Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2177: : Fake

Boom! Under the attack of Rolling Thunder, the pavilion in front of him collapsed. The two guard leaders' expressions changed drastically. One of them scolded: "Tu Ming! You broke into the palace! I really thought I would come if I wanted to, and leave if I wanted to. Huh?"

I snorted and went to the study room where the big ghost emperor was without a word, and the big ghost emperor knew that I was making trouble and walked out of the study with Luo Fu.

"Tu Ming, what do you mean? Didn't I tell you? I'm talking to Luofu! You just rushed in, don't you think it's too much?" The big ghost emperor's face was dark and his words were chilly. If substantive.

And Luo Fu also looked at me up and down, and said with an irritated smile: "Tu Ming, you can just come here without inviting you, so I am anxious to find the Great Sage Emperor, is there something important?"

"Luo Fu, what do I have to do with him, what to do with you? You can get out of here." I said rudely.

Luofu's blue fangs gritted wildly, but he still sneered and said: "You are not in the temple for refining, and you are uncomfortable when you come here to find it. Are you ignorant of praise?"

I snorted, glared at him and said, "I told you to go, didn't you hear it? Or are you planning to be my enemy?"

"Tsk tusk, let you be the Emperor Tuming for two days, you think you are very powerful? Even the Great Sage Emperor doesn't even look at it." Luo Fu said coldly.

"Tu Ming, I have endured you for a long time! I have exceeded my power to summon my own emperor of the same level, ignore the orders, and enter the palace privately! Do you know that you are treason?" The Great Ghost Emperor angrily rebuked, and his two guard leaders were also there Behind him at this time, he looked at me warily.

"You disrespect the supreme, don't it mean treason? Ha ha, don't pretend to be crazy here, I know you want to cross the river and demolish the bridge." I sneered.

But at this time, I realized that I had just taken action, so in addition to the Great Ghost Emperor and Luo Fu, a few breaths from the post world also flew over. The ghost emperor crossing the road is a super grade, so it is the fastest, just blinked to the top of the palace, and quickly fell behind me: "What's wrong?"

"Tu Ming intends to rebel and cross the journey. This time it will be fun." Luofu Ghost Emperor sneered.

After the journey arrived, the three ghost emperors Baodu, Luofeng, and Fengyu also came together. At the moment, only Taozhi and Zhizong ghost emperor were temporarily not seen. This should be the reason why the big ghost emperor has not attacked me.

I just plan to have the ghost emperor from all directions, so I plan to see what this big ghost emperor wants to do!

"Luo Fu, the crime of conspiracy was arbitrarily charged, have you thought about the result?" Dutu asked with a frown.

"Isn't it? You always talk about treason, I think you Luofu is uneasy and kind, Tu Ming does his best for my holy way, if he counts as treason, what are we?" Feng Yu said depressed.

Luo Fu sneered: "You two, don't you protect yourself? Now he feels that he has a high level of merit. Not only has he kept giving orders, he has also rushed into the palace and destroyed the front gate building. Didn't you see it when you came in?"

"Hehe, I call you, it is the supreme message, I call you not to come, but one or two are hiding here, but I am the only one who does not call, I do not know what I intend? Subvert the temple?" I sneered. If I say I am here privately, of course I have to carry out the great **** of my wife.

"You represent the supreme?" The ghost emperor sneered, and then said for a while: "Tu Ming, I have seen a lot of things about foxes and tigers. The body of the holy is still in the court, don't think I don't know! This holy Respect, is it true or not? No one knows!"


The words of the big ghost emperor immediately shocked all the ghost emperors present. I don't know how this incident reached his ears, and it detonated him at this time!

And questioning the fact that the Lord is fake now is enough. His meaning is very simple. Since the main body is still in the God's Court, the possibility that mine is fake now is high.

Moreover, the Lord's body is missing, and all the power comes from my usual absorption and storage. How big can this power be?

Anyway, in their hearts, they will never reach the level of possessing ontology! This is also the prerequisite for the big ghost emperor to dare to explode this! It is also the reason why he dared to disrespect his wife and sister!

"Do you dare to say that Supreme is fake?" I didn't get angry but laughed, and all the ghost emperors looked at the big ghost emperor in doubt, waiting for his answer.

