Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2142: : Four fingers

The big ghost emperor sat in the top position, and because I was a seller, I sat in a temporary place next to the big ghost emperor, and the next position was the prince and successor of the Three Realms.

Jing Xiaoman, dressed in a typical red and black Demon God Realm dress, sat in the first position on the left hand side, while King Lingyue, one of the eight kings of the Demon God Realm, sat on the right hand side.

The second row is the prince and the prince of the Demon God Realm, and the third row is the old woman and successor from the Ancient Immortal Realm.

Jing Xiaoman deserves to be the most talkative person in the Demon God Realm other than Demon Venerable. She didn't wait for the Great Ghost Emperor to speak first. She just sat down and said, "Tu Ming, since we are buying the Blood Sea Battleship, the one on the battleship The main cannon, the secondary cannon, and even anything that should have existed in it, cannot be disassembled. Otherwise, we will spend such a huge expense. We are not going to buy an empty shell. You should know this too?"

"Don't worry, I will not disassemble the main gun, the auxiliary gun, anything. According to what you have seen before, it will be the same. Since it is clearly stated that it will be sold at a high price, of course I dare not sell you an empty shell. "I smiled, and then raised my hand. Sun Dongshi quickly came in with a plate and handed the six pamphlets one by one to the six interviewers in the three houses.

Jing Xiaoman picked up the book, turned a few pages, and his face showed an imperceptible joy.

"How? There are 31 condensed shells for main artillery mines, 3,242 complete idle mines, more than 57,600 compressed mines, and two power furnaces. Years of battery life, plus the various small objects equipped inside, I won’t say much. In addition, I also repaired three of the four damaged power furnaces. You should be satisfied?” I smiled, these few books The booklet, of course, is about the various equipment of this warship. There are tens of thousands of items in total. Of course, you don't have time to read the secondary ones, so I only picked the main ones.

"But four thousand secondary guns were damaged, the main gun was slightly damaged, and the Jie Lei launcher was also broken. What do you say?" Jing Xiaoman thought he was very clever and ordered a booklet, but I didn't make a price, so I blocked me first. The expression of possible high prices.

I smiled and said softly: "Xiaoman, you forgot, this ship was captured, not just made from the Shenting Superintendent and is going to be sent to your house."

As soon as I said this, the ghost emperor sitting behind suddenly laughed. Jing Xiaoman snorted and said, "Then you can't charge high prices, don't forget, you promised me to help you. It won't help, right?"

"Xiaoman, now and then, this is a business. I represent the Ghost God Realm to trade with you Demon God Realm. Which is my personal business with you? We can discuss private affairs in private." I said with a smile. , Suddenly, Jing Xiaoman's face was flushed to the base of his neck.

Everyone laughed again, which made Jing Xiaoman's eyes even more scorching, but the Lingyue King was not so easy to get caught. After reading a few pages, he said: "All the objects on the above are damaged and undamaged. Yes, I’ve seen it all, and it’s probably about 50% broken. According to the total required resources of this warship and the price of the materials we converted, it should be a 100-year-old second-grade qi. Of course, the cost of craftsmanship cannot be ignored. I can replace it with a two-hundred-year-old second-grade gas disk, but half of it is broken. For this battleship, I will give you a hundred-year-old second-grade fairy gas disk. What do you think? "

As soon as I heard it, I guessed that the Three Realms must have clenched their fists to bargain. Not only did I think about what we could think of, but I also thought about another way to find a more powerful solution, so none of the three can use the usual methods. Deal with it!

The words of King Lingyue made all the ghost emperors lower their voices and looked at me with concentration. Even the big ghost emperor was embarrassed. After all, he didn't know how to refute it.

What I said to the Lingyue King, I knew he was a ruthless character. After all, after looking at our materials, he immediately calculated the total resource cost. This brain melon seed can be called a lightspeed computer! At least I can't match it!

