Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2135: : Crash

"No!" Jing Xiaoman stopped me loudly, but at this time, my ancestral dragon armor had already covered my body, and a layer of dark clouds was covered with transparent starlight, and the horns on my head continuously shot out layers of lightning spots. , Let me be like a human-shaped dragon, with gorgeous all over my body!

"Princess don't go there!" The two waitresses grabbed Jing Xiaoman, and at this moment, I had shrunk into the minefield, rammed a minefield directly, and then pulled out the purple emperor's anger. With a strong stroke, the surface layer of the mine thunder was cut, and it rushed into the inside again, rushing to the other layer of skin on the opposite side!


The divine thunder inside really compressed towards me in an instant, but with the powerful absorption capacity of the ancestor dragon, these divine thunders were completely useless. They could only nourish and restore the energy it had lost in the battle with the Great Ghost Emperor!

After I hit the surface, the anger of the emperor was wrapped in the power of the ancestor dragon, forming a brand new purple ancestral dragon sword, and easily cut the surface again, and I came to the second Jirenei!

After all, the surface layer of this realm thunder is a layer of space, so every time I penetrate, rush, and swing a sword, it will consume my power to cut through the space, but the power of the **** thunder also continuously restores my body, so a series of shocks Pretty smooth!

When the battleship was about to rush into the minefield, I had already wiped out more than a dozen minefields. This crazy speed of mine clearance might surprise Jing Xiaoman. I know she just thought I was going to kill myself. .

After a series of attacks, all the minefield mines were finally wiped out for me, and the entire warship broke into the minefield in an instant. However, there were still one or two magic light cannons on the starboard side that were not cleared. When the warship passed by, Sure enough, under the shock of space, the whole battleship changed its direction!

Because of the violent explosion, the battleship was constantly shaking, and its parts peeled off! My face changed slightly, and the secret path was terrible, but fortunately it changed its angle soon and continued to hit the blood sea battleship!

I have reached the side of the battleship, watching the battleship crash into the blood sea battleship, and Jing Xiaoman control the battleship as if he was dead, passing in front of my eyes!

But at this moment, something happened and Jing Xiaoman was unwilling to leave. The two bodyguards seemed to argue with her because they persuaded her, and even tried to force her away!

I secretly scolded this little girl for resoluteness, and in an instant, I could only break into the battleship with Shujishu, and another Shujishu came in front of her!

"Don't even persuade me! I came here with full confidence, not to destroy this warship! I have no face to go back! What am I going back to do!?" Jing Xiaoman cried.

In fact, I don’t understand this kind of character. If you lose face, you won’t lose a penny, but if you lose your life, you can’t find anything. However, everyone has everyone’s own. Life trajectory, this Jing Xiaoman is afraid that everything went smoothly from childhood to most, and even what she wants to do will be perfect. This time, all three battleships were wiped out, causing her entire support point to be broken. After she returned, she would definitely Will attract ridicule from peers, even young men and women!

She is a representative of the younger generation, how can she go back to meet people like a bereaved dog? Now that she thinks about how she is being ridiculed, she loses the confidence to live!

I didn’t persuade her, but sarcastically said, “Don’t worry, I won’t persuade you to live. The Demon God Realm has lost your bereavement dog Jing Xiaoman, and will raise another bereavement dog. Even the Demon God Realm is not a bereavement dog. It's been two days, it's calculated in a thousand years, isn't it?"

"What are you talking about!? I am not a bereaved dog! What I have done in my life has never failed!" Jing Xiaoman said angrily.

"Isn't it? Once you die, aren't you the bereaved dog in everyone's eyes?" I asked with a sneer.

Jing Xiaoman's sharp gaze fell short in an instant. I took the opportunity to grab her, and then left the warship with Shu Jishu, and then threw her in the air: "What is a momentary failure? Destroying a warship, What's that? The ants are greedy for life, and the Demon God Realm and the one, the Ancient Immortal Realm, are they faster than anything else? You die, what can you get!"

