Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2207: : Revenant

"Hope to keep the Blood Sea Battleship, the Divine Turtle Battleship, and the Ten Thousand Swords?" I frowned. This is equivalent to a garrison ghost road. It stands to reason that I should not be able to agree to it anyway. This is definitely a big deal for the ghost road. It was damaged, no wonder they came with three transport ships and three warships.

"Yes, it is equivalent to garrisoning our ghost gates closed. Although we are looking to guard against the Shenting Blood Sea battleship, no matter what the sky is falling, everyone can see this. After all, we actually have more advanced technology than them? I underestimated us!" Chi Sheng said with some dissatisfaction.

"In other words, their hands are indeed extremely clever, but how can we expect that we have three holy warships that are more advanced than them, appearing in front of them like heavenly generals? Right now, their hands are smashed. , But had to leave the warship behind to complete the tasks explained above, which is really ridiculous." Feng Yu said with a smile.

"So these days, they have never talked about the garrison. They dared to state the conditions when they came, and the mid-course transaction became unusually easy, isn't it?" Zhao Qian smiled.

"They still want to contain us now. It is no longer possible. Let alone three ships, even ten ships. We may not be afraid. Not only are they staying and not being garrisoned, they have to be our cannon fodder!" Condensation between his eyebrows, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"If they want to stay, just stay. They have built everything to wipe out the star formations. They borrowed the ghost gates back then and also borrowed them. They are willing to be cannon fodder. There is nothing wrong with it. If we are strong enough, No matter how many troops are stationed, what can I do? But, of course, they can’t be allowed to enter my ghost gate openly.” I glanced at the crossing, and continued: “Ferry, you lead two holy warships and stationed inside the ghost gate, and Their battleships must stay outside the Guimen Pass. Except for the battleships and garrisons who return to the port daily for supplies and rest, they are not allowed to enter the Guimen Mountain for no reason!"

"Lead the command!" Dutu stood up and said, I nodded, and then looked at the other ghost emperors: "You can each receive a holy road warship this year to protect your territory."

All the ghost emperors were overjoyed and quickly came out to thank you.

"For the matter of patching the sky, we must continue to work hard. I want to see the holy path that is gradually recovering, not the ghost path that is still incomplete and is still incomplete!" I glanced at the seven ghost emperors in front of him and said.

The ghost emperors once again vowed to ensure the implementation of the sky patching plan, and even talked about the progress of patching the sky since this period. Among them, Baodu, Qizhong, and Luo Feng are the most diligent, and they also took out the booklet, for fear that I do not trust me. they.

I have always held a noncommittal attitude towards these three, so they have always felt that their feet are never on the ground, and they are working harder.

What was unexpected was that this time I asked Baodu, Luo Feng, and Suizong for my inquiry about Patching Sky, it was an opportunity to secretly trip up and let the officials below report that Feng Yu was the laziest ghost emperor.

I immediately ordered Feng Yu to take out the booklet, and his grades were indeed just up to the standard. It was indeed a lot lower than other ghost emperors, so I couldn't help but reprimand him.

"Great Sage Emperor! You don't know, my situation is the most dangerous, and I have achieved good results!" Feng Yu scolded him, and naturally he had to find a reason for himself.

In the end, Chi Sheng sneered and said, "The situation in the south of me happens to be very relaxed. How about you let me do it for you in the north? I don't think I have done too much, I am afraid I will do less!"

When Feng Yu heard this, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground, and immediately blamed himself for a while, asking him to abandon the sky patching plan. This was simply killing him.

Therefore, after several pleadings, he finally issued a military order and let the other ghost emperors let it go. The general meaning of this military order was that next time he bought the bottom, he would take the initiative to resign from the position of the holy emperor, so it was a very heavy vow.

"Very well, then you will fall down again when the time comes, and the position of Feng Yu will wait to be replaced by other gods." I was delighted to hear, and it was a lesson for him to be pet and sweet.

