Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2290: : Random

Jin Hun was very depressed, but this ascetic monk had a powerful trick, which was forbearance, so this time he decided to ignore this plain night, instead focusing his time and energy on me, so it was just a change. , I have a lot of pressure here.

Zhang Suye was still reluctant, and continued to say some vicious words of humiliation, but it was a pity that Jin Hun seemed to be deaf, and still ignored it. I secretly laughed in my heart and continued to wreak havoc on Zhang Suye’s army and fleet.

Without the Divine Turtle Battleship as a support point, the casual repair side was suffering a heavy loss, so he stabbed a sharp knife with someone, and the blood and money spewed out.

Although Zhang Suye ordered everyone to retreat, I kept on biting her, making her miserable. One party suffered and the other did nothing. It really made her grit her teeth with hatred. I was afraid that Jin Hun would not unite me. , Preparing to come to a great unification of the Demon God Realm, the more she thought about it, the more afraid she was, and she quickly ordered everyone to disperse and retreat several times to avoid being caught in one pot.

Seeing Zhang Suye fleeing with troops, I didn't chase after this trip, but stood shrunk in a space.

Jin Hun was originally fighting me with Zhang Suye. Now Zhang Suye is protecting her partner from fleeing. An old man of him stands alone and dumbfounded, which is quite cruel.

"If you want revenge, take revenge on your Demon Hall! We don't care! We don't want to fight to the end and lose your strength, but give you a chance! Jin Hun, don't think that the trick is successful, how can we be so easy to cheat?" At the end, when Zhang Suye left, he inevitably cursed Jin Hun with resentment, and Jin Hun really didn't have much way to solve the problems of both sides except for helplessness.

In fact, I knew this well for a long time. The Demon God Realm has been divided into two forces for so many years. If they can be merged into one, even if I don’t need to talk about them, they would have merged into one. Right now, I just magnified this contradiction. It's just that Zhang Suye's mind is so narrow, but it's an unexpected gain.

And now, Ghost Dao only needs to fight against the official demon **** realm.

There is not much army here in the Demon God Realm. After all, the main army is still with the Twelve Princes. Even the one who rides the Qingxu Jade Sword like me has just arrived not long ago. They always need time to dispatch troops to come, even the gods. Turtle battleships are ready to guard the border.

Therefore, the army here is mostly casual repairs. As soon as Zhang Suye left, he immediately became scattered among the birds and beasts. The hundreds of thousands of troops were downsized, and only a hundred thousand people were left. This army is just a border army, not the elite of the twelve princes. The nature of this problem has changed.

In order to make the scene more realistic, I beat Zhang Suye away. I didn’t bother to fight with Jin Hun and the five turtle warships, the official army battle method of the Demon God Realm. Instead, I swaggered towards the passage and how they attacked. How I ordered the battleship of the Turtle Turtle to bomb me, I just used it as a farewell firework, completely ignored.

Next, this script came to Zhang Suye's side. It must be to evolve the turtle battleship to give fireworks and welcome the ghost emperor to return to the ghost gods. Even if that is not the case, facing the official army with little loss, this stingy Zhang Su How could Ye not hesitate? And even if it intervenes, the officers and soldiers have almost worked hard before they enter the arena. The advantage of this is self-evident. It is certain that sending charcoal in snow is more valuable than icing on the cake.

Even Jin Hun chased me to find me desperately, I don't plan to pay attention to him now, anyway, let them go to the Demon God Realm for a while before talking.

"Is the big ghost king afraid of the old man?" Jin Hun chased me into the passage of the great world, his face was blue with anger, and basically cannot be stationed in the passage, because the occasional space storm would tell to stay Here, what is the power of heaven and earth.

"Just treat me as afraid of you." I sneered. Jin Hun and Zhang Suye couldn't hold me, let alone him? It's just that I don't want to consume too much. After all, I have to take a closer look at the actions of the other two circles.

What is Lee Sang-ju's thinking? What is the idea of ​​Mozun? These are all worthy of my scrutiny, and now I don't have a lot of information, it's not suitable to spend time fighting with Jin Hun now, keeping him as an old man, and still contain Zhang Suye.