But who doesn’t count, I smiled, and said, “I don’t know whose resources the Lingyue King calculated the price of this warship? Is it your Demon God Realm or Demon God Realm? Or Ancient Immortal Realm?"

These words immediately made King Lingyue's face a little ugly, but he still bit the bullet and said: "We are in a ghost road, of course, it is calculated according to the price of your ghosts and gods!

"Then I am afraid that the price will be doubled several times. After all, there is not much material left in the Ghost God Realm. At this price, it has been several times longer in the recent period! So I think, Why not calculate it at the price of other big worlds?" I smiled, this old guy is really good at wishful thinking. Our ghost material is famous for its cheapness. It is they who have been pushing us to be cheap over the years. As a result of selling at a low price, now I want to use the ghost material to calculate the price.


The prince of the Demon God Realm slapped the table and said coldly, "Tu Ming, are you going to sit down and start the price?"

I also looked at him coldly and said, "Dear Tiger, you were planning to sit down and lower the price? Didn't you see the materials above, all of which are rare and rare materials, even chaotic gold and green gold wrapped in jade? , Has it been applied to this warship in unprecedented large quantities? Without the large-scale use of these two materials, do you think it can come here through the sea of ​​blood?"

This day, Lord Tiger suddenly became speechless when he heard this.

However, King Lingyue said unwillingly: "Hehe, there is not much material left for Ghost Dao, but Saint Emperor Luofu was on the way to welcome us before. He personally told me that they have more materials and the price is still the same. I also specifically asked him about some good materials, and he also gave me a good price. Why did the price increase several times after only a few days?"

I glanced at Luofu Ghost Emperor, this guy's face turned green, but I didn’t blame him for things that I hadn’t discussed and agreed upon before, so I smiled at King Lingyue and said, “I don’t know if King Lingyue is with him. The Saint Emperor Luofu signed the sales document, and decided on this?"

Asking me this question, King Lingyue couldn't help but gritted his teeth, but I said, "Since there is no, I'm sorry. The higher price will be paid. I have discussed with the other seven emperors and signed an agreement. They I’ve sold all of the materials long ago. I wouldn’t sell these things if they weren’t five or six times the price. Of course, if it’s you, the price is five times the price, I can consider selling them. Everyone is familiar with it, you are welcome."

"You!" King Lingyue stood up as soon as he slapped the table, and then said angrily: "According to you, who can afford this battleship? Five times, why don't you grab it?"

I smiled and said, "So, you only need to calculate according to the normal prices of the three of you. Why do you have to calculate at the price of my ghost? Just like the ancient immortal world, isn't it also famous for its good prices and low prices? Or you can count the cheapest price you can buy among these tens of thousands of materials, and I don’t mind, as long as you don’t have to use my ghostly methods."

This tug-of-war, almost made all the ghost emperors want to give me a thumbs up, but it also caused the old lady in the ancient immortal world to be unhappy: "Even at the price of our ancient immortal world, it is an astronomical figure. Now! Tu Ming! Remember, you are selling rags, not for selling anything!"

"It's hard to say. If it's not a baby, you won't be sitting here anymore. It's normal for everyone to make a price and pay back on the ground. Why should Nangong Immortal care?" I smiled.

"Tu Ming! We really want this blood sea battleship in the three realms, but according to your own words, it must be impossible to sell it at a wild price! Let us refer to it first!" The age of the successor of the ancient fairy world Although small, it's a pleasure.

"After all, it is not a new thing. Of course, the price cannot be calculated according to the market price. However, according to the price set by the Lingyue King, I might as well dismantle my own channel tool, just the refined cyan-gold-wrapped jade armor and chaotic gold materials. , I can forge countless Rank 3 or higher Dao weapons by dismantling it! It’s enough to arm the elite soldiers of the first world! Not to mention some of the more precious materials in the ship! So there must be this number of Rank 2 fairy gas discs, this ship Only then can the transaction be concluded without bargaining..." I finished speaking calmly, glanced at the envoy of the Three Realms in front, and stretched out four fingers!

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