Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2236: : Avoid device

That Taipan gourd has always been unfavorable, and Tai Shuqian usually blasted the other person to death directly, but after passing through the previous station, under the banning of spirituality, she was repeatedly frustrated. When Tai Shuqian confronted the slave , I didn't dare to stay a little bit, but left too much gourd there, and escaped far.

Of course I won't let this position be vacant, Shudi Shu immediately stood behind Taipan Gourd, and immediately chanted the sword curse!

The forbidden slave was brazen and fearless, following behind Nalingfa, a spell was also rapidly emerging from his mouth, this posture was about to collide with me! My face changed slightly, but the curse still didn't stop: "Don't come to Huangtu, you should have a dream, Jiang Yun and Gu Wang once drifted, the waves are endless, the black bird flies east to the west!"

After chanting the spell, I threw out the anger of the emperor, the sword flew out, and the illusory hand grabbed the sword directly, and rushed out in a flash, with the tip of the sword pointed at the slave! And beside this phantom, thunder ran away, and the surroundings were condensed into a line, as if the power of the emperor's wrath was gathered at the tip of the sword!

The forbidden slave was full of black brilliance, covering up all the power, but the power of the city full of snow was huge, and the ice and snow kept freezing the power, forming a brilliance like a touch of snow!

Suddenly, the forbidden slave in front of me disappeared, but in front of me, it was a distorted scene!

Under the dark and lonely cloud, heavy snow fell, and the tombstones on one side were covered with white snow. They stood in front of my eyes, and the whole scene seemed extremely bleak. Such a scene is undoubtedly a forbidden slave. It was caused, and my sword-wielding **** rushed into it, but because of the illusion, I could not find the body of the slave!

Just when I wanted to let my distraction escape from this phantom, I suddenly heard a night owl or crow's cry, and then looked at the cry, only to find countless crows spread their wings and startled the clouds. !

But this scene surprised me, because it is obvious that these flying crows have pulled me back into the illusion!

After a while, behind one of the tombstones, a young woman in a Taoist robe sat up from the mud. She stretched her waist, but she showed a lonely expression.

I was stunned, and the group of crows was startled away. It was the woman who woke up in the graveyard. The scene was so dreamy and illusion that it made people feel the same!

"Hualing has a cold sound after the snow, the moon is not clear and the birds return, the old people in the sea are scattered, the last year is lonely and the dream is too immortal."

And when I was confused, a curse suddenly approached me. I was shocked, and I quickly kept my mind, and urged the power of distraction and killing to the limit, because I knew that the forbidden slave was already sneaking by the curse. Come to me!

I was surprised at my heart, knowing this trick is powerful, but being able to get to the super grade level, I am no longer the kid who only had third-rate swordsmanship back then, that distracted roar, thunder furious, and instantly covered everything around him. in!

But the illusion hadn't disappeared yet. In the snowy night, the thunder seemed to be nothing more than an attack from my distraction, and the woman who woke up was only awakened by the thunder. After she stood up, she was clean His face was full of loneliness, and after looking back at the graveyard, he sighed quietly!


I felt the corners of my clothes tugged abruptly, scared me to bite the tip of my tongue, forcibly shattering the scene, and then without hesitation flashed away with the shrunk technique, which was the same time the illusion disappeared, the sword of the forbidden slave. He also appeared in front of me, and plunged into the forehead of my afterimage!

The lingering eyes of the sword pierced into the afterimage, and I felt cold all over, as if the whole person was frozen in ice at this moment! Forbidden Slave's swordsmanship is so specific that it can confuse all my senses with fantasy! Then lead the sword alone, take my head!

If you miss me, it's my turn to fight back. With my eyes closed, I will be distracted by my spirit, and the next moment Feijian will chase the slaves!

Forbidden Slave Jiejie laughed, but he didn't feel too much jealous of me at all. He turned back with a sword and banged into my distraction!

But after all, she was a bit late, shocked by the tremendous power of distraction, and couldn't stop her eyes from becoming bloodshot. This desperate tactic was impossible, and the consequences were self-evident!


