Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2101: :torment

"Relief from all walks of life?" I weighed up this sentence. It stands to reason that in a big world, there are countless small worlds in it. The resources of the Ghost God Realm are currently poor, and they can hardly even maintain daily maintenance. Other interfaces should be used for funding. It is imminent, or it would have crashed long ago.

Which interface is the funder? This is worthy of curiosity.

"Yes, relief from all walks of life, if it weren't for this, we would have fallen apart a long time ago," the ghost servant chief said with his head shrinking.

"There are many circles in all circles, where did it come from? Is there another ghost garden rich in crystal mines?" I asked coldly.

"We are here in the unique ghost road center! There is absolutely nothing else, the big ghost emperor is also the biggest ghost emperor! There are actually many realms to help us, all from other big worlds, like the demon gods! Devil gods! They all have a share!" The ghost servant leader said quickly.

I was shocked. Before I could think about it, I blurted out and asked, "Liu Shen Tian is still connected now!?"

The ghost servant leader looked at me as if I should have known it, and then said, "Of course Liushentian is connected... Oh, I forgot, the Human God Realm and the Ancient God Realm don’t seem to be connected to other great worlds, no wonder Up."

I secretly said in my heart that this is true, because every year there are gods from other big worlds coming to help, so most of the ghosts and gods here are not unfamiliar with other big worlds of Liushentian. Speaking of it, people and the gods really know how much about Liushentian. Few, or it is specifically for this to ban things about Liushentian!

Ancient God Realm, Demon God Realm, Ancient Immortal Realm, Demon God Realm, Ghost God Realm, and Human God Realm are the six worlds of the Six Gods and Heavens. The ancient God realm inside, when I was in the Human God Realm, did not know that there was any passage. It is accessible, and the Ghost God Realm has a passage to the Fallen God Platform, where the ghost body of the sister-in-law and sister-in-law is sealed.

And the ghost and **** realm and other interfaces, except for the ancient **** realm and the human **** realm, are actually connected. That situation is complicated and worth pondering. What is the reason why this place is barren? Is it just because of the lack of immortality?

Other real reasons for Liushentian's funding and relief of the ghosts and gods world, and what do you want from this?

"The other Liushentian relief ghosts and gods, what are they trying to do?" I asked simply, the ghost servant leader thought for a while, and then said: "We have been here all the time, rarely going out, but according to what I saw, Not necessarily right..."

"See what? If you feel suspicious, you can say it!" I was extremely curious.

"That is, sometimes when their other Liu Shentian immortals come over, the Great Ghost Emperor will order the guards to open the ghost gate and let them pass!" The ghost servant leader said hesitantly.

"What else?" I continued to ask.

"No...I don't know the rest." The ghost servant leader shook his head and said.

I was depressed, and I was talking about the key point, but this was only a ghost official of the second grade, and it was normal if I didn't know it. I thought about it and decided to let him arrange other things first. The ghost servant leader is called Sun Dongshi. I'm also a member of this place now. After all, I was sent to serve my sister-in-law.

"By the way, I have to restore my power. This temple is near. You send other men to take care of it. Then you go to the Great Ghost Emperor and apply for some supplies. The more the better, the more the Lord needs it. "Of course I won't let the Great Ghost Emperor live comfortably. I immediately photographed Sun Dongshi to ask for something. Anyway, it is clear that the Holy Venerable is poor and white. If I don't ask you for something, how can I live?

Moreover, he arranged the Ghost Dao Supreme to live in this ruin, and he was always a little bit sad, right? I am sending Sun Dongshi to beg at this time, and I will definitely return in triumph.

"This...specific application...what's good?" Sun Dongshi's face was pale with fright.

"I only gave him a third-grade gas disc for twenty years. This is too awkward. This time you go and ask him for a third-grade gas disc for a hundred years. Shenting can take out these things casually. How come the ghost is not bad, right? If you can't afford it, you can discuss the knife." I waved my hand and said.