The Great Ghost Emperor glanced at all the ghost emperors, and finally said: "Yes! I have received a secret report from the Demon God Realm, and the Holy Venerable is still sealing the God Court on the Falling God Stage! That is to say, the one that Tu Ming brought, It is not our holy one at all! In this way, what he did is worthy of our deep consideration!"

"Not the Supreme? But the breath of the Supreme, we can feel the breath, how could it not be the Supreme?" The ghost emperor Baodu looked at me in surprise.

"Yes, Great Sage Emperor, we all clearly feel the breath of supreme, if she is not supreme, who else can it be?" Luo Feng Ghost Emperor is also curious.

"There is nothing incomprehensible to have some supreme aura, and the attendant I sent to the temple also gave me the news. The holy servant was not in the temple a long time ago! So, he is just using it temporarily Dao artifacts, the Holy Venerable turned out! But it couldn't last forever. We all cheated him Xia Tiantian!" The big ghost emperor naturally wanted to convince all the ghost emperors.

"That's not it? That's why the Great Sage emperor told us to come to discuss this matter secretly. I didn't expect that there was still a traitor among us. He informed Tu Ming to come. It is no distinction between friends and enemies!" Saint Emperor Luofu took a look. Feng Yu said.

Feng Yu took a deep breath and said quickly: "Don't talk nonsense! If the Lord is not the Lord, how could there be such an obvious aura? Besides, after she came, she activated the Conferred God Platform! You can't deny this. If it is a fake, how can it be possible to control the Conferred God Platform!"

Not to mention, Feng Yu is still quite a bit quick-witted, and after moving out of this matter, Luo Feng Ghost Emperor and Baodu Ghost Emperor are both condensed.

"It is true, if it is fake, it is absolutely impossible to activate the Conferred God Stage in the temple!" Dutu Ghost Emperor also helped.

At this moment, the two breaths came in quickly from the outside, and we all turned around immediately. From this look, one was the ghost emperor Taozhi, and the other was the ghost emperor Shizuka.

"Hehe, it's so lively, did I miss something? Oh, why is Tu Ming uninvited? I said I will wait for you at Taozhishan!" Taozhi Ghost Emperor said with a smile, he was full His face flushed, his eyes drunk and confused, and he was drunk.

Ghost Emperor Shizuka is also drunk. It seems that I didn’t know where Tao Zhi was drinking and just came back. After she came, she looked at each other with Ghost Emperor Luo Feng and Ghost Emperor Baodu, and nodded each other. These few people here do not know if they have decided on some ulterior agreement.

Sure enough, the ghost emperor Luo Feng immediately attacked and said: "Since it is not the supreme, Tu Ming, it is worthy of our hesitation to revitalize the ghost way!"

"Luo Feng! I don't know what you three agreed with Tao Zhi! But Tu Ming helped capture the Blood Sea battleship, negotiate with the three worlds, and do things for me, can you doubt his intentions and motives? ?" Dutu Ghost Emperor scolded.

"Walking, don't be blinded by Tu Ming. He has brought a fake supreme back. No matter what plans he has, isn't it worthy of our doubts?" The original skeptical attitude of the emperor Huo Dugui is now because of Gui Chi The emperor and Taozhi Ghost discussed coming back together, and they became resolute.

The guy Feng Yu was observant of his words, and immediately understood what he said, "This...it is indeed, but you have to feed yourself after you decapitate, so why don't we ask Tu Ming first?"

I glared at the ungrateful guy Feng Yu, then looked at Dutu. Dutu didn't say a word, but stood firmly beside me, obviously intending to put the heavy injection on me. As for other ghosts The emperor has long been behind the big ghost emperor unconsciously.

Feng Yu's position is very subtle. It is to the right between me and the big ghost emperor. With him as the center point, we faintly divided us into two camps. But my side only had a crossing, and the rest was swept over by the Great Ghost Emperor.

"Tu Ming, if you want to prove your innocence, we can give you a chance to hand over the refining factory, shipbuilding factory, sanctuary and Tu Ming Mountain to our joint management, and you, go out and stay in Let us supervise the station community." Taozhi Ghost Emperor was very satisfied with the formation of such pressure, and seeing me sneer, he then glanced at the Great Ghost Emperor and Luo Fu, and after getting their approval, he said to me: "Otherwise , You can die now."

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