Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2138: : Ventilation

"I'll buy it!" Almost surprised for an instant, Jing Xiaoman raised his hand and decided to buy the Blood Sea Battleship! Because of how powerful this warship is, she knows best. One ship hits three, and there is still room to return. If it weren't for me, everyone would have to watch it either blew up or returned!

After Jing Xiaoman's words were spoken, everyone had not yet reacted to my decision to sell the ship. They were all dumbfounded watching the huge Blood Sea battleship docked in the air, showing a terrifying posture!

"Can't sell it! Tu Ming! This ship is so powerful, it is our opportunity to revitalize the ghost road! With this ship, we will no longer be a problem with the blood sea! Isn't it?" Dutu Ghost Emperor panicked Stand up and rejected my suggestion to sell the boat!

The Great Ghost Emperor also hesitated very much. After all, the decision was too hasty, and the combat ability displayed by the Blood Sea battleship really made it difficult for him to recover until now. Selling or not selling is a kind of politics for him. Considerations!

"If Saint Emperor Tu Ming is willing, we Demon God Realm! We are willing to spend a lot of money to buy this ship!" The prince of the Demon God Realm also reached out and decided to buy the ship.

The remaining successors of the ancient immortal world also hesitated. This terrorist warship was too powerful. It took all of their cannons to kill their swords once. With such a temptation, how can they resist? So the old woman standing in front of the successor raised her hand: "We, the ancient immortal world, also originally intended to buy it with a lot of money! I also hope that you will clearly mark the price, as long as the price is right, we are willing to take it!"

It seemed that the successor was hesitant, but the old woman wouldn't. Of course, the extremely decisive reply gave the forces of the Three Realms a slight spark at this time!

"Of course it’s okay to mark the price clearly, but don’t you know that if you can accept the price in front of so many, who should I sell to? And I can’t estimate its true value now, so I plan to The Blood Sea battleship drove to the sanctuary. I only knew its value after being inspected by my own craftsmen. So don’t worry, please take care of the things in front of you. Let’s talk about the battleship!” I said loudly, now. I can't sell it directly, because everyone is not prepared enough, plus the value has to be evaluated by Xiaoxian, don't buy cheap and lose yourself, sell expensive and make people laugh.

Given this, of course everyone has acquiesced, and they all feel that it is better to deal with the immediate matter first, and then calmly discuss the possibility of buying this warship.

But I'm not worried that they don't buy it. The Three Realms will not leave this terrifying battleship to Guidao, and Guidao can't eat this hard bone, so it is almost inevitable to sell it, depending on the price.

And selling the battleship is also the greatest benefit to me, because before, there was a Bafang Ghost Emperor who got the most bet on the fairy qi plate, and now I undoubtedly won.

After the sale of warships temporarily cooled down, the acquisition of surrenders became the main thing. However, because I had included hundreds of rebel generals before, I also felt that this time it was possible to successfully incorporate them. As a result, I took it into consideration. Mention, the big ghost emperor snorted, and said unhappily: "You want to include them, I have no reason to refuse, but if you want to hold their official position, it is impossible! Or you plan to let your Tu Mingshan All of the officials have become the rebels of the God Court?"

I was depressed for a while, but what he said is not unreasonable. If all the rebels of the God Court are included under the command, no matter to the atrium, it is also a major drawback for myself. When there are not many rebels, it will be fine. When a force becomes a branch of the Shenting Sect, that ghostly face will be lost.

"You don't have to give the corresponding official positions. It's always okay to be a guardian, right?" I looked at a group of Blood Sea Guards and a few officials. Those officials gritted their teeth and nodded. Most of the Blood Sea Guards are humble officials, and now it's good to escape their lives. I didn't dare to think of being a ghost official, so I nodded.

