Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2145: :梼杌

"The price of the food, that is to say, this thing is much cheaper?" Lingyue King groaned, and then stretched out his hand to stand up: "I wonder if you can let me have a look?"

I didn't think there was anything to hide when I arrived, so I glanced at Chi Sheng and winked, but the guy was stunned for a while, I could only stare at him: "What are you looking at? Take things over!"

It was then that Chi Sheng suddenly realized that he held the weapon in both hands and handed it to King Lingyue.

King Lingyue picked up the stick, waved it in a satisfactory manner, and then poured his power in an instant. The stick suddenly turned dark green, making everyone stunned, showing that the old man's strength was quite good.

However, after only a taste, King Lingyue showed a smile of unknown meaning, and then threw the stick back to Chi Sheng: "Tu Ming, sorry, this stick, we Demon God Realm will definitely not buy it."

"Oh? Why?" I saw the ridicule of Lingyue King's smile, but I asked deliberately.

"Why? Tu Ming, don't you know? Still deliberately testing the patience of our families?" King Lingyue looked at the crowd with an expression that this is not a good thing.

"I don't know, I think the thing is good, and I don't know where you can see it is bad? But it's all right." I asked with a smile.

My words made the Lingyue boss lose face. He looked like you came to amuse me if you knew it, but he was not a good one. After I thought I am entertaining him, he sarcastically said: "It seems that there is nothing cheap. Good goods, things forged in such a short time, apart from the good-looking looks and the easy infusion of Dao power, there is no advertised ability. You must know that there are three kinds of Dao implements of the first grade. First, the material is superb, and the materials used are all geniuses and treasures! Second, the mysterious and psychic, so there are often examples of divine sword psychic transformation, and the third is self-contained power! Since it does not require the power of the master, it can become earth-shattering by itself. Mighty! I only saw the first item of this stick, and the second and third items were completely absent! How can you tell me to say that you are good?"

After the King Lingyue said, all the gods all had a stunned expression, and then, inevitably, they complained about me and felt that I was going to sell them rags.

After a while, I laughed, then picked up the Variety Stone, threw it to Chi Sheng, and said: "I asked you to catch a first-grade beast spirit that you feel like, you have caught it. ?"

"Caught it." Chi Sheng nodded and took out a sealed bottle.

"Very good." I smiled and beckoned to the bottom, and Sun Dongshi soon moved several second-grade immortal gas discs and piled them in the center of the chamber of discussion.

"Take the instruction manual, read the contents of it to everyone, and then follow the instructions above, and put the steps intact." I threw the Variation Stone and the instruction manual to Chi Sheng.

Chi Sheng frowned, and asked a little unhappy: "Why let me come?"

I was taken aback, and realized that I didn’t tell him about it, so I said: "Oh, I forgot to tell you. This stick was produced. Obviously, there is another step deliberately not completed at the end. If you do it, This stick is yours."

"What? For me?" Chi Sheng was taken aback for a moment, and then an expression of excitement appeared on the corners of his mouth, but soon, he looked at me dubiously: "Isn't this time I'm going to **** you?"

The scene of my dialogue with Chi Sheng left all the gods present at a loss, but this indirectly proved to me that Chi Sheng didn't know the last step of this ever-changing stone.

"When have you been so long-winded? Don't you want it?" I asked back.

"Yes!" Chi Sheng was really excited this time, so he quickly stood in the center of the conference hall with the instructions, and then read the instructions in the booklet loudly without anyone else!

This shows that after reading, he didn't repeat it much, for fear that I changed my attention and sat on the ground, and then followed the spell on the manual to perform the later work of spiritual sealing.

The consumption of the immortal energy disk in the later period mainly comes from the'seal of spirit', that is, the first-grade spirit beast in the incorporeal state is enclosed in the Everlasting Stone, and then the spirit beast is stored in the Everlasting Stone in another form as if it were resurrected. And this way of resurrecting the spirit beast is obviously similar to recasting the Dao body, so the second-rank spirit stone consumed is almost the same as the energy I needed to advance to the first-rank. Of course, this is also the captured beast spirit product. Order related.

If it is a weak third-rank beast spirit, at most two second-rank immortal air discs of a year are enough, but if it is a first-rank beast spirit, the amount of immortal energy discs consumed by recasting the Dao body will naturally be more. Up!

However, no matter how many immortal energy discs are needed, if you want to come to a more powerful god, all are based on the first-grade'spirit'. Otherwise, the first-grade Dao artifact is injected with a third-grade'spirit', and the artifact itself will inevitably drop a level. , So everything is developing towards the best, and the required conditions are higher, which is why Yipin Taoism is so expensive.

The conditions for the use of Qi Ling are also numerous, roughly the same as in the Kyushu world. Of course, this power is not the same.

That’s why I checked the files of Tu Mingshan and the temple, and then asked Chi Sheng to personally select it, and caught a legendary first-grade fierce beast from the Tu Mingshan world, but I didn’t know this guy. Is it really caught?

Chi Sheng is not an idiot. On the contrary, he is too smart. Human nature is like this. Anyone who is smarter wants to be the emperor. Chi Sheng is no exception. So if there is not a stronger person pressing him, he will be the first. Will be dissatisfied.

Because of his cleverness, Chi Sheng has a thorough understanding of the instructions and his actions are very quick. According to the above instructions, he can draw the formation step by step almost like a skilled worker, and then inject his own seal of identification!

As long as the weapon recognizes the master, it can prevent the opponent from stealing the weapon and then use it, and even order the weapon inside. Once the weapon recognizes the master, even if the weapon is taken from the opponent, if it encounters a fierce weapon, it will be backlashed. Possibly, this is Yipin's Taoism!

Of course, it is not easy for Qi Ling to recognize the Lord, but since these Chi Saints have subdued this sage, it is not a big problem.

Watching him release the beast, the big guys are unavoidably surprised. This thing called 梼杌 looks like a tiger, with long and narrow hair, a human face with a pig mouth, fangs like a moon knife, and four-legged fur. There are mottled lines, and the tail is flat and long like a snake's body, looking extremely vicious!

The legend of Tang Xiao is often used as a metaphor for a stubborn and fierce attitude. It can be seen that this monster should also be extremely ferocious in nature. Fortunately, Chi Sheng picked this thing at a glance, but this character is similar to Chi Sheng.

"Ho **** ho ho..." The four-legged monster glanced at our group of gods and let out a low roar.

But it is obviously also very afraid of us. After all, standing here is not a first-grade god, or a super-grade one. Which one is not better than it? No matter how fierce monsters see this scene, they will be shocked first, but the performance of this slap is quite eye-catching. After all, ordinary monsters should have shivered and shivered when they saw our group of gods.

Chi Sheng also didn't bother to pay attention to the monster's mentality, because he had already subdued it earlier, so he whispered a few words, the monster nodded like a psychic, and then cooperated incomparably into the Everlasting Stone, leaving him there. Follow the instructions in the manual to recreate a new spirit body!

Artifact technology is very old and mature, so gods who can mix to this level basically know how to do it, and there are instructions, so basically as long as they are not gods with poor Taoist order, they can do it. Complete this step independently.

In addition, the Chi Holy Dao Body is originally a superior grade, so it doesn’t take as long as I did before to complete the conversion. It even saves the dojo jade plate, and directly absorbs the energy of the immortal Qi plate by force. The body of the tangled spirit is revealed!

In the process, ten second-grade immortal discs of the first year were consumed, but everyone knows the ferocity of this 梼杌, so I didn't think too many.

And the origin of the second-grade Qipan for ten years, of course, was secretly pulled from the battleship, or I couldn't finish the production of this first-grade Daoist!

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