Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 219: : Heart Demon

I was puzzled, thinking of the female layman who came out of the authentic Taoist school, but she was gone, so there was no one to ask around, so I could only sigh deeply.

There are many close friends around, but they don’t know anything about cultivation. Brother Hai is a casual cultivator. The Yin-Yang family has chosen the direction of escape. The cultivation base stays in the seeking period. The books on cultivation are still left in the sun, and I can’t find them. To the explanation about the demons.

Besides, my heart demon seems to be different. During the seeking period, he can come out and laugh at me. If he enters the entrance stage, wouldn't he be able to come and fight with me?

I was extremely frightened. Seeing that the time was still early, I took out a cinnabar brush and quickly wrote a magic rune, bit the tip of my tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the paper rune, and the rune was stuck on my chest. .

"Jiang Han, Song Wanyi, you go outside and help me protect the law. By the way, digest the inconsistency caused by the upgrade yesterday. I'm going to dream for a while. If it takes more than five hours, remember to wake me up." I asked a few ghosts. After the meeting, he lay on the stone bed.

"Oh, brother, can I sleep with you?" Xijun said mischievously.

"You go too. You can play with Wang Yan." I refused, because I wanted to see my sister-in-law, not to go shopping.

Xijun's mouth was slumped, and she felt like crying. I didn't care about her, so I signaled the good boy Wang Yan to accompany Xijun.

In my dream, a **** mist like splashed ink came over, and I flashed past, looking for my wife and sister.

Every time I searched for her, I found her, so every time I talked, I fell in love.

"Daughter-in-law, where are you, daughter-in-law?" I searched all the way, removing the blood mist, and there was always a glimmer of hope in my heart.

The sister-in-law's eyes closed naturally, she kneeled there gracefully, with her hands on her knees, as if she had been waiting for me for a long time.

I walked over quickly, she stretched out her flawless hand, and asked me to sit down in front of her.

"Sit and talk?" I said to myself. I'm not used to sitting on my knees, so I sat cross-legged in front of her eyes: "Daughter-in-law, it's not good, I have a demon, what can I do? That thing absorbs sleep at night The ghost ran out and laughed at me. What's the reason?"

"Everything in the world has yin and yang poles, which check and balance each other and are inseparable. People also have pros and cons. You are you and the heart demon is also you. If your mind is right, the heart is weak, and your mind is not right. The act of heaven, the thing that shakes the sky, the heart demon is born." The sister-in-law taught me the same way as a teacher.

"It means that he is my dark side and cannot be eliminated at all? What can I do? If I become a demon, won't I lose my mind?" I was afraid that this demon could not be eliminated. What should I do if I get mad?

"Cultivation has no righteousness and evil, but the human mind has good and evil. If you use your own practice gains to do bad things, you will be born. If you use your own practice to do good things, you will be righteous. How can you be born?" said the sister-in-law.

"It turns out that I'm very close to the devil's way. Did I do things too bad, or did I do everything wrong?" I became more confused.

"Right and wrong are all appearances. All creatures have their own rules of action. Transcendence creates differences, and mistakes make mistakes. For example, if you are now stronger, if you don't restrain your temperament and willful behavior, the demons will come. This is the result of your eagerness for quick success and instant benefits. The stronger you are, the stronger the temptation of the inner demon will be. Now it can appear in your dreams. If you do not restrict your behavior in the future, at a certain stage, it will become dominant. Then you will It’s the way of the devil, and the Myriad Tribulations are ushered in."

The sister-in-law waved her hand, and the blood mist condensed and turned into a figure. The figure smiled at me as I saw before, but between her frowns, the blood mist dissipated, and the figure disappeared like a dream.

"Then what should I do? Is it because I practice slowly, and my ability grows step by step, so that the demons won't come?" You got it easy, but I felt that I had no idea.

"When weak is weak, when strong is strong, the strength of your cultivation does not prevent him from becoming your dominant. Even if you are a mortal and have an unrighteous mind, it will imperceptibly make you pursue what you want, or money, or It is desire or right. Mortals are more restricted and hard to show up. The cultivator is more capable. The easier it is to inflate and get out of control, it will be easier for him to come out. It will urge you to speed up your practice and go against the sky. Even more extreme things, if you want to suppress the demons, you can only do good and accumulate virtue, and feel awe-inspiring." The sister-in-law stretched out her hands and raised my hands. For a moment, my hands were full of blood, as if they were full of blood. Bloody, I suddenly felt that what I had done before was full of evil.

"What I did in the past is not good, how should I do it now?" I was deeply puzzled. Others came to kill me and I would take revenge. This should be justified, but now the demons are spawning, this is not good, that is not good, what should I do Act?

"You are you, I am me, everything is natural, the heart demon is a robbery, and cultivation is an act against the sky. It is born and perished." The sister-in-law stood up and took a step back. Turn around and leave.

Yes, it’s better to just sit down and talk about the way. The level of the daughter-in-law is unpredictable. If you talk casually, if you talk about the truth, it will fool me for a while. I will have more knowledge in the future, so as not to get wrong with her. Talking.