"Little...what is the knife..." Sun Dongshi was frightened, and I sneered: "Just let them chop a little bit. One hundred is not good, but eighty. Anyway, even if the lion speaks loudly, you will also be attached to it by the Lord in the future. I’m an official, how can I not come up with some grades? You still have to get a certificate when you enter the den of thieves!"

"This...Okay, I'm going to..." Sun Dongshi pondered what I said, how dare he not agree, but he was just about to arrange other officials to do things, so he caught me again.

"I wonder what else God has to order?" Sun Dongshi showed fear, I patted him on the shoulder, and then said: "When I went to ask for the immortal energy plate, I would like to convey by the way that we have added a lot of holy ones here. The confidant of the immortal family, so the Holy Venerable wants to use this book of Gods so that he can send it when he has time."

Sun Dongshi was so frightened that he almost didn't kneel down: "Oh, God! How dare you say this to the little one!"

"Hmph, you just have this skill, you deserve to be a second-rank official!" I frowned, and then thought about it. It seemed that this matter could not be anxious, so I waved his hand and asked him to just ask for the immortal spirit. I have to think of another way for the book of gods.

In this way, I returned to the vicinity of the jade plate of the dojo where the immortal energy plate was installed, where the immortal energy was the most abundant, and it was also the area where other immortal bodies recovered.

The place is dark and the environment is quite old. A large group of immortal houses are restored here, and Weishi also has a sense of seeing a big pot of rice. Although there are many ghost waiters standing next to them, I am quite apologetic to them.

Think about every interface of Shenting, even the lowest-grade Nine-Rank Realm, the environment is much better than this! Moreover, there are so many guardians and maids. I even miss those days with Bai Ruqi. At that time, we lived in a building with strong Chinese characteristics, which was regarded as the gods should live.

Seeing the delicate-looking Si Xiaoxian sitting on the ground so swiftly, I couldn't help feeling guilty again, but to show that I was just like them, I simply sat beside her.

When Si Xiaoxian felt that I was here, she opened her eyes and glanced at me, then smiled and continued to practice. I had a great impression of her in my heart. She was definitely not the seven or eight-year-old kid anymore. .

In addition to looking at the situation of Si Xiaoxian, I have also paid attention to the other immortals. Among the gods picked up by the Shenting Center this time, Si Xiaoxian and Chisheng are first-class, and another first-class old **** has also joined his subordinates. Listen Other immortals call him the prime minister, such as Zhongxing Gongyue. There are a lot of officials sitting beside him. Obviously he has been highly respected before, so besides me, there are seven first-grade Taoist gods who are of good quality. .

As for the gods of the Erpin Taoist body, there are a lot of them, there are as many as seventy-three. Among them are Sheng Zhichen, Xu Jianjiao, and Fu Chang who can be named. The other names are unknown.

The remaining three-hundred gods are all about Grade Three! In this way, I am now equivalent to bringing one of the six parts of Shenting here! And these are controversial elites! At least in various departments, it is also a tyrannical presence!

There are corrupt officials and others who are full of evil spirits. I have to manage them well and put them in the most suitable place. So when I think of fullness of evil spirits, I can't help looking at Chi Sheng who is quietly recovering in a secluded corner. Of course, this guy is absolute. I'm not gregarious, I set up a personal guard, who do I not call him?

As for the commander of the war, there is no shortage here. After all, I have long seen how harsh the gods are to the gods. The suppression of the gods has always been the center of gravity of the gods. Therefore, some of these leaders have good morals, but they are not. Escape the fate of the blood sea.

With these elite talents, it is indeed much more convenient to do things in the future, but in order for them to be able to invest in all walks of life as soon as possible, I have to strike while the iron is hot, so I summoned the super burial coffin and left half a year inside. The second-grade gas disc was directly disassembled and placed on the jade disc in this world.

In a short time, the fairy qi in the entire world suddenly became thick, and many fairy qi in the recovery stage were excited to take a deep breath of thick fairy qi!

Because they suffer the most in the burial coffin, but they have no fairy spirit!

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