Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2163: : Guxian

"I dare to draw a sword! Don't think that I am afraid of you, you are just a successor! You are not a demon!" Li Xianjun was furious, the sword light flashed, followed by the sound of two swords fighting, and the man has arrived at Jing Xiao Behind it!

It's a pity that Jing Xiaoman didn't have anything to do, instead he muttered a spell in his mouth, and then black poisonous dragons flew out from behind and entangled Li Xianjun!

These poisonous dragons stretched their teeth and danced their claws, and they all bite towards Li Xianjun without control, but Li Xianjun is not a good stubborn, after chanting a few spells, a dozen flying swords suddenly appeared behind him, shooting at the poisonous dragon like a bow and arrow!

boom! boom! boom!

Several poisonous dragons were slashed, and they disappeared like water mist in an instant, but there were a lot of poisonous dragons, and they were still active, and they continued to throw them at Li Xianjun!

"Hehe, I'll give you back that. Don't think you are immortal venerable now. Besides, I am curious. There are so many generations of immortal venerable in the ancient immortal world, and no one is a girl. How could the successor of this generation choose Are you a little bitch? I'm afraid it's just a cover to the outside world, right?" Jing Xiaoman's red and black Taoist sword swept away in an instant, and countless black lights all shot at Li Xianjun!

I originally planned to stop the fight between the two, but seeing that they had each told their own information, I immediately picked up the mind to watch the excitement, anyway, it would be better to stop them before they were injured.

Li Xianjun was enraged by this and immediately said, "What if I am a female? Why can't I be the Immortal Venerable!? Are you not your successor, destined to become the Demon Venerable in the future? Yes, you Demon God Realm, our ancient **** What's wrong with the world?!"

"It's funny, we are based on the strength of the successor, of course, but you must be male, isn't it? Then your current identity is embarrassing, but you will marry another successor in the future, right? Is it self-deception to dress up as a boy? I don't know how to be ashamed!" Jing Xiaoman sneered.

Li Xianjun seemed to be thinking about the center, and her shoulders trembled with anger, but apart from pointing the sword at the sky and summoning the sword thunder, she did not forget to counterattack with words: "So what? Speaking of self-deception, you Jing Xiaoman is fine. Where to go! I’ve heard that you’re not in such a good situation in the Demon God Realm, right? Making enemies everywhere has become irreconcilable. Fortunately, I brought back the Blood Sea battleship this time. I can find a chance to stay and avoid disasters, but can this be solved by dragging words? According to your personality, going back a year later, I am afraid it will be the end! Become a victim of marriage! As for the demon, I am afraid that it will be another Have someone else!"

"Little slut! Looking for death!" Jing Xiaoman was really on fire this time. Heimang went unimpeded all the way and hit Li Xianjun's protective cover directly, while Jian Lei was also raging around Jing Xiaoman. His bodyguard is precarious!

I saw that both of them lost their minds, and they were behind Jing Xiaoman in an instant. When the sword light rolled, her body shield was broken for me, and I immediately reached out, grabbed her back collar, and shrank. Shu directly forcibly took her away from the place.

"Enough, since the two of you are going back, it is inevitable that the marriage will be the result of your marriage, why bother to fight each other and hurt each other with bad words? There is still more than half a year before your subordinates come to meet you!" I said blankly! .

Li Xianjun stared at me, still in an angry state, still biting his lip and trying to talk.

"Let go of me!" Jing Xiaoman snorted angrily, then swung his sword and slashed at me. As soon as my sword style touched her sword, it shook the blade open on the spot: "If you make trouble again, I will throw you here for myself. Catch the monster, don't cry."

Jing Xiaoman stared at me, and then said, "I can catch it myself without you! Don't follow me anymore!"

After speaking, she flew in the direction of the original light spot by herself!

I tutted, looked at Li Xianjun, and said: "Li Xianjun, let's go too, don't let her have an accident."

