Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2152: : Round field

All of these people demanded a lot of them, and after all, my shares accounted for more than ten or twenty points. This immediately made my face pale in the first place.

Seeing my unhappiness, Feng Yu smiled bitterly: "Tu Ming, we are all done, and you should talk about it. After all, you are in charge."

"Tu Ming, everyone is doing things for the ghosts, and also for the vigor of the ghosts. It should be a little bit of money. Of course, we are not insisting on this number. Correspondingly, we can reduce it slightly. This is good enough. Right?" Luo Fu said with a smile.

"Everyone knows that you are also working hard. After all, do you manage such a big family business, right? But we are the same. We have accumulated these materials for thousands of years before we have this number. How can we make some money for this?" Tao Just smile.

The Great Ghost Emperor also saw that I was unhappy, and said coldly: "Tu Ming, you have only come here at this time. The shortest contribution to the ghost road among all of you here is Luo Feng. It has been for 800 years. Long time, don't rush for quick success and instant benefits. Governing a big country is like cooking small fresh food, taking the people from the people, and gradually returning it to the people. You don't understand this truth?"

I narrowed my eyes, glanced at the eight ghost emperors in front of me, and said coldly. "For profit sharing, several of you took away eighty-five points and left fifteen points for me, intending to let me drink northwest wind with the Lord? I have come out of people, and I have come out of materials, even technology, and I will bear the risk of material forging failure. Can your face be bigger? How much money are your materials worth!? But don’t forget, I need them to be worth the money! If I don’t want the same, They are not worth a penny! Each of them costs ten or eight. I really think money is so good? Sorry?"

As soon as these words came out, all the ghost emperors were like blazing flames and suddenly poured a basin of ice water. I don’t know how they discussed after they went back, but if the big ghost emperor didn’t come up with any ideas, the matter would not at all. They will develop according to the current situation. They don't know the formation of the shareholding system, but just follow their own ideas, so there are eight forces and they want to take my 85 points of profit!

This is the reason why my mood feels stagnant, what status is the big ghost king? How could he do nothing and just watch us promote this business?

Hearing what I said, the big ghost emperor sneered and said: "Tu Ming, it seems that you have forgotten where you are, so do you feel good? Ghost Dao has the law of ghost Dao survival, you follow what you think is right Going to do it may not be suitable for ghosts and gods. We don’t understand everything. In fact, we all know what you said, but it just doesn’t make sense. If you take fifteen points, it’s a lot of money. After all, for you In terms of fact, there is nothing to do! Right?"

"That's interesting, I don't do anything, what are you doing sitting here? If I let go, I'm afraid you don't know what to do?" I sneered at each other: "If I didn't come to the ghost, I am afraid that in a thousand years, the ghost way will still be the same! Will you say that fate is the result?"

The big ghost emperor was startled for a moment, and the other ghost emperors all showed shame. Although the big ghost emperor has been in power for thousands of years, he has done various things, but nothing has completely changed the ghost world. Otherwise, now everyone will not be around me. Now, I am injecting a breath of vitality into the ghost way, and indirectly represents the thoughts of the sister-in-law and sister-in-law, so they feel that the change is coming, and they think about cooperation.

"Tu Ming! You are just a ghost emperor from all directions! How do you know how hard it is to rejuvenate the ghost road? For thousands of years, I have been wandering like a loach in the Three Realms. Someone, when you come back, you will only see the ruins!" said the big ghost emperor unwillingly.

I know the importance of his reconstruction of the ghost road, but this time, he does not need a capable minister like him!

"To govern the world requires capable ministers, and troubled times require powerful ministers, don't you even know this? I have to admit that you have been supporting for so long. Unfortunately, the situation is different now. If we don't make progress anymore, we will definitely be swallowed by the surrounding forces. At that time, it will not be solved by diplomacy, internal governance and loyalty!" I sneered.

It's a pity that the Great Ghost Emperor doesn't take my theory seriously, and sneered: "The rise and fall of the ghost road does not happen all the time. Although your idea is good, it is a pity that it is not suitable for our ghost road! Now everyone contributes, it is important to pay back , Instead of everything in your pocket, everyone is watching hungry!"

"That's interesting. Outside of the depository of mineral deposits, there are dozens of tons less, but tens of millions of tons. There is nowhere to refine and nowhere to consume. Once they can't be exchanged for our necessities to survive, big ghost What use does the emperor think these things are worth? Not worth a penny! But now that the gods are approaching, the Three Realms will make great progress, but we are still fighting in our nests, don't you feel too sad?" I glanced at him, There was a trace of contempt in it.

"Although Xiuli is small, he can sometimes survive, Tu Ming, and give them materials in exchange for immortality. I have never thought of doing it?" The big ghost emperor sneered: "In the end, he even reselled the Taoist artifacts, which is a pity. Very! They are insatiable and will never treat you kindly just because of a little favor or concession from you!"

"Yeah, Tu Ming, we have given you all the materials now. It's not that we are greedy and want to get 10% or 20% of the profit, but we can't do anything! This is equivalent to a one-time sale. Can it last for two, five, or ten years? This is a quick sum of money, and everyone doesn't want to miss it. If you take fifteen points, it is enough!" Luo Fu said with some dissatisfaction.

"It's not that the big ghost king hasn't counted this account. We don't need money for these materials. You can easily borrow chicken and lay eggs and make a lot of money. How is this possible? You are not stupid, are you right? "Tao Zhi coldly snorted.

"Everyone has sold everything, even the Holy Realm, except the Conferred God Platform, basically has nothing left, and now it seems that the God Court will soon be here. Once it comes, what shall we do?" The emperor restored his original calm.

Now I know their thoughts. They think there won’t be too many opportunities to make this money. It’s a dollar. It may be the result of the big ghost king after hearing about the agreement signed by them. They also think I pit everyone. Up!

I sneered, took out the regulations signed before, and said with a sneer: "If you only rely on the materials provided to me to calculate, I really don’t get much. Even if you all use all the materials you can use at home, For me, only one or two percent can be used! And this two percent plus processing, manufacturing, and the final utilization rate, but only 5%, do you think a lot? For a thousand years, indeed a lot of precious Materials, but because you don’t have any income, are you backing up? Basically, you don’t even bother to do the excavation work! So don’t tell me how much material there is. If it’s not for me to have another role, I’ll just charge the valuables. it is good?"

The several big ghost emperors were all stunned. If I hadn't cared about their faces before, I wouldn't have said it now, but since I have torn my face, I can't care about other things: "What am I going to do with profit? I want to come just for the supreme revitalization." It's a ghost, you think I want more, and I admit it! Because I want 50%!"

As soon as these words came out, all the ghost emperors looked at me in a daze, and Luofu gritted their teeth: "50%! Nine of us! You only cost 50%, why don't you rob?"

"Haha, it's 50%, but if you give it to you, you can distribute it freely. Even if you marry a thousand wives with the money, I won't mind! But I have this 50%, but I want to revitalize the ghost! Build factories, build battleships! These are to protect the ghosts of ghosts! Big ghost king, I will ask you, if I really give you 20% a year! How many battleships can you take out a year?" I asked with a cold snort Big ghost emperor.

At this moment, the face of the big ghost emperor changed. He could not be a bachelor like me. Obviously, he used the money differently from mine.

"These... We never thought about it. Maybe Tu Ming, we thought you wrong from the beginning." Feng Yu said roundly.

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