At this moment, a purple light shot over in an instant, Tai Shuqian would naturally not give up such a good opportunity, and the several immortals and evil men over there also counterattacked while the slaves were forbidden to fight back, constantly fighting back!

Forbidden Slave knew that we were great, but she had no intention of fighting with so many super products of us, and she turned and fled outside immediately!

My Shujishu stopped her again, and of course she would not let her escape, but forbidden slaves to flee, obviously even if the immortal of the same rank wants to catch up with her, it is very difficult!

After several times of shrinking ground technique, even if I catch up, the slave will not change his nature. As long as I get close, it will be a series of fierce attacks. Even though her power is no longer as good as mine, her cunning is even worse. Swordsmanship is not tied to the situation, and is often tricky, as if it is not from the famous sect, but the old monsters from the magic sect!

I fought against her several times in a row, and the super-grade immortal family behind was also holding on to it, but forbidden slaves were determined to escape at this moment, and they would not stop either!

Within half an hour, the slave and I pulled all the immortal houses a long distance, and we were even able to see where a group of ships were staying!

Forbidden Slave's dark laughter was even worse, as if he saw something interesting, but in front, a group of monks who found us and wanted to intercept Forbidden Slave came!

I hurriedly ordered them to leave, but it was obviously too late. Slave killing was almost instinctive. These people had just been approached by the spiritual method, and immediately absorbed a lot of power, and the sword light flashed, and there were a few more. Can the fairy family resist it?

In an instant, a dozen lives were gone, and even the incorporeal body was completely absorbed! Out of thin air, her lingering technique reached its peak again. My face was gloomy, and when I caught up with it, I had to throw a rat-avoidance weapon. Forbidden Slave knew that the strength was far inferior to me, so the lingling technique was delayed. I don't dare to get too close. After all, there is the Ning Ling Fa, whoever gets close to her will be like taking chestnuts from the fire, causing them to burn themselves!


When I didn’t dare to step forward and resist Na Ling Fa, the slave came to the front of an inconspicuous ship. Na Ling Fa directly destroyed the entire ship into ruins. Then she rushed into the explosion and dragged it up. Take a mouthful of the coffin, and then flee far away!

Watching her rush into the explosion and fill up the Naring Fa again, I know that if she pursues it, it will only cause more innocent deaths! So she didn't dare to track it again, because she retrieved the washing coffin, but she was actually trying to escape. The poor would not chase after them, let alone the forbidden slaves. Who would dare to stop this lunatic?

Forbidden slaves have a washing coffin, and no one can stop them, including me. I must have more powerful treasures or magical spells to deal with in front of Na Ling Fa, otherwise the next time I see her, I will pay Have to avoid it.

This is not about the cultivation base, but the method, just like I am stronger than her, but she has the tools to destroy me, so this is not a balanced battle.

I stopped, seeing this forbidden slave dragging the coffin into the sky, only gloom left on his face.

"What? Why didn't you chase it!?" Shangguan Min asked me, I frowned and said, "Why chase?"

"You!" Shangguan Min asked when I saw me, angrily enough: "Did you deliberately let her go?"

"Hehe, it was indeed deliberate." I was too lazy to explain, Shangguan Min turned blue and planned to argue with me, but the old man Le Zhengyu, who didn't speak before, explained: "The banned slaves are strong enough to fight back. It's not easy. Now that we have no one to deal with, we naturally can't chase after Lingfa. Otherwise, there are so many ships and many colleagues here, I am afraid that all the angry slaves will be killed."

Shangguan Min was speechless, while Liang Qiuya looked at me thoughtfully.

"Thanks to Xia Daoyou, otherwise I am afraid that I will suffer a heavy loss this time." Tai Shu Qianzi thanked me deliberately, and the volume was loud to remind these immortals not to be too self-righteous.

"Yes, if there is no Xia Daoyou, the immortal here would have to die one or two, like Changsun Ling, flee back in a dingy manner, hehe!" Xu Wanxian sneered.

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