Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2111: : Mountain God

Of course, people’s abilities are not spoken out, but made by making them. I become a ghost emperor, and I can be regarded as making this Chi Sheng eye-catching, but I don’t care too much about whether he can value me or not. , I am more concerned about the situation of Xiaoxian.

Si Xiaoxian's recovery speed was obviously much faster than others, which made me curious, so I immediately asked the reason.

"I have activated the Fairy Mirror of Flowing Time, so my time will pass much faster, but because the time of control still consumes my power, it is not appropriate to include more immortal families. I can only recover first. Can take care of others." Si Xiaoxian explained.

I was stuck in my heart. I didn't expect her to start the flow time fairy mirror so quickly, and once she regained her complete Dao body, the recovery of other gods would be greatly accelerated, but how fast is this time?

"Currently, what I can control is about twice as much, so in one month, my Taoist body will be able to recover, and other immortals are expected to recover and complete in the next two months!" Si Xiaoxian Said very confidently, this is almost the same as the little girl she incarnate at the time.

"This is great! Then there is also the great God of Lao Xiaoxian. When everyone's official position is determined, it will be almost two months later. When the time comes, it will be smooth to take over Tu Mingshan, and it will also be able to catch up with the task of receiving envoys in the last year!" Said happily.

After hearing this, all the immortals were overjoyed, even Chi Sheng couldn't help but look sideways. After all, he had set up a large formation for Si Xiaoxian to capture at that time, and it was normal to pay attention to his opponents.

"By the way, before going to Tu Ming Mountain, if the great **** Xiaoxian can recover his Taoist body, I want you to help build a mask. It may be more useful to walk in the ghost and **** world later." I fought with Si Xiaoxian. discuss.

It’s okay to say that not having an official position is equivalent to being unknown, but now that I am the ghost emperor of the Ghost God Realm, we must make sure not to let the gods know my identity too quickly. After all, other people will only know that I am the ghost emperor Tu Ming, and I don’t know if it’s called Xia Tiantian. This is a natural cover for me. If I hide my appearance, no one will know that Ghost Emperor Tu Ming is Xia Tiantian!

"Okay, what are your requirements?" Si Xiaoxian asked.

"Also... there are no special requirements. I have a picture here, so you can just follow this one." I said, took out a piece of paper and drew the ghost mask from when I was on Earth.

Si Xiaoxian looked at the mask and fell into contemplation, but without explaining anything, he nodded and agreed.

I wanted to ask if she had seen this mask, but I stopped Sun Dongshi who had just arrived outside: "Holy Emperor, there is a ghost outside, please!"

I frowned and asked, "What kind of ghost? Do I know?"

Sun Dongshi hurriedly said, "Yes... It's the Dao Demon Slashing Dragon under the subordinate of Saint Emperor Tu Ming, who came to see the Emperor.

"Oh? Is it?" I was stunned. Zhanlong has always been a first-grade Dao ghost under a certain ghost emperor. Because of this, I even fought with it in the palace. I didn't expect it to be Tu Minggui. Under the emperor, I probably understand why it came now.

Soon after going out with Sun Dongshi, the tower-like dragon slaying is already waiting for me with a huge dragon head guillotine!

"Zhanlong, what are you doing?" I frowned and asked. I had a fight with it before. I remember that Tianzi Anger energized it so quickly that it would be better and better.

"I am the mountain ghost who has guarded Tuming Mountain for generations. After two lordships, each is a hero! But I saw you, but I must report my faults, despicable and sinister! Because I fought with you. I held my grudges one after another, and indirectly took revenge on my lord while I was wounded and cultivated! He was subjected to the criminal law of ten thousand ren! Now, the holy emperor ignores my lord’s contributions to the holy way, and not only did he die. , Still let me guard your successor! I am the first to disagree with you, so I want to retire from the post of the mountain ghost and live in Tuming Mountain! If you are interested, you will expel my official post of the dragon! Let me go to the wild! "Zhan Longyi said solemnly, his body is huge, even looking at me from a distance, it is also a condescending situation, really majestic!

