Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2122: : Devilish

They think that I have gone to my sister-in-law now, so even the sister-in-law's share is going to win, so that I will take my daughter-in-law to beg everywhere, which is really damn, but like a ghost emperor like me, It will inevitably attract the red eyes of a group of ghost emperors, and it is normal to be surrounded and beaten.

When the eight ghost emperors arrived in the atrium, of course they wanted to meet the ghost emperor. In fact, after I have been in contact with countless ghost emperor-level government affairs during this period of time, I discovered that the status and advantages of the ghost emperor are not very strong in the ghost road. In terms of its overall military strength, it cannot be compared to the collection of the eight ghost emperors, and the total strength of the three weaker ghost emperors, and in terms of Taoism, it is probably one of the eight ghost emperors to raise another level. Some ghost emperors are also quite strong, so for the eight great ghost emperors, most of the big ghost emperors are extremely gentle in politics, and they attach great importance to establishing a good relationship with the ghost emperors.

This is also the reason why the eight ghost emperors have been looking forward to the current leader of the big ghost Real Madrid over the years, and rarely went out of civil war. Otherwise, if the big ghost emperor is surly and irritable, he would not be overthrown by the eight ghost emperors soon?

And the origins of the ghost emperors of the eight directions are all in their own **** city. These eight mountains, under the Taoism prohibition and write a full eight heavens, so when I came into contact with these eight ghost emperors in the lower realm, I could perceive the tyranny of the Taoism. The mountain ghosts in the mountains are connected to one of the mountains because they are a solid body that illuminates the shadows. If the eight-fold sky array is activated at the same time, the dao body can instantly break through the seven layers, so within the scope of the ghost road, there is no fear of other worlds. Offensive on a large scale.

As a good helper of the ghost emperor, the mountain gods and ghosts have always existed in the Bafang mountains, guarding the peace of ghosts.

As for the Bafang Ghost Emperor, most of them are dealing with government affairs, communicating and solving the requirements of the gods, so in terms of temperament, everyone is basically regarded as old fritters.

"Tu Ming, are you really planning to gamble? If you lose the supreme share again, you have to drink northwest wind." Fengyu ghost emperor looked at me with some surprise.

"That's natural." I said without hesitation, anyway, it's time to see if the bet is attractive enough.

On the side of the ghost emperor, there is still an old woman standing. This is the ghost emperor who led me to the atrium palace when I first left the ghost gate.

"Dutu, what good things did you bring this time?" Fengyu Ghost Emperor was quite gossip.

The ghost emperor crossing the road glanced at the ghost emperor Fengyu, and said coldly: "What's the matter with you? Ask so many questions, then you will know by comparison."

The sage emperor of Fengyu smiled and walked side by side with us into the palace. In front of us, there were two groups of ghost emperors, the front one was the blue-faced ghost Luofu ghost emperor, and there was also a very ugly fat-headed ghost. Taozhi Ghost Emperor, these two have the thickest foundations. As long as they cooperate a little bit, they are more powerful than any three of the next six.

And the next three tied together in the second group, namely, the ghost emperor Shunzuka, the ghost emperor Baodu, and the ghost emperor Luo Feng, are located in the west of the mountain. Baodu Mountain in the northwest and Luofeng Mountain in the southwest are almost connected in a large area, so the relationship is usually very good, and it is normal to walk together. These three are really typical of clenched fists.

When the three of us walked together, the situation was much more subtle. I guarded Tuming Mountain in the northeast. To the north is the ghost emperor of Fengyu Mountain. We didn’t have much overlap, but we happened to chat together for a few days when we came. , I am relatively familiar, but along the way, I found that this guy is unobstructed, so other people don’t like to communicate with him, but I’m a newcomer. It’s impossible to enter the circle of the first and second tiers, people It's been a group for a long time, so it's really helpless to get together with him.

As for the ghost emperor in the southeast, it seems that no one likes to approach this old lady. Maybe she has guarded Guimen Mountain for a long time. She always has a vigilant gaze and is difficult to approach. So following us makes us feel chilly. of.