I stood in the blood mist for a long time, and felt that my wife meant cultivation that should be practiced, and that should be robbed. Some things will come on their own if they can't be dodged. Life will lead to life, and death will lead to death.

Right and wrong are all in the heart. The arrival of the heart demon is born out of catastrophe. It will lead me into the path of the demon and make me more cold and selfish. I must be prepared and behave, but I have a clear conscience.

So the heart demon appears now, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing, it can make me rein in the cliff and turn my head back.

"Daughter-in-law? I figured it out. Let's sit for a while and discuss the future events in life, OK?" I hurriedly chased her back.

But in a short while, there will be light coming and wake me up.

When I woke up, the ghost energy on my body was filled again. Sleeping in the underworld is a kind of cultivation, and I can see my sister-in-law.

But now the question is coming. The old man of the Wu family is looking for me to single out, what should I do?

Should I go to the tomb proposed by Zhang Xiaofei? Hearing what Zhang Xiaofei said, the princes and kings were full of evil and robbed so many people. Didn't I go to the tomb to kill the people? The so-called being rich and not benevolent, if you only have radish and cabbage in the tomb, who will steal your stuff?

Moreover, the Wu family is not a good bird. I don’t hesitate to harm others for greed for treasures. I can at best be able to forgive others and forgive others. If you are not the evil ones, let them go. Then, if you take revenge or something, the soldiers will stop the water. Cover it up, but they dare to give birth to a killing intent, and I will kill them with thunder.

As for the tomb robbery, first go to the local area to find out. The good guys are fine, and the bad guys don't blame me for being rude.

The key is still to avoid killing karma as much as possible, but even so, I don't kill people, but others may not think so. Who in the Profound Clan will let others die without a place to bury them when they see the chance?

I put away all the ghost generals, called Chen Shanyun, got on the sedan chair, and rushed to Yinyang Road to repay the Yang.

The place where the old man from the Wu family met was Guanyin Mountain. I returned to the Sixiaoxian Taoist Temple and drove off the off-road vehicle. Three hours later, I appeared in Linxian, parked the off-road vehicle at the door of his mother’s store, and walked in. Out of the house.

Entering the store, but seeing my mother chatting with Zhao Qian and Yu Xiaoxue, I felt dizzy.

"Brother Tian! You are here." Zhao Qian was a little happy.

"Didn't you let you be at home?" In the end, I didn't listen to me and ran by myself. I don't know when she arrived. It was even earlier than me, so I was a little worried that she had other ideas.

"It's home over there, isn't this home?" Zhao Qian looked at me suspiciously.

I wanted to say it was at your house, but I didn't dare to say it, so I smiled and agreed, went in and prepared to wash my face, but I came across Miao Xiaoli who was coming out of the toilet and hit me full of arms.

Miao Xiaoli screamed in surprise, but stopped the screaming when he saw me, and asked me fiercely, "What are you doing!"

"I'm not doing anything, I want to wash my hands." It seems that she just came out after washing her hands, but it's my abrupt beauty.

"Sister Qian said that she would stay here for two days. She felt a little depressed for the past two days. You can't drive them away." Yu Xiaoxue told me secretly.

"Yeah." I'm a little unhappy. These two little girls seem to be chasing me, but forget it, the female layman has just passed away. They will always think about the starting point when they stay there, which only adds to the sadness. It's better to live with my mother and Yu Xiaoxue for a few days to make the memory fade.

"Brother Tian, ​​have you eaten yet? We will cook wonton noodles for you, do you want to eat?" Yu Xiaoxue asked me.

Seeing that the time is still some time away from the appointment, I nodded and looked forward to it.

When Zhao Qian heard that I was going to eat wonton noodles, she got up in a hurry. Seeing her gradually thinning figure recently, I was a little bit emotional. She was pretty hard at this time.

The female layman is an expert, and she may have calculated that she will face disaster soon, so she has to teach Zhao Qian day and night.

Zhao Qian's craftsmanship is very good, and the wonton noodle soup is also sweet. I didn't even have any soup left. Thanks to me, I went out in a hurry, and accompanied my mother for a while.

Guanyin Mountain is located on the outskirts of the country. It was originally a place of historical interest. However, because it is a small county, everyone is tired of going there. There are not many people climbing on it.

I drove around and found no ambush, so I parked the car in a place where no one was there, and used the Yin-Yang Order to pass through the underworld.

I always have to know what's going on under Guanyin Mountain, and don't show up in the Yin River or other dangerous places.

After a burst of green smoke, I stood at the gate of a city, and a group of ghost generals quickly surrounded me, reacting quickly.

The opponent's speed was too fast, and my face changed. It took time to prepare the Yin and Yang Ling. I could only touch the soul urn. In an instant, Jiang Han and Heimaoyan ran out of it and ran into several ghost generals.

After clearing the siege, I took the Yin-Yang Order and chanted the spell, wanting to borrow Daoyangjian again.

"Ling Lai." But when a voice came, Yin Yang Ling couldn't grasp it, and he flew away.

My face turned pale.

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