Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2175: : Yang Feng

The message said that the guard went to investigate in person, so he found some clues. It has been determined that someone is at the bottom of the scene. It's just that he went around and didn't get much information. After all, the planet is too big. It's been a month or two, and there won't be much progress, so he sent me a message this time in order to let me send more gods to help him find more information.

After hesitating, I sent a message to Chi Sheng and Zhanlong, ordering them to bring a team of elites to the farm to investigate, because there is a super-quality Qiongqi underneath, there may be even more powerful beasts. , So we must find some competent people.

After arranging this matter, I asked Feng Yu about Tao Zhi. This guy has committed Tao Zhi's crimes for hundreds of years. This naturally gave me the determination to be quick after removal.

And because I was preparing to welcome a few ghost emperors to bring a group to the temple to study, I planned to return to the temple first, arrange training, and send the group of concubines who were unwilling to follow Fengyu.

Later, during the preparation time for everyone, I will go to Daguihuang, Luofu, and Taozhi as a lobbyist and persuade them to work together for the revival of the ghost road.

Feng Yu has been guarding his Feng Yu Mountain for so many years. He has long been boring. I hope something big will happen, so I said to go back. He immediately ordered a large group of craftsmen, and after packing all the world stones, he followed me. Just return to the temple, anyway, he will go to the big ghost emperor with me afterwards.

When I came, there were only two of me and Zhao Qian, but when I left here, there were thousands of people. Feng Yu was already depressed anyway, not only those concubines who were not willing to talk to him before, but also paid in the palace. A bunch of concubines don't want to stay here anymore, so my trip can be regarded as a shave.

But this Fengyu didn’t feel anything. He has more active planets than Tuming Mountain. After layer by layer, I don’t know how many beautiful female fairies are soaring in a year, so he doesn’t have to worry about finding beautiful women. .

I actually don’t have a good solution to this matter in my mind. After all, the forest is too big. I can’t expect everyone to be a good bird. It’s a serious one. It’s definitely not good to manage such a big interface, but as long as it’s not too excessive, something happens. Things that can't live on face, let's just do it first.

Along the way, this Fengyu also sighed. Naturally, he felt depressed because these beautiful concubines ran away, but I didn’t give up the opportunity. He also ran to ask again. Unfortunately, these beautiful concubines are going to die. He left, so he reluctantly accepted the result.

After returning to the temple, the group of female fairies was led by Zhao Qian. After all, Han Shanshan and Si Xiaoxian had their own affairs, and the other female officials I trusted also had their own things to do.

Zhao Qian divided them into two parts. One part was sent to Si Xiaoxian and Han Shanshan to study forging work, and the other part defended themselves like jade and entered the temple. This is not a different treatment, but the particularity of the temple. Only female fairies who can keep secrets are competent.

This is not too bad, at least he will not really force the other party to do one thing, according to his own thoughts, he does not want to rush over, the half-push half is the best, he is not able to follow. Will not persecute, because even if this kind of woman is strong, she won't be comfortable playing.

I sneered at him, but the water was so clear that there were no fishes, so I cleaned up Taozhi, Luofu, and Daguihuang for the time being.

After all arrangements were made, Feng Yu and I went to the big ghost emperor in the atrium. After all, we had to go to Luofu, the southern Luofu Mountain in Taozhi, and Taozhi Mountain in the east, and we had to pass through the atrium.

In the end, Feng Yu found out the rumor token on the way, and then his eyebrows condensed on the spot, and he looked at me and said, "Hey, Tu Ming, this great holy emperor sent a message, telling me not to participate in your supplement. The plan is to let the seven sage emperors other than you gather in the atrium now, what do you think?"

"What do you mean?" I frowned, secretly saying that the ghost king is about to make trouble now.

"Hey, you know what this means." Feng Yu smiled sinisterly, and I said, "Does he want to unite you against me?"

Feng Yu held his hand and looked at me, and said, "This is not obvious? You passed him and let us all go to the temple to listen to your command. This nakedly challenged his authority. How could he make you comfortable?"

"To revitalize the ghost road, there is always resistance, I have long guessed that he will not make me so easy." I sneered.

"That's not it? The last time you pitted him with the envoy, do you remember? He was sitting like a puppet, and he couldn't decide anything. What's this? What happened to you afterwards? It accounts for more than 50%. Each of the eight of us took a little bit. I don’t have much. Anyway, I don’t have anything to pay. There is a return, but have you heard? The Great Sage Emperor went back so angry that the table was I smashed it with a slap, and even killed several chamber servants who were suspected of having contact with you. Hey, you probably don't know about this." Feng Yu said with a smile.

I have also thought about this, but reform is like redistributing the cake. Of course, those with vested interests will not let me go crazy, especially now that the part of the big ghost king's interests is beyond recognition. Of course he has to struggle.

"Simply selfish." I said coldly.

Feng Yu smiled and said, "Who is not selfish? Tu Ming, if you scored 50%, everyone also scored a few points. Who do you think is not depressed?"

"The money for repairing the sky is mine, and the money for the battleship is also mine. Isn't this money?" I also felt depressed.

"Not everyone knows how much money you have spent on this. Once the interests are involved, who will think you are in your pockets, don't you?" Feng Yu also looked at me hesitantly, showing that he didn't believe me very much either.

"I'm doing things for the supreme, can this be fake?" I sneered.

Feng Yu shook his head and smiled, and said, "We also do things for the Supreme."

Blue veins appeared on my forehead, and Feng Yu saw my face gloomy, and immediately waved his hand: "Don't, brother, I'm putting myself on them! I don't have this mentality!"

"Hmph, you actually think so, I know what you think!" I snorted, and then said: "It seems that other ghost emperors will go to him first, let's go, I will also go and see him What do you want!"

I want to isolate the big ghost emperor. He also didn't notify me to gather in the atrium, but directly invited the seven ghost emperors alone. This time he wanted to come and he planned to come hard with me.

Soon we came to the atrium area, but this time, we ran into the ghost emperor Baodu!

Seeing that Feng Yu and I arrived in the atrium almost at the same time with him, this embarrassing ghost emperor was quite embarrassed, but after just a while, he said, "Tu Ming! We are thinking this will be after the return of the Great Sage Emperor. Go to your place immediately. The craftsmen and materials have already begun to prepare. After seeing what the Great Sage Emperor has ordered, go to your place."

"Baodu, don't you live in Baodu Mountain in the northwest? It stands to reason that it's the same to go to my place first and then come here together?" I said coldly.

Seeing that I was a little upset and embarrassed, the ghost emperor hugged me and said with a smile: "Everything comes first and then comes later, haha..."

I snorted and stopped talking, but Feng Yu smiled and said, "It seems that you want to revitalize the ghost way, but in fact, you can say that the power of yang Feng Yin is not small, so you are not afraid of the supreme being upset? "

"You! Haha, supreme, of course I am in awe, but I am also one of the saint emperors who govern the saint path first! Always follow the actual situation!" He said that he was very unhappy.

"Oh? Practical? Do you think there is another way out?" Feng Yu kept talking, and it was the same this time.

"What... what way out? Feng Yu! Don't talk nonsense!" Baodu glared at Feng Yu, then carefully glanced at me.

Baodu, Zongzhong, and Luofeng are all in one body. Since Baodu has come to the atrium, of course the other two ghost emperors will also come. As for Luofu and Taozhi, it is obvious that they have also arrived here, so in the case of not calling me Next, it goes without saying what they are planning.

But I just came here uninvited, which embarrassed the big ghost emperor.

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