Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2120: : Celebration

"Chi Sheng, you lead these new officials, now go to sort out the things in the warehouse again, remember, don't miss even one! The account cannot be reconciled with the warehouse, report to me immediately!" I commanded, this The treasury had too many things to count, and it was necessary to reorganize it, so that he and his officials would be busy for a while.

The reason for sorting out the warehouse is naturally to prevent the illegal officials from taking the opportunity to make a fortune privately after the predecessor, Emperor Tu Ming, is removed. Therefore, it is most appropriate for Chi Sheng to do this.

Arranged the work of Dragon Slashing and Chi Sheng, I returned to the palace and officially began to take over the entire Tumingshan realm. Merchants, as internal officials under my hand, worked on the ghost emperor of the ghost road when they came, and He has almost controlled what his subordinates should do, so as soon as he took office, political affairs began to be on the right track. Of course, other officials gradually became better off under his coordination. At least I don’t have to do everything personally. .

But when I just came to Tu Ming Mountain, the work waiting for me was still horrible. With countless letters and newspapers one after another, I inevitably felt depressed. On the other hand, this merchant did a very good job, and he was able to do well. , It seems to be able to be the prime minister of the court, that is definitely not a joke, at least the internal affairs are extremely good.

Si Xiaoxian took Xu Jianjiao and other officials who were the supervisor of the instrument, directly began to refine the instruments in the large refinery room not far from the palace, and the materials in the warehouse began to advance continuously in order to prepare A Taoist tool that you can get when you accept the mission.

Everyone is doing their own things intensively, and time, as if blinking, is approaching the end of the year. The envoy of the Great Ghost Emperor personally went to Tu Ming Mountain and read the decree, and then handed it over to my hands.

To receive the imperial decree, it is natural to call in all the officials whose names Tu Mingshan can be named, including Chi Sheng and Zhanlong, who are commanders of thousands. At this time, they are all in the same row as the generals. Part of the last seat.

Everyone sees me holding the imperial edict and reading it several times, my heart is hanging in my throat.

I can actually understand it, but the meaning inside makes me dumbfounded. That’s why I frowned for a long time. You must know that the meaning of this is to inform me that I am going to go to the imperial palace before the envoy arrives. , Meet the envoys of the state together!

By the way, what the **** is this meeting the envoy of the state?

"Meeting the envoy of the state, is it for me to follow the manners of subordinates?" I asked the merchants who were waiting for me to speak.

"The old minister guessed this. The ghost road has fallen, and the other big worlds can be called Shangbang. There is no problem with this." The merchant quickly answered.

I was slightly angry, and then said: "Other worlds can really value our ghosts!"

"There is no way, otherwise, how could the Great Sage Emperor let you go? Besides, if you don't hold the courtesy of the servants, how can the Shangbang help the ghosts?" The merchant smiled faintly, and I smiled bitterly and speechlessly, which is really helpless. But after figuring this out, I finally looked at Si Xiaoxian: "Little Immortal God, are you ready for the Dao tools in your refining room?"

"No problem, the production is finished, I believe it will surprise them." Si Xiaoxian replied.

I nodded approvingly, and then looked at the civil and military officials on the left and right: "Well, what about the other tasks that Aiqing has received? How are they done? I can speak freely!"

After asking this question, the officials suddenly started talking. In fact, I am used to this situation. After all, it is not a rigorous bureaucracy like Shenting, so as long as there is not too much difference in official positions, I can insert a sentence. Mouth, and in this way, it is also very time-saving, there is no need to wait for them to be displayed one by one.

The officials had almost talked about it. Zhanlong and Chi Sheng were humble officials, so they couldn't intervene. So I called them up and asked, "Chi Sheng, how are things about the warehouse?"

"There are seven officials who united to corrupt Mexico. They gave me all the stolen goods and got them. I ordered them to go to their mansion. As expected, I found a large number of stolen goods from unknown sources. After asking, I found that they had been greedy for Mexico before. After paying the confiscated materials, and seeing the papers they drew with their own eyes, they killed them with a stick!" Chi Sheng said loudly.