As a result, the little girl Li Xianjun had a good temper. After thinking about it, she flew in the opposite direction: "Tu Ming, if you want to chase her, go by yourself! I can't serve this stubborn princess!"

I can't help but feel tricky. I don't know which one to chase right now. Fortunately, there is still some distance to reach the spot of light in the direction Jing Xiaoman flies, so I chose to catch up with Li Xianjun first.

Of course, I didn't care about Jing Xiaoman's side, but I divided my mind and went after her, at least I could know what happened.

Seeing me catching up with her, Li Xianjun's expression improved, but he still asked, "Why are you chasing me? Don't you know this savage witch?"

I smiled bitterly and said: "Li Xianjun, don't be self-willed either. A beast tide is happening here, and the direction you are going is not our chosen candidate for the spirit, so let's turn back."

After listening to Li Xianjun, instead of stopping, he speeded up a lot, and said angrily: "I'm happy! I think the spirit beast over there is good, can't I change my mind?! After I caught it, immediately When I go back, don’t stay in the same place with the savage witch! Even breathing the air here together makes me feel unhappy!"

"Well, I said the wrong thing, so please forgive Li Xianjun?" It seems that these little girls have difficulties in their respective big worlds, so that after lighting them to someone, they easily explode.

Hearing my apology, Li Xianjun finally stopped, and then said: "Well, I forgive you, who made you my half master, but next time I help that savage witch bully me, I will never forgive me again. is you!"

"Definitely not." I smiled bitterly, thought for a while, and said: "The spirit beast you want should go to Jing Xiaoman's side. If we go further, it will be the same as yours. Different spirit beasts, so let's look back."

"Do you care about that savage witch so much? Why do you still call her name Li Xianjun?" Li Xianjun said a little unhappy.

"Haha...well, Li Nianjun." I smiled, but there was some information about these successors, which happened to be just names. As for other information, Ghost God Realm almost had it.

"Can...can I save the Li character? After all, it's my half master...it's hard to call his full name." Li Nianjun's face was slightly red.

I thought about it, anyway, I thought she was a little girl, so I nodded and said, "Nianjun."

"Um...this...this is almost the same." Li Nianjun was very happy, but still asked me quietly: "Do you know the origin of my name?"

I shook my head. It’s not the time to ask this, but obviously she seems to have something to say. I think there is still a distraction chasing Jing Xiaoman, and I don’t meet the spirit beast so quickly, so I just stay patiently. Wait for her to explain.

"Back when my mother was pregnant with me, my father lost track, leaving my mother alone in the wilderness and brought me up, and because of missing my father, this gave me the name Nianjun..." Li Nianjun smiled bitterly. Tao.

"Isn't your father Xianzun?" I asked quickly.

"No...My grandfather is, but my father can't be the Immortal Venerable, because his sword body does not meet the needs of his grandfather... So even if his grandfather intentionally passed the position to his father, several immortal elders refused." Li Nianjun smiled bitterly.

"So it means that your sword body is up to the standard, so you are the successor? Do you have no other brothers and sisters?" There are many such things in the Kyushu world. The sword body is probably a mark of inheritance. Or it was a talent for cultivation, so no wonder Li Nianjun was so good at a young age.

"Yes, a sword body that can meet the standard, but not." Li Nianjun said.

Sure enough, I immediately asked: "Then you are the successor because you have such a sword body?"

Li Nianjun nodded: "Because the person who can inherit the position of the Immortal Venerable is on our side, it is almost cut off, and the line of my family is the most likely inherited person, so my grandfather has been staring at the heirs of our line. It is a pity. Yes, even if he and my dad have hundreds of heirs, the branches and leaves are hard to count, but they still don’t have the ancient fairy sword body they wanted... Later, my grandfather had to pass the throne for some reason, so each The collateral branches and even the main line have to start looking for children with ancient fairy sword bodies from other ways."

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