Afterwards, the persevering Jin Hun really chased me alone for a long time. I couldn't help but laugh: "Friend Jin, you came to the dangerous situation alone, so you are not afraid that I will take the opportunity to kill you, and the border army you brought, Will Zhang Suye be banned soon? These five turtle battleships are still worth a bit of money."

Jin Hun was furious and said, "Although Daoyou Zhang is confused for a while, he will definitely not be deceived by you later!"

I shrugged and said, "The key is that I don’t need to be blinded, and she won’t believe you anymore. There is an old saying that makes a lot of sense. It’s called anger, decline, and exhaustion. I don’t know if Fellow Jin Daoist heard of it. ?"

Jin Hun has nothing to say. There are indeed a lot of troops on the road. Although Zhang Suye also has countless supporters, once the two sides measure each other, the concerns will not be easily eliminated.

What I said is not unreasonable, because when the drum is beaten for the first time, the soldiers are refreshed and they are most eager to fight. When the drum is beaten for the second time, the fighting spirit of the soldiers begins to decay, and when the drum is beaten for the third time , The soldiers will have no intention of fighting. Once they have separated from each other, it may not be easy to want to fight the same enemy again.

Jin Xun was taken aback for a moment, and he figured out the powerful relationship, so he said angrily: "Cunning in every way! What kind of hero?"

"Hero? I'm not a hero. I live for the world. Sometimes I can't care about so much. It's just that you don't trust each other, and it doesn't start today." I snorted, and then took advantage of his stunned effort. , Jin Hun flew away from the channel in an instant, and began to contact my army of Ghost God Realm.

Jin Hun was also afraid that Zhang Suye would do some tricks behind his back, so he knew that he would not be able to catch up with me, and if he pursued it like this, it would be lonely and absolutely irrational, so he went back to solve his own problem. Side issue.

And news came quickly from me. As the front-line commander-in-chief, the ghost emperor on the road was rushing with a large army, but because of the long distance, he had not yet reached the border.

Next, news is naturally coming. After all, knowing that I have returned to the Ghost God Realm, the position of Ghost Emperor will return to me. As a frontline command tower, I also need to know all kinds of information.

Because I killed the Demon God Realm and the Demon Emperor, there is not much time from now. Several big worlds were caught off guard and heard about this incident. It is estimated that there are many meetings overnight, and the way to deal with it will definitely stack up. Hey, after all, it is involved in the Great World War. Everyone dare not be the slightest inconvenience. As for the Ghost God Realm, they did send troops immediately at that time, and all the ghost emperors in all directions rushed to the frontier Qinhuang, but time It has to be counted, for the time being, none of them have scissor people.

As for the countermeasures of all parties in the big world, they are actually the same for the time being, that is, the battleship advancing channel, all of which are stationed with a large number of troops blocked in the entrance of the ghost road small world of temporary garrisons, once a major war occurs, first protect yourself. It's serious to invade the insurgents.

In less than half a day, the officials at the only ghost road post on the border quickly joined me, and to my surprise, the person who came was actually Zhao Qian!

"Qian, why are you here? You came so fast?" I asked quickly, because at this time, the Holy Road battleship was still on the way, but she came here instead.

"Use the Kunpeng order you gave, have you forgotten?" Zhao Qian sighed. She was wearing a ghostly ghost emperor purple robe today. This purple robe was specially made to fit the body without losing the atmosphere. One of her best skills.

"Well, but it is still very dangerous to use this in Ghost Dao." I smiled bitterly. After all, seeing her a little haggard expression, it seems that she has been worried about this time.

Zhao Qian floated towards me, stretched out her hand and gently touched my hair, and then said: "Are you tired? It made you toss like this, and now everyone is in a mess."

"What if you don't? They made Yun Bingxin a tool spirit." I sighed. Yun Bingxin's news would definitely be blocked by the Demon God Realm. After all, it is important for them to hold the banner of justice.

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