I frowned, this guy is also a wonderful work, but in Guidao, there are indeed many examples of killing him if he is convicted without prosecution by various departments. Therefore, even though Chi Sheng is cruel, it is also a way to deter Xiao Xiao.

A group of officials all applauded. Although I shook my head, the management system here is so rude and brutal. If you want to write a message, it will breed more criminals.

"How about you? Have the damaged mountains and houses been repaired?" I glanced at Zhanlong.

Zhanlong hurriedly knelt to the ground: "Fortunately, I am not insulting! Not only that, I also personally supervised the compensation issue, so please rest assured that the compensation losses are all communicated with the victim and will not leave a tail! Because the work was completed ahead of schedule, I asked my subordinates to send the remaining materials to the temple. As for my subordinates, half of them stayed in the temple to help supervise the construction of the palace. I reported the day before that the palace was completed early."

"Oh? Who taught you to be so good?" I frowned and stared at Zhanlong. Zhanlong only hesitated a little, then said loudly, "Zhanlong himself!"

I snorted coldly and said, "If this matter is done wrong, you are not afraid of me cutting your head? Hurry up and confess the official who taught you this matter, so that you don't have to think about it in private!"

Seeing my anger, Zhanlong touched his head very puzzled, and then said: "No, I did a good job with Zhanlong, why are you upset, holy emperor, okay, you are obviously against me! Come on, Then you want to kill or pluck, just come! Don’t think I will confess someone!"

When I frowned, this Zhanlong was so stubborn. I guessed that it must be the female counselor next to him before. I also asked about the name of the female official before, so I said coldly: "Isn't killing you? Easy? Say, was it Chai Xi’s idea?"

"No!" Zhanlong vetoed it without hesitation. I applauded in my heart and said: "Well, I'm just testing you. You and Chai Xi are doing very well. Of course, Chi Sheng did a good job. After discussing this trip with the prime minister, I will give you a reward as appropriate!"

Zhanlong looked at me for a moment, and said, "The Holy Emperor is serious about this!"

"No joking." I stared at him and said, Zhanlong immediately became happy, but Chi Sheng was not happy this time. Obviously he lost the game cleanly, and he managed the matter perfectly, but Zhanlong was actually Even better, not only completed his own task, but also extended his work by sending officials to help build the palace of the temple. This hand made his praise just like an add-on, making him look Very ugly.

"Chai Xi also has a reward? That...that's great! Thank you for the saint emperor's generosity!" Zhanlong was so happy that he pulled Chai Xi out, and I laughed and said nothing. Of course, the rest was to let Shang The people intend to reward them, and this official position can be appropriately moved.

During this period of time, all the ministers had their own good achievements. Indispensable is a celebration feast, and then reward the ministers, and then, because I want to return to the palace to return to life and receive the envoys of the state, so I brought Zhanlong and Chi Sheng, And when Si Xiaoxian and Sun Dongshi returned to the temple, the corresponding affairs here were temporarily handled by the merchants.

A few days later, I stood outside the interface of the temple. The ruins here have been carefully cleaned up and cleaned up a lot. Of course, the original temple must be unusable.

The new temple is located on the mountainside of the mountain west of the site. The majestic staircase leads from the bottom of the mountain to the main hall. It is very magnificent. I walked up the stairs with hundreds of second-rank and higher officials, and only felt sacred. Extremely.

When I reached the middle of the mountain, my sister-in-law had appeared in front of me in a red robe, dragging a long blood-colored skirt, and walking toward the center of the hall dignified and majestic.

Because the daughter-in-law is the saint and the holy **** of ghosts, there is no throne here, only a platform is at the highest point of the whole hall!

On all four sides of the temple palace, there are no doors, windows, and walls, which means that all rivers and rivers are inclusive, and the design of the old temple is used.

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