"I am different!" Jing Xiaoman said angrily.

"How different? How many paws or legs do you have?" I frowned and asked.

Jing Xiaoman sneered: "Do you know how many brothers and sisters I killed before I climbed to where I am today? I will be the king and loser, and I will return. Even with the honor, how can I hide the failure of losing the battleship?"

"There is always a solution, but death is the most irresponsible! You can also imagine your savagery! Do you think you are dead, everything is over! For you! But for you What about the expected relatives and friends? How do they accept this ending to live! If you die! Do you know how many relatives and friends will be buried for you?" I angered.

"I! I..." Jing Xiaoman wanted to refute again, but in my last sentence, she didn't know how to refute it. Maybe she still had her worried relatives and friends in her mind!

"Quickly get back and gather the people! If there is anything, I will help you!" I said loudly, and Jing Xiaoman gritted his teeth and said angrily: "This is what you said! Don't be troublesome then!"

I sighed in my heart, and after leaving her, I rushed towards the Blood Sea battleship!

As I expected, when all the artillery fire was finished, the Blood Sea Battleship was nothing more than a huge target. Facing the Gorefiend battleship that hit it, the gods inside could do nothing but abandon the ship and flee!

It was like a hornet's nest dumping. After the blood sea battleship's wounds and cracks and several emergency safety doors opened, groups of blood sea guards rushed out. They were scared, panicked, and even incoherent!

"Surrender, I will not kill the Saint Emperor! Make sure to get out in the future! Otherwise, even if I do not destroy your corpses, the blood sea will corrode you!" I shouted.

This roar stunned a group of blood sea guards, and many guards flew towards me without hesitation on the spot!

I am overjoyed. In the face of extinction, the feared will always look for the nearest breakthrough, including the Blood Sea Guard is no exception. Who does it work for?

The blood sea guard who came first panicked and said: "I am willing to take refuge! Thank you for not killing the emperor!"

"I am willing! We are both willing!"

And a group of gods and blood sea guards also surrounded one after another. Seeing my mask and the super-grade Dao body burst out, most of them believed my words.

Rumble! ! !

When most of the blood sea guards surrounded me, the two warships decisively collided together! The bow of the Blood Demon battleship collided with the head of the Blood Sea battleship, and instantly pressed the bow of the Blood Sea battleship to tilt into the blood sea, and the explosion of the power furnace instantly engulfed the bow, bursting out a group of terrifying mushroom clouds!

Hundreds of blood sea guards surrounded me without exception, and all expressed their surrender, because the ghost gate is not far behind, where can they escape if they don't surrender?

"Who drives this ship? Where is the driver!" I asked the middle-aged man wearing a blood sea guard clothes.

"The pilot of this blood sea battleship... the pilot is Duan Haicheng! This Li is the first battleship captain of the Blood Sea Fleet of Fallen God Platform. Although he has outstanding control skills, he is aloof and stubborn! Not only does he pass through without worrying about our lives. The sea of ​​blood, shelling the ghost gate! Now we are fed up with him, and then we escaped!" said the first-grade guard leader.

"Duan Haicheng? I haven't heard of it, so where did he go? Where is the core cab of this warship!" I quickly looked at the guard leader of the first rank.

The guy pointed to the sinking belly of the ship, and then said, "It's... there! This guy said to share the fate with the blood sea battleship, and killed many brothers who were going to escape. Fortunately, everyone sees the ship colliding in the end. Otherwise, it will deter his madness and dare not escape!"

I was stunned. The bow of the ship was crashed and exploded, but the abdomen of the ship was not fatally injured, and only two power furnaces were destroyed. It was not impossible to drive away! In addition, each cabin of the Blood Sea battleship must be independent. As long as the damaged parts are closed, the water will not continue to enter. Doesn't it mean that he still has a chance to escape?

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