The ghost emperors in all directions have a mountain, and there is a mountain ghost on the mountain. Each mountain ghost has its own special ability. Just like the Hong Ling Emperor daughter and the sword slaughter ghost, they are also the signboards of every mountain. Slashing the dragon refuses to convince me. Tu Mingshan wouldn't persuade me, so when he came over, he also meant to demonstrate.

I sneered, and then asked: "It's interesting. You don't want to do it. Why don't you just resign and go to the field and go directly to the ghost king? What do you want me to do?"

"I have already found the Holy Emperor! He said he wouldn't let him set it up, let me tell you! Anyway, if you don't withdraw my official position today, I am not willing to do things with you!" Zhanlong patted his chest and glared at me.

I smiled in my heart, this Slashing Dragon is also straightforward, this great holy emperor deliberately used it to give me a look, and it really came over, knowing that I don't have a book of gods, how can I use it for official posts? But I'm not out of talents, so I coldly said, "You want to go to the field, right? You don't want to do it with me, right?"

"Yes! I can't see the villain who will report the fault in Zhanlong!" Zhanlong said proudly.

"Hehe, I will take back the job of mountain ghost later, you should go back to Tu Mingshan and live in seclusion!" I laughed.

Seeing my refusal to be so straightforward, Zhanlong hesitated, and immediately asked: "Why don't you take my official position now? Do you still expect me to change my mind? You are delusional! I will never serve you like this. Lord!"

"Well, don't wait, don't wait, go back to the mountain!" I waved my hand, looking impatient.

"Leave! But I will tell you Zhanlong! I am very important! If I don't agree with you, the ghosts of Tu Mingshan won't convince you!" Zhanlong is a little depressed this time, as if he thinks I don't know it. importance.

"It's just right. I just wanted to say that if I didn't agree with me, I was dismissed from my post. I didn't want to do it, so I went to wander outside!" I said coldly, and then immediately turned my head and ignored him.

To drive them out of Tu Ming Mountain, it is no different from killing them. After all, there is a thick fog of blood and energy outside every realm. Without a place, it will easily corrode, so they are more anxious than me.

Seeing that I was so decisive, Zhanlong roared, and then shouted: "Without us! You will regret it!"

I ignored it at all, and went directly back underground, preparing to discuss the arrangement and configuration of personnel with the merchants.

Zhanlong was so angry that he chopped up several large floor tiles, and then flew helplessly to Tuming Mountain in the northeast. It seemed a pity to see me abandon the mountain ghosts. Sun Dongshi ran to follow me and said, "Holy Emperor, this dragon is one. The ghost of the mountain, not to mention the talent, is also the guard of the mountain, and he is definitely a great helper! And I heard that once he takes refuge, he is loyal to the ghost emperor! Why let him leave like this?"

"Idiot, what do I ask him to stay for? It is now in love with his ex. It just had a trouble with the big ghost king and couldn't find it just now. I now call him to stay. Isn't it hot and cold? Besides, I It's not that no one is available!" I scolded with a smile.

Sun Dongshi immediately gave a thumbs up and said, "That's right! Anyway, it is a ghost of Tuming Mountain, and it can't go far if it wants to run. When the time comes, it will be the Holy Emperor's subordinate sooner or later!"

I glanced at Sun Dongshi up and down, and then said, "Hey, I don't need to use it yet. All I use can be used by those who can do it. If it comes to love, I really don't lack talent!"

Sun Dongshi nodded awkwardly, not daring to speculate on my thoughts.

Returning to the basement, the merchants have initially drafted a plan for talent arrangement, and I have a look.

This is really in accordance with my requirements, with the ghost emperor as the commanding height, extending a series of official positions, and even arranged hundreds of official positions. Of course, some official positions are reserved. Arrangement will be made after screening among the ghosts and gods of Mingshan.

I was very satisfied with this decision, and there was a period of praise. The merchants were humble and expressed their loyalty and courage to me.

After doing all this, I brought this appointment letter from Sun Shidong back to the atrium and presented it to the prime ministers. As a result, a blood exchange was performed.

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