Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2226: : Xiaolong

The clouds in the sky followed the tornado and stirred into a spiral shape. The soaring dark clouds were so cold that they fell down with thunder and lightning. After a while, there was a heavy rain that fell irregularly and knocked out the sand. A little pit.

The waitress watched the majestic momentum when I hit the super product, her face turned pale and blue, and she was probably terrified. After all, there are thousands of thunderbolts around me. Once I lose control or cannot keep up with the energy, they are bound to break through the protection. The barrier of the gang cover blasted all around into a piece of scorched earth!

However, with the quintessence of the power extracted before, it is not difficult for me to maintain the protective shield. It is difficult to raise the fairy qi here to a higher level. If it is above grade, it is even a pure real fairy. Angry, I can definitely hit the real wonderland!

In Liushentian, every breath filled in the celestial energy plate, although most of them are spirit celestial qi, but no matter how low the level is, it contains part of true celestial qi, after all, true celestial qi It is a unique substance rich in immortal crystal mines in the first world, and the higher the proportion of true immortal qi in the immortal qi disk, the higher the level, like the first-grade immortal qi disk, the content is 5% It’s about ten to sixty, so although there is quite a lot of true celestial energy on this jade plate, I still need to digest the spirit of immortal qi and increase the purity of the true celestial qi to 90%. More than five, or even close to 100%, so that I can succeed!


The raging thunder and lightning continued to raise the spirit level of the surrounding spirits, and the strength of my Taoist veins reached an unimaginable level, but the distance breakthrough, but always seems to be stuck in front of a thin wall, so that the super quality cultivation base has been unable to Stabilize!

"Roar..." I couldn't help roaring. In order to increase my power endlessly, I even sensed that the strength of the ancestor dragon was climbing over unknowingly. It would be a good thing if I changed the usual time, but for now The impact on the super product has a negative effect. Once it is connected to my body, the power does rise, but the impact on the barrier makes it more difficult to stabilize!

I suppressed the power of Ancestral Dragon to explode, but as a result, the immortal energy levels around me suddenly dropped. This momentary change made me feel the approach of failure. Once the successor is weak, breakthroughs are even more impossible.

I remembered the box of super-impact pills that Tai Shuyu gave me before, but after hesitating, I did not take it out. After all, I considered a lot. First, taking the pill will make me promote to the super The product is greatly compromised. After all, this is the key to advancement in the future. If you take drugs, you will probably encounter a greater hurdle than now in the eighth heaven. Second, I regretted it before. The same mistake. How can I do it again? So I'll leave it to later when I hit Yae, or send this favor back.

Seeing the change in my expression, the waitress also showed a pity expression, and this time I really had no other way to improve the proportion of true fairy qi around me.

The purified power released can no longer keep up with the speed of the Immortal Qi Pan spraying the celestial aura, but I can’t cut off the supply of the Immortal Qi Pan, because while eliminating the celestial aura, I must continue to absorb it. The ambivalence of true immortality, this contradiction, is the difficulty of hitting Super Grade!

At this moment, a low roar came from behind me, and then the clearest thunder around me began to twist together, forming a radiant electric dragon, which was covered with dark clouds and twinkling stars inside. , Began to hover in front of me and behind me, swallowing up the extra Spiritual Qi!

It seems that I restricted the appearance of the Ancestral Dragon armor, and separated it into a separate version of the armor. The power of the spirits it swallowed made me feel relieved. After all, it is not the Ancestral Dragon itself. , It’s just a part of the strength of the Zulong plus the armor condensed by my Dao power, so it coexists with me. I am not repelled by my Dao power while I am climbing, but can walk by my side. , After all, in my protective shield, there must be no heretical power. If it is not for the power that directly communicates with the main body, mutual repelling, ecstasy is the lightest result.

The appearance of the small ancestral dragon gave me hope again in an instant. I controlled it to walk around and absorb the qi of the spirits with my divine thoughts, and I continued to catalyze the synchronization of the qi of the true celestial being. The purity of Qi has risen by more than 90%, and the excitement in my heart makes me scream out loud, and the power has reached its peak at this time!

Xiao Zulong seemed to feel the excitement that I could not restrain, and also let out a deafening roar, the energy of the engulfed spirits worked harder, and the true spirits of my body guard quickly exceeded the predetermined purity, making I am bathed in the warm breath of true fairy!

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhg The concentration is beyond my expectations!

The body’s pure and pure celestial qi, as well as the outer celestial qi, are also synchronized at this moment. The next moment, my whole body suddenly expands, and the Taoist veins and channels expand and link together. I He breathed a sigh of relief immediately, knowing that he had already stepped into the realm of true immortality at this moment!

The pure power is still hovering around the jade plate, and the concentration here is at least 95% or more, but I don’t need these fairy qi anymore, so I looked at the stunned waitress, I said : "Xiao Ru, didn't you fail to hit the first grade a few times? Now it's all true immortality. If you hit at this time, you will definitely get what you want."

"This...Is this really okay?" The waitress named Xiaoru was taken aback for a moment. Seeing me nodded decisively, she showed an expression of extreme excitement, and she reached the jade plate with a touch of her toe.

"The pure and innocent fairy qi here is enough to make you advance to the first grade." I smiled, and then fell to the ground, leaving her the breath on the jade plate.

"Thank you, senior!" Xiaoru quickly thanked him, and by the way, I changed the name of senior because of my promotion. I didn't care too much, just watched her hit the first grade Taoist body.

It’s not difficult for Cangxian Pavilion to hit the first-class. After all, the first-class immortal qi disc is used here. The immortal qi in their bodies is very pure. Right now, the true immortal qi is two levels higher than her. , A breakthrough is inevitable.

Sure enough, without consuming too much time, Xiaoru had already been promoted successfully and became a first-grade Taoist body. I was very happy. After speaking with her a few more words, I was going to return to the other courtyard to talk to Li Nianjun.

But before stepping out of the door, Li Nianjun and Tai Shuyu had joined hands, including Tai Shuqian and Hu Po. Although the Taoist body had not fully recovered at this time, they also came to the outside living room.

Seeing me coming out, Tai Shuqian showed a very happy expression, and said: "Congratulations to Xia Xian's family for their success in hitting the super product!"

Hu Po also gave me a high look, but she was still upset about the things I had hidden and tucked during the previous battle against the sword slave, so she just folded her hands and said faintly: "Congratulations."

"The two Taoists are polite, I'm just a coincidence." I smiled elegantly, and Xiao Zulong had already taken it back to me, and now I have to study the use of this dragon after being separated. At the critical moment, it may still be A killer feature, so it's better not to expose it too soon.

"Senior Xia really succeeded in the impact. I knew I would not leave! I missed this crucial thing!" Tai Shuyu looked annoyed.

And her mother glared at her, and said, "You! To increase the chance of knowledge and experience, and to do other things is also disappointing for Wei Niang!"

"Mother! I just went to Xianjun to talk." Tai Shuyu said innocently. At this time, she looked at Xiao Ru who had hit the first-class Taoist body, and her heart was even more depressed.

"Look at Xiao Ru. A few days ago, she was still a second-grade Taoist body. Now she has been raised by Xia Xian's family. It is already a first-grade body. You deserve to be stagnant in your cultivation!" Tai Shuqian is indeed a little angry, after all, she Before, I let my daughter observe it intentionally or unintentionally, but I don't want the other party to do irrelevant things.

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