The big ghost emperor gave another cold snort, still not very happy, and I can’t control that much. Anyway, if I sell the battleship, he will be even more angry. After all, now Bafang ghost emperor thinks I’m going to eat alone, and also put the auction After the temple, I tried my best to bring the envoy to the temple, but now I don’t need it anymore. They will naturally follow. Of course, this is also the reason why the ghost king is taboo.

If I want to revitalize the ghost way, I must bypass the big ghost emperor, and bypass him, and I will definitely stand on the opposite side of him. This contradiction will intensify sooner or later, but it will be advanced now.

The Blood Sea Guards were incorporated as guardians. Although they were not given official positions, some secular seats were temporarily arranged for the captain and squadron to distinguish their identities temporarily, waiting for me to be able to say one thing in the ghost world. I'm not afraid that everyone will not listen to me.

After going through a tragic battle, the ghost road must rebuild the city gate and eliminate all pollution points. After all, the ghost gate is a heavy land of the ghost road, and naturally it cannot be destroyed like this.

After the Great Ghost Emperor arranged everything, he led the ghost emperors and accompanied the envoy to the palace. Of course, the journey was mainly to visit my battleship, in order to estimate the approximate value later.

The battleship is badly damaged, but there are still a lot of good parts inside. Although it will definitely look like a leaked ball if you buy it back and repair it and use it again, but because the battleship has a good foundation and strong research value, everyone is full of praise for it. .

The speed of the battleship was much slower than before. It took more than three days before returning to the atrium. After returning, it was necessary to wait for the red tape.

The etiquette is of course the same, but everyone has long been lacking in these interests. After all, anyone who just suffered a defeat a few days ago will still feel uncomfortable now.

And after the dynasty meeting, another unfunny thing happened. According to the assistance of the three realms in the past, the immortal energy disk will be handed over to the big ghost emperor after the dynasty meeting, and then the big ghost emperor will arrange and distribute it. The matter of buying a ship, the envoys of the Three Realms actually did not mention the relief items that day. At this moment, the Great Ghost Emperor sent off the envoys and thundered.

Of course, this is also when I heard that Fengyu caught up with me, because after the meeting, I ran to sail back to the temple, and even the immortal gas disk was not planned for the time being. The comparison can only satisfy one world. I still care more about how much this big ship can sell for the immortal market of livelihood, that is the super big deal! As long as I sell it, I will be able to have as many Immortal Qi disks as I had when I was in the God Court!

The ghost emperor Fengyu came to have a relationship with me. He seemed to smell a sensitive aura. It is also a good way to find another way out for such an unwelcome ghost emperor. Of course, he is not desperate to fall to me. , Because after coming here to report the news, he returned to the atrium and continued to complete all the things of the subsequent meeting with the envoys.

Because of the bombardment of the Ghost Gate by the Blood Sea battleship, Si Xiaoxian had already led all the Dao Ghosts to drive here, so he ran into them without flying far away with the spaceship.

The next step is of course to inspect the Blood Sea battleship. Si Xiaoxian participated in part of the core manufacturing of the Blood Sea battleship, so even if there is no drawing, she can understand the details of the battleship at the same time, and the first words she said , And also confirmed each other's ideas.

"You are right. There are some places in this ship that laymen can't see, but we know at a glance that it is broken and difficult to repair. Even if it is repaired, it is a ventilated wall. It is better to tear it down and leave. Rebuild a new ship with good parts.” After Si Xiaoxian finished speaking, he said carefully, “We can repair its appearance first, and then repair a less severely damaged power furnace, which is almost the same as before. There is not much difference. It can be sold at a very high price. Moreover, we can also draw off most of the energy of the main and secondary artillery and the mine. This is another great fortune!"

"Cunning! But I like it. Although they visited most of the hull, I didn't open up the core part." I was overjoyed. In this way, in addition to the sale price, I can also extract part of the energy from the bottom of the pot.

If he said nothing, Si Xiaoxian immediately drew a map of the entire hull, marked the areas that needed to be repaired, and then separately asked the craftsmen to prepare it.

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