Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2140: : The shares are the crown plus of ‘jessie573697’

"Tu Ming is right! Why do other people treat us as a battlefield? Why do we show off here! Back then, we had no leader, and it was fair to say that we were blessed by others. Now that the Lord is back, why should we be inferior to others?" Maybe I asked the wrong thing a while ago, so of course I have to take the opportunity to express my position.

"Yes, this is the temple, and the supreme is on the top. I should twist into a rope instead of fighting separately!" Baodu Ghost Emperor said seriously.

"Tu Ming, if you can really rebuild the battleship of the Holy Way, for the Lord, and contribute to the Holy Way, I absolutely agree with this matter, and now we, the Holy Emperor from all directions, can vote first and agree to hand over the drawings to Tu Ming. , Just say it here!" Saint Emperor Luo Wei stood up and looked at the ghost emperors, and then he was the first to raise his hand.

The giant beast of the Luofeng Saint Emperor, the ghost emperor holding the calf also raised his hand, and then the ghost emperor Qizhong also stood up and said: "Tu Ming represents the holy priest, for the holy priest to build my holy warship, who No? I'm the first to have trouble with him!"

"Not to mention that Tu Ming has a deep friendship with me, I will also support him. To the Lord, I will also raise my hand!" Fengyu Ghost Emperor once walked behind, but he did not hesitate to raise his watch. Up.

Including the ghost emperor on the way, she is most expecting a battleship in the ghost road. After all, the ghost gate she guarded before was destroyed by the blood sea battleship. She has long felt exhausted that the ghost road does not have a warship. This time I propose to build a battleship. There was a touch of excitement on her haggard face: "If you can really build a holy ship, you will be owed for the journey! If there is a need in the future, how can I stand by!"

Luofu Ghost Emperor and Taozhi Ghost Emperor glanced at each other. In this situation, six out of eight have agreed. Even if they want to go back and discuss with the Great Ghost Emperor, neither of them will be a minority. Raised his hand willingly, but Luofu Ghost Emperor still said: "Tu Ming, this is a very good thing, but if you draw the cake, you must do it well, and don't let us cool our hearts."

I secretly asked why this guy always likes to think of himself as the boss? Therefore, I couldn't help but looked at him up and down. In addition to the blackness on his face, there are also that terrible fangs, it seems that Luo Fu is nothing powerful!

When I saw this, Luo Fu suddenly felt a little depressed, Tao Zhi also felt that I was dangerous, so he changed the subject and said: "Tu Ming, Luo Fu means...that is, everyone supports you and wants you to succeed."

"You can't just support me verbally, right? It has to be something substantive, so let's build the fairy disk of the battleship, I won't exploit you, but the materials in your warehouse must be given to me? You know Yes, the battleship was built to protect the ghost road, not to protect me. You are also good, but without money and effort, you can also get some resources, right? I believe that for thousands of years, the materials that your warehouse can't use should be Are they all piled up on the road? All officials are sent to pile up these things in the temple area. I want to open an instrument workshop and a shipbuilding workshop! Of course, I won’t be in my pockets. The materials you sent, I will keep it on record. In the future, there will be profit sharing according to the supply of materials. If the supply is sufficient, it is not impossible to divide the battleship into one or two guards." I sneered in my heart. When I draw it, I don’t mind drawing a bigger one, so taking this opportunity, I have to exploit some of them. After all, all of their ghost emperor’s warehouses are filled with materials. These materials are the most useful things for making warships. Just my warehouse. Those here are enough, but Ghost Dao must enjoy the shelter brought by the battleship, so why should I only contribute money and work?

As soon as this word came out, everyone immediately talked about it, and Feng Yu relied on his own feeling that he knew me best, and quickly said: "Tu Ming! You are not going to build a battleship, but a lot of ships? If we give you enough materials Much, can you give us another one? What do you mean?"

