Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2184: : Woman

These guards have the lowest rank of the third rank, and the highest rank is the first rank, and they are the elite of the elite troops. I took a look and said that there are three thousand guards in this group. They are the guards of the great ghost emperor, and now Luo Feng The ghost emperor, the ghost emperor holding the calf, and the ghost emperor Shizuka take the lead, plus their own mountain ghosts from the three mountains, the guard leader, swarmed over.

Of course, my mood is extremely depressed. Such a large number can not be dealt with by cutting melons and vegetables. However, a sharp laughter broke the silence on the battlefield.

Forbidden Slave’s grinning smile is as bright as frost and snow at this time. I am no stranger to this ants-like grin. The next moment, the forbidden slave will ignore the Cun Yu Sanlu who is about to chase her. Yi, shrank into the guard group in an instant!

"Nalingfa!" With a cry, a layer of burning colored fireworks emerged from all over her body. This firework-like energy body seemed to be able to absorb energy on it, and then forcibly reversed and borrowed any remnants of attributes. Energy, so when she killed an individual, the rainbow light and fireworks flew up in an instant!

The strength and amount of absorption are related to the strength of the absorbed person and the remaining power when it disappears in an instant. The slave has an anti-spiritual method, and is naturally particularly good at this. He can beat a guard at the fastest speed. After it was crushed, she couldn't handle it anymore. She raised her long sword without any fancy at all. She shook out all the power she had in her body in an instant. In an instant, a large number of guards were given to this. The terrifying attack was annihilated, and she flew all the way, her arrogance exploded again!

The violent attack method gave me a thorough understanding of Forbidden Slave. She was able to kill more than 3,000 immortals in the ancient immortal realm. This way of continuing to fight is indeed achievable! And I heard that it was a targeted formation before she killed her Dao Body, otherwise this number is estimated to have to be added with thick ink!

"Don't use Dao Power at all! Disperse! Kill her!" The big ghost emperor was furious, and while shouting, he looked at the chaotic beast, and ordered it to sing again the ultrasonic wave that restricts the immortal's magic!

I glanced at the remaining three green clothes. At this moment, after they took the prisoner’s cage, they flew to the slave side, bombarding each other with long-range spells, let alone, if the slave is not Facing the three super-class gods, it is indeed difficult to evade, let alone continue to attack. However, this forbidden slave will also shrink the land. There are definitely not many gods that can be used by this kind of magic. The legend of the ancient immortal realm is a big world divided by the ancient gods countless years ago, so it is not surprising to be able to possess such a tyrannical spell! The forbidden slave attack has the spirit method, avoids the ground technique, in the guard group like tigers and wolves into the flock, rushing from the left to the right, killing the guards like abandoning their helmets and abandoning the future!

The three super gods couldn’t even intercept them. Instead, they killed a lot of guards by mistake. The ghost emperor was so angry that he was in a bad mood, because the forbidden slaves weren’t unable to absorb each other’s way with the spiritual law. Power, she can absorb it as long as she kills the opponent!

So regardless of whether you forced to hold your breath because of the chaos, it will emit a lot of energy when you die. This is where the slaves are powerful, so if you want to kill slaves, you must have more, than the cultivation of slaves. Even higher, a stronger opponent than her martial arts skills!

Because the cultivation base is high, you can not die, and the martial arts are tyrannical, and you can defeat the opponent in a state of powerlessness while restricting the opponent's spiritual energy!

But what makes people troublesome is that, apart from the fact that the forbidden slave is now a super grade, his sword skills are incredible. A sword flies like a star, and there is no enemy of one in the way she passes. The teacher's famous door, I am afraid that it is also famous in the ancient immortal world.

The ghost emperor Luo Feng and the others led the mountain ghosts and the guards to escape. Right now they are not helping, but they are not helping. The more people who ban slaves against her, the more powerful she is. So one Kill one piece, one piece, one after another. Soon, out of the three thousand guards, 10% went to 40-50%!

I have never seen such a powerful man against the sky. Whether it is the sword sage Li Taichong, the master of the sword demon, whether it is Emperor Xianchen, whether it is Li Jianchen, Li Jiansheng, whether it is any shocking genius in my past, I can’t compete with This ferocious middle-aged woman is on the same level, that is an absolute strength, a strength that can rival the supremacy of a big world!

