up a pool of muddy water as soon as it comes. No, just scold me for the immortal spirit."

"Hmph, I'm afraid of paying for big things, how can I make big money if I care about it?" I snorted, and Xiang Ming couldn't help being surprised by my preparations.

"But you always have to give something back. I can't handle it anymore. By the way, I will bring you from the Shangshen for one year of the three-grade Qi plate. You will put it away first." Zhen Da Yu revealed a brocade box to me from the bag behind me. I didn’t even bother to open it, so I hung it back in my shoulder bag, and said, “I don’t want to thank you. Now I’m a little bit down, but I must It's good for you."

Zhen Dayu scratched his hair and smiled bitterly: "Then I take it seriously, you said it."

"Of course, but I still need you to take a trip. I will keep one copy of this four-cent celestial spirit plate, and take the remaining three copies, and go to Chen Lang with Xiang Tianguan, Tang Qiaoyu, and bribes from the gods. Download, at least save their lives. I want to restart the mission. As for those who just need to deduct points, the photos will be deducted." I returned Zhen Dayu to Zhen Dayu.

"What? You let me do this?" Zhen Dayu asked in shock, waved his hand and said, "No, no, no, nothing will work, besides, Chen Lang, Tang Qiaoyu, Jiheqi are the heavenly officials, I know everyone If you don't know it, help them to bribe God?"

"Don't you still have Xiang Tianguan to help? I'm going to Li Chengqi's side. There is always something to shave. Besides, don't you know them? You just vaguely say that you want to protect them. What's so bad about this? Special things are done, if it’s not enough, let’s just say something nice, that is, drawing cakes to satisfy your hunger and round things up. If something goes wrong, find me, and I will greet them one by one when I look back." Said.

Zhen Dayu glanced at me, and couldn't help but shiver, and asked, "That third-grade aura is really not enough for you to transform your Taoist body?"

"It's a far cry." I said with a sneer. Just about to start talking, Zhen Dayu had gritted his teeth, and then took a gas tray with Xiang Ming and walked to discuss it, seemingly ready to bribe each other's gods separately.

Zhen Da Yu has a lot of wits, Xiang Ming is not stupid, and it should not be difficult to restart the task.

"Then...then what shall we do?" Bai Ruqi saw Zhen Dayu and Xiang Ming leaving, somewhat at a loss as to what to do next.

I thought for a while. This Li Chengqi is more difficult to deal with. I don't want to be intimidated, so I said: "Li Chengqi is close to us. Let's go back first. I want to change the lower body, and then go to Li Chengqi."

It is not difficult to change the Taoist body, so I chose to go back to Bai Ruqi first. Who knows that as soon as I flew to the door, there were a lot of gods squeezed outside the door. I fixed my eyes and looked gloomy.

"It's Chu Haozi!" Bai Ruqi's face was pale, and she sullenly said again: "Why is it so unlucky that you can't drink water."

"Brothers! I see how long they can stay! Damn, if Bai Ruqi is not there, just help me catch those four maids! Dare to make me embarrassed, I will **** and kill her four maids!" Far away, we I heard Chu Haozi lead a group of people clamoring for the assault gate, and under his hands, there were not only two Ninth-Rank immortals, but also two to three hundred guardians, all of them were constantly attacking and defending in Jiewu!

And Xiao Li is taking Xiao Chu and a group of guardians to guard at Jiewu. The two sides are already fighting, and a group of guardians heard that if they want to catch Xiao Li, they can only be defensive, blocking the door. Each body was wounded, and the door of Jiewu had long been broken!

The guardians brought by Chu Haozi are all elites. There are many people on our side, but most of the newly joined ones have not changed the dao body. They can only put cold guns in the back, which is almost useless.

And the people who had converted the Taoist body were more than two hundred people, all of whom were Bai Ruqi's former subordinates, and now they are about to be unable to hold them.

I pulled out the Chang Xuejian and immediately teleported it to Chu Haozi. The space-time sword aura burst out instantly, iced him into a stick, and then cut it in half with a sword!

So the guardians were all stunned, and although the helper invited to Chu Haozi saw us coming, they never expected that I would shrink back. I arrived at such a distance in an instant and killed Chu Haozi.

When the guardian reacted, all the immortal chasing locks were released from behind and hit the door. No wonder I killed and set fire. The countless immortal chasing locks quickly penetrated the crowded guardians. I guess this At least dozens of deaths each time, Bai Ruqi and Lu Wan also immediately joined the battle, and seeing that we arrived in time, the guardians in the world followed suit and wiped out the group of lackeys who came to the door while Bai Ruqi was away. .

The two Ninth-Rank Immortal helpers were probably Chu Haozi's friends, they turned around and fled immediately after they couldn't save the people. After they were caught, they were all killed.

The battle did not last long before it was extinguished. Chu Haozi was wiped out. Of course, many of us were incorporeal, but most of them were killed when we didn’t come. Now we are all in the back mountains. Absorb the true fairy energy over there to recover.

"Being cautiously with others, I didn't expect that I still can't hide from colleagues' private fights...Xia Xian's family, fortunately, you have five years of true immortal energy plate, otherwise we will probably be helpless this time." Bai Ruqi did not. Thought that this kind of thing would happen.

"What is this private fight among colleagues? Does it happen often?" I asked quickly.

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