"Of course I mean it. I haven't seen the drawing yet, and I don't know the specific materials and budget. But if it is calculated, plus the labor cost of your supply, if it meets the demand, it is not impossible to give it to you, right?" Smiled.

"How many years have we had no tool building and shipbuilding workshops in the Holy Path? It is because we consume too many celestial energy plates! How do you solve this problem? If it can't be solved, we just pile up the materials in the temple world, and you too It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice!" Dutu asked with some emotion.

"Since Ghost Dao is connected to the other three worlds and we have the start-up funds after selling the ship, why can't we open a tool workshop and a shipbuilding workshop to make finished products and sell them to the other three worlds? As long as we earn a fairy disk, Why can’t we make more warships from the endless force? And now the three major world self-defeating hegemons, together, want to move the gods of the gods, so when we are using weapons, we temporarily have no manpower and material resources Many, but selling some finished munitions can still make a fortune in war?" I asked back.

As soon as I said this, all the ghost emperors were stunned. Everyone knows how to make war fortune, but it was too difficult to do. Everyone dared not think about it before, but now let me tell you this. All were excited secretly.

"This...Is this really feasible?" The ghost emperor Baodu was pacing there, and the ghost emperor Xizhong also thought about it. Obviously, my words had already tempted them, and the only difference was just a kick.

I waved to let Sun Dongshi come in, and then said, "Go and get the first-grade Taoist tools we made."

After listening, Sun Dongshi secretly said that this time he was going to have a face in front of the ghost emperors, so Pi Dian Pi Dian went to the warehouse.

A group of ghost emperors were all stunned, and Luofu ghost emperor exclaimed because of these words: "Tu Ming...you actually made a first-grade Taoist implement? When did it happen?"

"Earlier, I was prepared and wanted to resell the Taoist artifacts of this product. I also asked about the price. According to our cost, it is at most one-third of the three major worlds. Earning some manual costs is still much cheaper than other worlds. I believe that the prices are good and cheap, and these war mads will definitely like it." I said calmly.

This immediately made all the ghost emperors' minds float again, and the sound of discussion once again filled the entire temple hall. I didn't bother to answer their detailed questions, and their main idea now is not whether I can create it. Because the facts will soon prove their conjecture, as the ghost emperor, they are still very forward-looking, and now they are thinking about the problem of cooperation, how can they win greater benefits for themselves!

Sun Dongshi quickly carried out a long box and placed it in front of me.

I patted the box and said, "The ghost is broken and then stand. For thousands of years, it can only be called a living. I am following the holy deity now to rejuvenate the ghost. I still have some big moves. It is the so-called general trend, rolling forward. Therefore, the collaborator must be able to win with me, and the non-cooperator, don’t say that I will kick him away like a stone, but the Lord will not let him. Get in front! Right now, I'm going to open this box. If you don't want to cooperate with me, you can go back first."

"Tu Ming! What are you talking about? I saw you early in the morning, and the Lord asked you to represent her. Whoever won't you succeed!? Of course I raised my hands in favor of this cooperation or something!" Come forward.

"If you can rejuvenate the ghost road for me, how about letting you drive me when I cross the road? Cooperation and cooperation, I would like to see how your world-shaking skills are!" Dutu Ghost Emperor also stood over.

The ghost emperor Baobab, the ghost emperor Chuzuka, and the ghost emperor Luo Feng all stepped forward. Of course, they also felt that it would be worthwhile for everyone to share together, and it would be unwilling to let them go back.

"Cooperation is okay, but this distribution of benefits..." Ghost Emperor Luofu and Ghost Emperor Taozhi had already moved, but they were the two with the most resources, so they twisted and wanted to get from me. Get more chips.

"Didn't I just talk about it? The allocation is based on the supply resources, and it is not for you to give out the shares in vain. It's boring, do you do it or not? Don't do it, go and go!" I frowned and stared at the two greedy The guy, want to get more shares without paying more? I don't have a good impression of them.

Seeing that I was going to be angry, Taozhi Guidi immediately said, "Go! Why not!"

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