The three of Baodu, Luo Feng, and Zhang Zhong who sang this show will definitely not let the opportunity of Feng Yu change positions. The remaining Zhao Qian, Chi Sheng, and Dutu are all strong among the strong. Execution and dominance are far better than a few of them, so this time it is difficult for Feng Yu to think about losing the layer of skin. Therefore, one side is crying and the other is painting, with a sad expression.

Among the seven ghost emperors, the lineup is clearly divided. Zhao Qian and Chi Sheng are my direct descendants, and the crossing is a single game. Baodu, Luo Feng, and Zhangzhong are grouped together. Only Feng Yu is They can move, so you can imagine why they are putting pressure on Feng Yu. It is most likely that they want to win him over. After all, apart from the three ghost emperors, no ghost emperor is willing to give in or Can make concessions, and if the three of them make concessions, of course Feng Yu can only fall to them.

I pretended not to know, and asked them to do their best to continue the plan to repair the sky. At the same time, I told them to send the envoys out of the ghost road. Then I went to the post world again, and took the opportunity to say goodbye to the successor. The slave mouth washes the coffin and sends it to Baili.

Baili was quite happy. As for the explanation of the cleaning of the coffin and some precautions, although he listened carefully, he obviously didn’t pay much attention to it. Although I felt a little uneasy in my heart, I thought of his ancient sword master. I am also temporarily relieved of his identity.

"Hey, don't need this expression, how can there be anything for Ban Slave with me? It will definitely restore her completely." Baili said with a smile.

"Then I would like to thank Bailixian, next time I harass the ancient immortal world, I will personally thank you." I smiled, but in my heart I hope that something will not happen, this Baili is really too despised for the slave.

Because tomorrow is the last day of the envoy's stay, it is logical to see Li Nianjun, so after bidding farewell to Baili, I will stop by Li Nianjun's temporary residence.

But as soon as I got there, she was told by her maid to let me wait a while or later.

I was quite puzzled in my heart, I could only say that I would come later, and I went to the palace of Jing Xiaoman nearby.

The maid on Jing Xiaoman's side changed her previous attitude toward me. She invited me into the palace with a green light all the way. She sighed along the way, which made people feel strange.

Unsurprisingly, as soon as I arrived at the Conference Hall, I saw Jing Xiaoman sitting in a chair and weeping.

I sighed, knowing that it must be because she was reluctant to leave, so I could only comfort me, and once again gave her a guarantee that nothing would happen to her.

Fortunately, although Jing Xiaoman was stubborn, he knew that he would definitely return to the Demon God Realm, so after getting my assurance, he temporarily stopped.

The reason why Li Nianjun didn't see me was actually the same as Jing Xiaoman's situation. It was parting and sentimental.

And you can’t favor one and the other. After comforting Jing Xiaoman, you can't do without repeating the same scene to Li Nianjun. In fact, this time, I was actually only official to meet the three successors. I didn’t expect the two girls to think so. Injured.

Don’t pass Jing Xiaoman and Li Nianjun, the Prince Jin will definitely go there, but the Prince Jin is still good to talk, and the Queen Jin is still blinding her eyes, but I think that tomorrow I will never see these five big and rough women again. Too lazy to care about her.

In this way, the next day the successors of the three major worlds led some of the envoys and returned with the transport ship. Naturally, the ghost road was indispensable for a long distance farewell. This time, I also specially let a holy road warship **** a long distance. Turn back.

Several months have passed in a hurry. Due to the construction of Ghost Dao in full swing, the political situation has become stable, and the sea of ​​blood is as calm as ever. There is still no news on the Shenting side, as if it was taken away by me before. The Blood Sea battleship doesn't exist at all, making people feel uneasy.

However, I thought that something should happen to the blood sea, but I never thought that the last thing that happened was the place that shouldn't happen!

The transport ships of the ancient immortal world reported the accident of their transport ship after several rumors and token relay transmissions. Moreover, the slave not only escaped, but also killed the guards all the way! Even Baili has become the dead soul under her sword!

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