Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2195: : Worry-free

The Immortal Mirror of Flowing Time is a super-grade Taoist device, and its main function is not for the existence of fighting technique. Therefore, with the support of the second-grade immortal gas disk for three thousand years, Si Xiaoxian will be able to erect it in the refining workshop of the temple. In the shipbuilding workshop, everyone's progress in this project will be tripled, and one year is equivalent to three years for others, so the efficiency is beyond imagination whether it is refining or shipbuilding.

The main mirror of the Liushi Fairy Mirror is not on Si Xiaoxian's body, but in the Biqing Realm, so before Si Xiaoxian was caught in the God Burying Coffin, the area where the main mirror of the Liushi Fairy Mirror was installed in the Biqing Realm Blocked up, that mysterious area has not only a refinery but also a shipyard, and even a large amount of materials have been stocked.

Therefore, this area was blocked by Si Xiaoxian, which led to a drop in the Biqing Realm. This time Han Shanshan went back and not only obtained the location of the main mirror, but also the method of using the formation. It will also have the same time control array as the temple, improve the construction of the Han Shanshan space battleship, and the hidden location for secretly building battleships is also a good choice.

Actually, I don’t plan to go back to the God’s Court, because the more I think about the God Emperor, the more frightened my heart is. Now the situation in the Green Realm is also very dangerous, but there is no solution for me, so I can only choose to let Han Shanshan take one step. .

After leaving behind the specific implementation plan and design drawings of the Sky Patching Plan, Han Shanshan took Chen Xunhua and Wang Shipei back to the God's Court. When she left, she also took away a lot of materials lacking in the God's Court to strengthen the space battleship.

And this time Han Shanshan is not without gain. After referring to the Blood Sea Battleship, Gorefiend Battleship, Super Turtle Battleship, and Ten Thousand Swords, she is even more proud of the development of the space battleship. I heard that besides letting this battleship be installed Hundreds of super main guns, Disillusionment Star Cannon, and a complete set of reverse dynamic magnetic field generators. I can imagine that I have already felt very scary, but as the flagship in the future, of course the materials will be perfect.

When leaving, Han Shanshan not only asked me to collect the materials for the dimensionality reduction card, but also to arm the ghost road as soon as possible. After all, the Shenting’s every move is already obvious. In addition to strengthening the strength of the underlying gods, it is also for the cultivation of elites. With the use of evangelism, and even after the supervisor of the instrument was on the right track recently, everyone’s tasks have been re-started. The secret workshop of the Fallen God Platform mentioned before is running day and night, and there are signs of sharpening the sword, so Liushen Once the war of heaven begins, here will become a battlefield.

Zhu Daohe and Zhu Daoyun have made great progress in the past few months, and it is also due to the spread of evangelism bacteria in the holy way. Some confidant officials have also applied for their own evangelism bacteria to go to other planets to preach, and the court is sharpening their swords. Of course, our ghosts will not wait to die. Of course, we are not without precautions for the three big worlds.

Sending away Han Shanshan and the others, the next step is the implementation of the Sky Patching Plan. Because it is the most important plan of the ghost road in a big world, the Bafang ghost emperor cannot avoid this task, taking advantage of the fact that the Liushentian war has not yet started, almost Officials who have reached the level of Taoism must all participate in this plan.

After this rebellion, Tuming Mountain, Taozhi Mountain, and Luofu Mountain were all vacated. In view of Chi Sheng’s superior performance in this battle, and his Taoist body has reached the level of super quality, I have handed over Luofu Mountain He takes care of it.

And Zhao Qian, because he obtained the super-grade sky-supplementing stone in the atrium, plus eight mountains and eight first-grade sky-supplementing stones, after half a month of refining, she advanced to the level of super-grade and became one of the ghost emperors of Taozhishan. .

As for Tu Mingshan, because there is no suitable candidate, it is temporarily supervised by me, so in addition to the identity of the ghost emperor, I also have the identity of the ghost emperor Tuming in all directions. After all, the atrium has been ruined by the civil war. In the imperial city, only half of the area can be used normally, and it is currently under construction, so I haven't moved into the atrium palace yet, and I still stay busy in the temple all day long.

Of course, the political power in the atrium cannot be abandoned, so the prime minister can only take office.

