Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2283: :infection

Forbidden slaves attacked the palace, and it relieved me of pressure. The Great Demon Emperor went to the palace at a fast speed. I didn't bother to chase him, because soon he knew that the strength of forbidden slaves is definitely not weak!

Abandoning the Great Demon Emperor, I concentrated on attacking the Turtle Warship, because once the Turtle Turtle Warship was destroyed, Prince Jin had nowhere to escape, and I was able to rescue Yun Bingxin. These three Monster Turtle Warships should be the only warships in the palace area. As for the other warships, they should all be in the other twelve princes' garrisons, and usually in order to prevent the princes from making chaos, their garrisons would take several days even if they were to take a fast lane.

After the flagship and the battleship were combined, the third battleship with a severe head injury consumed a lot of strength at this time. The burned head was restored to its original shape and joined the battle again. This made me very depressed, no wonder The Monster Turtles has insufficient offense and more than enough defense, so I will have to run out of fighting!

I flew away from the place where I shrank the ground and looked at the three warships ahead. It seemed as if I saw three hedgehogs. It felt like I couldn’t talk about it, but this turtle warship was not without its weaknesses, because I had obtained some before. The remains of the Camel City, the city where the tortoise was carrying, actually had four armor pieces cut off, and then the four corners were directly embedded in the turtle’s flesh, but if you want to attack the opponent’s weakness, you must To break its protective shield.

In addition, the back of the buttocks is also one of the weak points, but its tail is protected by armor, and it also protects the buttocks, so it is quite difficult to break into its internal organs! Otherwise, if it enters the viscera, it will be able to drive straight in, stirring it upside down.

On the other side of the palace, the explosion became even more intense. I glanced back and saw that the palace had collapsed by nearly half of the slaves. As for the slaves, because it was too far away, I could only feel a violent breath rushing into it. Back mountain location.

Forbidden Slave is very sensitive to breath, as long as you catch her breath, you can chase you around the world, so where the fairy spirit is, it is not difficult for her to find it.

Seeing the great demon king chasing the slave slaves with anger, I secretly smiled, and then I chose the Shujishu technique to the rear of the third turtle battleship, and bombed its tail with the spirit method!

Sure enough, because a lot of power was used to recover the head injury, the power of this turtle battleship has been greatly reduced. Although the powerful stone pillars of the thorn artillery fired, these have no effect on me at all!

Only heard a loud bang! Because of my flexible attack, this attack directly hit the opponent's tail, and beat the turtle's tail to become bloody, even the armor was completely polished.

Realizing that I actually knew the weakness of the turtle, the flagship and the auxiliary ship separated immediately, and chased me, naturally, I wanted to rescue this third battleship!

And after the third battleship was in pain, it roared and immediately wanted to turn its tail, but how could it be easily let go of the bite position!

With trauma, Na Ling Fa immediately received a large amount of supplements, and this time, the innate devil qi also infected all the magic energy with the strange energy of this Na Ling, and after the attack of my floating world voiceless sword, it hit the third one again. The battleship of the Divine Turtle screamed, and his eyes were red now!

It has been infiltrated by the devilish qi!

After all, this tortoise is not a **** in form, and of course its intelligence is much lower than that of human beings. Otherwise, it would have transformed into a fairy and transformed into a human form. Therefore, the resistance to demonic energy is much weaker than normal gods!

However, it didn't need me to give it a fatal blow. It went crazy and greeted the flagship and auxiliary ships that were swimming towards it. In its heart, it was afraid that anyone who rushed over would become an enemy!

I don’t know it is Ji’s flagship and sub-ship originally wanted to save it, but they didn’t expect it to be aside, but they knocked down the other’s huge body, and the sub-ship bit the claws of its huge tortoise. Pull it down!

Suddenly, the sub-ship’s supernatural tortoise also wailed, and the blood was splashed all around. I didn’t hesitate to shrink from the spell, and Nalingfa took another full breath, and then the devilish energy was infected again, and the sub-ship wound Bombard!

This time, the two battleships have been enchanted. I am overjoyed. I knew that, so I should have directly infected them with devil energy. These unintelligent turtles are infected with innate devil energy. It is like killing chickens with a big knife. Can't do it!

After the second ship went mad, it actually bitten each other with the third turtle battleship. The two big turtles like giant beasts collided with each other, stirring the surrounding space into chaos. The prince and each sitting on it Shenxian Lu is probably too depressed, but the flagship is also on the side, of course he will not do nothing, after all, there is Prince Jin on it.

The flagship hissed and roared, it seemed that a weird command was issued, which actually made the two turtles sober a lot, but the redness of the eyes is not easy to eliminate.

And after I attacked, I didn’t turn into a puppet, but there was spirituality. What I’m doing now is non-profit trading. Once I took it in and released it, I once again beat the second crazy turtle and roared, and became even more enchanted. He was crazy, and as soon as he saw the flagship turtle, he planned to order it, and immediately bite towards the flagship turtle!

The Third Turtle Battleship lost its opponent, and immediately chased it away. It didn't care about the blood that was still shaking from its tail!

These three turtle battleships were fighting each other, as if three fairy cities were colliding with each other, and I was like a mosquito, constantly stimulating their **** blood. In an instant, the three battleships were fighting together!

You don’t need to think about it, you know how wonderful the expression of Prince Jin will be on the flagship. He estimated that he didn’t expect me to have such a powerful attack method, and I can also carry out the Na Ling method infection. On the contrary, it is extremely powerful, even the rough and thick skin of the turtle can bleed at will, and once the devilish energy enters the Dao body, the infection becomes more brutal and violent!

I sneered, while wandering around the three uncanny turtles, while using the spirit method to absorb and attack the three uncanny turtles. After a while, even the flagship uncanny turtles were out of control. The three uncanny turtles were indifferent. Boom, even the attacks became aimless. Numerous attacks fell on the opponent's body, and the protective shield burst on the spot, or the tortoise spit out a thunder laser and blasted each other's bodies. Such fierce attacks, all of a sudden Pull the war into a fever!

The three warships were all seriously injured very quickly. The original partner is now more exaggerated than the death feud. One of the two front claws was bitten off, and he continued to use his strength to recover, while the other throat was bitten open. , The blood spattered out like money, and even before he could stop the bleeding, I sucked a lot of Nalingfa, and the entire battle area became bloody.

The three giant tortoises are fighting, and the gods sitting on them are naturally like sitting on pins and needles, but because I have been staring, and the shield itself is a kind of defense, if the shield is removed, the **** tortoise will be destroyed by the opponent in the next moment. So it’s not like coming out right now, you have to wait to die if you don’t come out, it makes them embarrassing to the extreme!

As a living creature, the weaknesses of the Turtle Turtle are undoubtedly exposed. Under the impact, the three giant tortoises are incomplete. The weakest third of the Turtle Turtles became the first victim under the fierce attack of the powerful flagship Giant Turtle. , Completely lost the ability to fight, and became a burst of turbidity under my naling method!

The power of Nalingfa reached its peak at this time. In view of the weakness of the secondary ship, I immediately blasted this attack against the flagship that I had forgotten to evade! And only heard a loud noise, the flagship roared in pain, and now and the deputy ship became difficult brothers, and after several attacks on each other, the two battleships were already so weak that they were too weak to attack, just because of the devil. And roar with red eyes!

The prince Jin had no choice but to open the protective shield with a group of officials and escaped, but I had waited for a long time, so facing the prince Jin and the few remaining princes who guarded him, my expression became stern. .

Yun Bingxin's face was still expressionless at this moment. She and the Jin prince are both in super quality status, which shows that her promotion is closely related to the other party.

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