What kind of spell Nalingfa is, I'm dumbfounded, but now I can't think about it, because the big ghost king has already gritted his teeth and handed over the task to the three green clothes: "Change the plan, you three , Catch Tu Ming into a prisoner's cage! We command the army to deal with the slaves!"

The three green clothes repeatedly failed to make contributions, but instead contributed to the arrogant arrogance of the slaves. They didn't know how to continue. Upon hearing this proposal, they immediately received a pardon, and the three surrounded me!

"Luofu! Taozhi! Let's contain each other! Don't let her kill any guards! The guards who escaped, do their best to deal with Tu Ming! Chaos, you will use the forbidden law to the extreme! Limit this forbidden slave Na Ling method!" The Great Ghost Emperor chose the one just now, because only this one is useful. As for the other attack methods, they are completely rebellious!

The big ghost emperor can sit in this position, naturally, it is not comparable to ordinary gods. After two orders, I immediately reversed the situation. The three green clothes restrained my actions, and after the escaped guards surrounded me, they started immediately. Remotely assisting three green suits. This seemingly common tactic has brought me a lot of trouble, because I am not the same as a slave. In a one-on-one situation, with space-time sword power and innate devilish energy, I can Easily defeat the same rank, and even deal with super-grade gods, as long as the dragon armor is added, the higher rank is more than enough to kill the opponent!

But now once I was besieged, besides being able to use the Shrinking Technique to escape, I had absolutely no ability to fight back. I was unavoidable several times. When I hit the exquisite spells of the Ghost Emperor Luo and the Ghost Emperor, I felt it in an instant. The ancestral dragon armor consumes a lot, and it will soon be the end of the crossbow!

On the side of the big ghost emperor, after the guard enticed the slave to release the Naling method, the big ghost emperor immediately rushed in and fought the forbidden slave who had lost Naling with a strong sword, even though he gave the forbidden slave a powerful blow. He flew out, but it was obvious that he still had a glorious smile even though he was defeated, and Luo Fu and Tao Zhi took a chance and flew down, blocking the slaves, preventing her from chasing the Great Ghost Emperor!

However, the forbidden slave is dexterous, and the Shujishu has reached behind the big ghost emperor again, and smashes the big ghost emperor with a sword!

The horrified Great Ghost Emperor hurriedly fought back at the opponent, but the forbidden slave was very powerful. The sword turned in an incredible direction and instantly plunged into the Big Ghost Emperor's belly!

At the moment of Naling, the big ghost emperor snorted and grabbed the opponent's sword and pulled it out, crazily trying to get out of trouble. Of course, the slave slave would not let him get what he wanted. The long sword twisted and took the five of the big ghost emperor. The fingers are cut off!

But the big ghost emperor had already reported the gecko's thoughts of docking his tail. He just snorted, blew himself up and broke his limbs, and then escaped. The slave slave seemed a little surprised at this desperate escape, but he quickly refused to forgive him. Catch up!

Luo Fu saved his strength, so at this time he used his mace to block the opponent instantly! Not to mention, this Luofu ghost emperor's martial arts strength seems to be higher than that of the big ghost emperor. A mace dances imperviously, and forbidden slaves to make 23 swords, which can't get the slightest cheap. Shocked me, it seems that he and Chi Sheng are among the same!

With Luofu's restraint, the Great Ghost Emperor put his hand on the wound, chanted a few spells, and forcibly recovered the severed limb. Tao Zhi also frequently performed cold hands during the battle between Luofu and the slave, and sealed the ban several times Slave's retreat is extremely sinister!

Seeing that I can no longer fight back, one of the three green clothes turned around and besieged the forbidden slave with the Great Ghost Emperor, vowing to avenge his brother, but even so, my situation here is still not optimistic!

Because I am facing more than a thousand guards, and two super old monsters! With my remaining ancestral dragon power, it’s hard enough to deal with one, let alone such a large number, so I prepared to escape without thinking about it. As for the matter of joining forces with slaves, I’m really lacking in skills right now. Can't help her at all.

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