When we arrived in the palace, the big ghost emperor was already sitting on the throne and waiting for us. I followed the seven ghost emperors in a one-knee worship service, and then separated them to the left and right, waiting for the ghost emperor to give instructions.

"This time the letter, the envoys are about to arrive, and the number is the largest in history. You saint emperors, please be well received, and don't let Shangbang feel any opinions!" Pointed out and let us be cautious.

Of course everyone has no opinion. Who would have trouble with Xianqi? After all, it’s from the top to send the money, even if you have a bad temper, you have to bear it at this time.

"Holy Emperor, we are nothing. We have been used to it over the years. We still entertain as usual, but this year, we have more of the newly promoted Saint Emperor Tu Ming. If the Saint Emperor has any explanation, I am afraid we have to find him?" Luo Fu As soon as the ghost emperor came, he turned his target towards me.

The big ghost emperor had already thought of me from the beginning. After all, to him, I was a complete thorn, and not only him, other ghost emperors should have this feeling.

As soon as Luofu Ghost Emperor talked about it, everyone watched it, and the Great Ghost Emperor had to look at me squarely. He put on a serious expression and said, "Tu Ming, it’s unusual to entertain the Shangbang mission. What are the rules? If you don’t understand, communicate more with other holy emperors. If we don’t get this year’s aid, it will be very troublesome, do you know?"

I frowned and replied, "I see, I just accompany you to eat and drink, right? I'm good at this."

Hearing what I said, the big ghost emperor frowned and said: "This... forget it, I will send an in-house servant to teach you the rules. This etiquette is related to the safety of the holy way. You must not be careless. In this relief!"

"Yes." Of course, I didn't dare to take the responsibility for the survival of the ghost road, so I answered honestly, but sending a maid to teach me the rules alone is too dear to me.

After training me, the Great Ghost Emperor looked at the Ghost Emperor Luofu and the Ghost Emperor Taozhi, and said: "This year is more special. It is up to the two to meet the envoys, while the others wait in the middle. On the way of waiting, Please also teach you some important things about the Holy Emperor Tu Ming, and you must not neglect and make a big mistake."

"Yes!" A group of ghost emperors all took the order. This time it seems that the big ghost emperor is focusing on ‘caring for’ me, and I am afraid that I will not be able to get the aid because of the trouble. Other ghost emperors of course understand this.

"Then the Qings will do their duty in these days." After the big ghost emperor said, he disappeared.

A group of ghost emperors of us stayed in the hall. Several of them had a rusty discussion. Fengyu ghost emperor patted me on the shoulder and smiled: "Tu Ming, you have to learn the rules and don’t hurt everyone. Hey."

"Go, don't make me look like a saboteur!" I glanced at him contemptuously, and when I was talking to the ghost emperor Fengyu, the blue tooth ghost Luofu came over and took a look at me. He smiled and said, “We’ll bet on the same thing as before, but for the second time, we have to wait for Taozhi and I to greet the envoys back. You are here to learn the rules. Don’t treat everyone at the critical moment. The preparations are messed up!"

I snorted and didn’t bother to care about him, and the other ghost emperors didn’t mean to teach me anything. They patted their **** and left. Only the ghost emperor followed me with a smile, because I was a newcomer, and Don't mind him hurting others there.

The old lady, the ghost emperor who was crossing the road, also left. I don’t see any other ghost emperor willing to take care of me and Feng Yu, and also followed out of the palace. As soon as I stepped out of the threshold, a Dao ghost dressed as a maid came and stopped me and wanted to follow I went to the post house, ready to teach me basic etiquette.

"Haha, Tu Ming, you just learn the rules honestly, I'll do something first, and then visit you at the post house later." Fengyu Ghost Emperor said cheerfully.

I responded with a sneer, and without speaking, I took the servant to the post house. As for Chi Sheng and Zhanlong, we went to the post house first when we met.

However, as I descended the stairs, I suddenly felt a few slight, familiar auras appearing among a group of officials passing by.

I immediately swept over, and saw three women dressed in wealthy clothes, step by step up the stairs.

"Magic Way?" I couldn't help but whispered in my mouth.

At this time, the three women with black hats on their heads seemed to have heard what I said and turned to look over!

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