The Prime Minister Zuo is undoubtedly a merchant. As for the Prime Minister on the right, he is the Prime Minister Qujun under the predecessor of the Great Ghost Emperor. This Qujun is seasoned, well-versed, and very familiar with ghosts, so he is the most suitable prime minister on the right.

In addition to the left and right prime ministers, I also reorganized the Six Pavilions of Guidao, which is equivalent to the six divisions of the Shen Ting, and the ministers of the six pavilions, respectively, such as Xiaoxian and Sheng Zhichen, came to perform according to their expertise.

While busy with the revitalization of the ghost road, I also have to guard against the three major worlds. Under surveillance, they set up the project of erasing the star array at the ghost gate. In the past six months, it has begun to take shape, according to the calculation of the ferry. It is estimated that it will be completed in three years. It seems that the Blood Sea battleship has greatly stimulated them and accelerated the progress of the process.

In fact, I am also thankful that Shenting didn't send blood sea battleships over again, because I didn't know how to keep them out.

As these days passed, the Dao artifacts made in accordance with the agreement had long been over-completed. Of course, the rest was the equipment reserve for our Ghost Dao to use.

And pinpointing the days when the three major worlds left last time, if you want to come in another two months, it is almost time for them to come to the envoys. In addition to picking up the three successors, they will also transfer the money and orders of the previous Blood Sea battleship. The immortal spirit on the table was cleared.

It is also in this delicate time that things have become more frequent.

Because Zhao Qian was in charge of the sky patching plan before, she sent tens of thousands of officials and brought various tools to patch the sky and bridges to repair the space loopholes. The initial results have been achieved.

Si Xiaoxian’s Holy Road battleship has begun to take shape, and the main and secondary guns have also been successfully tested. Now it’s only a short time before the test of launch and sailing. Of course, this is also the most important step.

As the center of power, the atrium, under the care of the prime minister, imitates the perfect laws of the gods, and implements and rebuilds the laws, which has been accepted or even benefited by many ghosts and gods, and the entire ghosts will become More order and rules will play an extremely important role in the future development of the ghost road. After all, the gods can reach such a terrifying scale, and the role of the law is irreplaceable.

Imagine that when I was in the God’s Court, it took three months to get from the edge of the God’s Court, the middle grade area, and then to the core palace. It can be seen that the God’s Court is huge, and such a huge political machine can operate in an orderly manner. The role cannot be replaced.

Relatively speaking, the laws before the ghost road were too loose. Just killing a little ghost or something, there is no effective law to punish it, so it is difficult to gather sand into a tower, so that although the ghost road has eight ghost mountains, it does not Unity, and apart from the independence of the eight mountains, there is no other department to shine. It is almost a situation in which the eight ghost emperors decide in one word. This greatly limits the development of ghost roads and allows the edge of the ghost door to be closed to the atrium area, which is so small It takes three days to reach it, showing that the ghost way is small.

But after the law is rebuilt, I believe that ghosts will flourish in the future, and the pace will be unstoppable.

Of course, there is good news, and of course there are many bad news.

It’s like I’ve been watching forbidden slaves recently, because she is out of control every day, thinking about **** the female guard and Li Nianjun in the ancient immortal world, so besides not daring to take out the innate devilish energy, I have to activate it every day. Only by returning to the innate demonic energy can she calm down. This incident made me wonder if I should listen to Wang Shipei’s words to eliminate her. After all, I can’t solve her problem of Orthodoxy chaos. In desperation, I still After deciding to send Li Nianjun away, let her go.

In addition to this major event, there are also some small things that make people at a loss. For example, Zhanlong took a 100,000 captain to the farm to continue the investigation, but for half a year, there was no other news.

In addition, Jing Xiaoman still has countless incidents with Li Nianjun, which is really irritating. These two little guys are not fuel efficient. They are not quarreling, fighting, or coming to me for small reports. It is simply too lively, I I decided to send them back.

The only thing that makes me worry is the Jin prince of the Demon God Realm, but this guy is mysterious. For the past year, he has been staying in the research institute every day. It is simply untouchable. I sent people to watch closely, except for this guy who only researches the Everlasting Stone. When I was together, I found that he was completely uninterested in other knowledge. This abnormal behavior, I got only two answers, either he had another plan, or he was insane!

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