Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2305: :slave


The moment the controller was pressed, there was a loud bang, and the whole world shook, and the space was twisted, and the surrounding area became a chaotic black. Then, the terrifying suction suddenly sucked me into the fairy city. , Such an attack is exactly the power of the Disillusionment Star Bomb!

The condensed and distorted space then buzzed and exploded, and then the waves exploded one after another, and my whole body couldn't help being tight. This kind of terrifying energy explosion and the accompanying spatial shock are also very terrifying, that is, I can leave. It was so far, and I felt it was violent, not to mention Jin Hun and Zhang Suye were inside!

As for the other army of scattered immortals, they died in this attack a long time ago. With such energy, there are very few incorporeal bodies that can escape, and most of them are not close to the fairy city! It can be said to be charcoal, almost not spared!

Such a terrible hell, even if I am used to seeing life and death scenes, I can't help but shudder in my heart. After all, the cause and effect this time, I don't know how much it will increase!

But the war is so helpless. The meat grinder is not something I can stop by saying that it can be stopped. The enemy is brutal and invading the ghost world personally. I can't tolerate it.

Hearing the explosion is the signal to summon the battleship, so at this time, the Holy Road battleship should have come over, because this is the best time to capture the enemy!

And just as I was considering how to gather the captives, two familiar auras flew out from the ruined fairy city, one left and the other right, and I sneered. There is no doubt that it is Jin Hun and Zhang Suye. Fleeing!

These two were already at the end of the battle, but under such an attack, they are still alive. They are indeed commendable. I looked at Jin Hun's position, and immediately shrank the ground in front of him and used the Na Ling method to its extreme. I tried my best to **** him back!

"Jin Hun, did you expect such a result?" I sneered. This is indeed very dramatic. After all, as a commander in command, Jin Hun actually caught me at the moment. There are still many demon clan immortals in the periphery. Flee to the death, I am afraid that this will be announced everywhere!

"You killed so many immortal families in the Demon God Realm, did you know that there was a big deal?!" Jin Hun struggled angrily, but the incorporeal body is pure energy, without the support of the Taoist body, so it will give me the spirit-saving method Sucked tightly, as long as a while, his incorporeal body will become a part of my energy!

"Hey, big things? Even if I don’t kill, I’ll have big things." I sneered, then looked at him coldly and asked: "Or the old saying before, I will give you the choice, either surrender or dead."

"Never surrender!" The old man Jin Hun was indeed very stubborn.

"That's it..." I didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and immediately strengthened the Na Ling Fa a little bit more. Now, Jin Hun was suffering as much as he was suffering from fire.

Not everyone can resist the pain of massive loss of incorporeal body. Jin Hun originally screamed and cursed at the same time, but when he arrived at the back, even if he called, I didn't answer him. He seemed to understand when he just consumed his incorporeal body. I definitely don't seem to lie, and my face suddenly shows despair.

"I remember that your brother died like this, you will soon follow in his footsteps." I said with a sneer, and Jin Hun snarled again in fright. I stopped saying, "Is there any last words? The body will be sucked up for me soon."

"Kill my brother, kill me now, do you think our Virgin Mary will let you go?" Jin Xun said loudly. At such a moment of life and death, he also had to rely on the prestige of the Virgin!

"Hehe, when I killed your brother, I was not afraid, let alone now? You kill my friend, and I must avenge her. After all, in my heart, my friend and the Great Demon Emperor share the same truth in your hearts, and There is no direct hatred between you and me, so now I will give you two choices. First, let me be killed. Second, after returning to the Demon God Realm, I will wait for the call from the Six Gods and Heavens, and I will never come to my ghost again. Dao, and the matter of revenge, let alone talk about it again, if I do it again, I won't be so easy to talk about!"

Jin Hun's expression was miserable. Knowing that I have the ability to kill him, he didn't dare to be stubborn to die. After all, the old monsters who have lived for thousands of years do not die. It is not enough to describe their lives as gold. They are not stubborn, but not stubborn. When they can threaten them, once they really threaten their lives, they will also be subdued.

"Okay...I surrendered. The Great Ghost Emperor is strong, and I am convinced." Jin Hun sighed, not daring to resist any more.

"Everyone is a true immortal. They say everything and never break their words!" I snorted, Jin Hun nodded violently and agreed, I withdrew the Na Ling Fa, and then said: "This is also valid for Zhang Suye. , If you can contact her, just repeat what you just said, she will invade my Ghost God Realm with troops, if I don’t retreat, I will kill her another 200,000! Not only that, if I break into the Demon God Realm, she must be the first Take her back! Do you understand?"

"Understood! Please don't worry about the Great Ghost Emperor! I am just an ascetic, but I can't cut off my Dao Karma for the sake of some mundane relationships." Jin Hun laughed sadly.

"Very well, you can go now. I hope you don't break your promise and get fat. If I find that you have broken your promise, I will kill you too!" I coldly threatened, and Jin Hun was another guarantee, and then flew. Flee.

Soon, the Holy Way battleship came. Because there were a lot of remnants around, the battleships gathered them easily and reduced them a lot, and the number was about tens of thousands. These immortals are already dying, I promised In order to treat them kindly, and give them a special active planet to restore the Taoist body, but the conditions are also there, that is, they must participate in the sky patching plan, and rely on the execution status of the sky patching plan to return them to the demon **** World.

As for the Demon God Realm, if I defeat the follow-up troops this time, I will also block the passage. In this way, if the captives do not participate in the Sky Patching Plan, they will definitely not be able to go back. They are also regarded as indirect prisoners of war slaves. After all, Ghost Daoguang is relying on If your own technical talents make up the sky, then can you make up for the year of the monkey? But once you join hundreds of thousands of prisoners, this situation will be greatly changed. After all, you don't need to pay wages except to control the immortality.

For example, the immortal family who asked the three worlds to send a part-time job before, the princes of these three worlds all sneered, and even if they gave money, they were unwilling to do it. Why? In the final analysis, they are all afraid that Ghost Dao can't pay their wages. Besides, they are also very noble. They are poor, and they also slander themselves as a heavenly state. How could they come to work in a remote country in a remote country? Even if you get a high salary, you will laugh off your fellow daoists when you go back, and become a ‘stain’ for a lifetime. Every New Year’s party is meant to be used as a joke for people.

With the prisoner's placement plan, several ghost emperors were eager to try, and 800,000 elites also separated some of the prisoners, and immediately invested in the sky patching plan.

However, winning this first battle is not really a victory in this great world war, because next, we will have to face the following three million army and dozens of turtle warships. !

This huge force is six times the amount brought by Jin Hun and Zhang Suye before. If you accidentally fall into a siege, it is not as simple as a locust. I am afraid that several large colonies of hornet army will swarm in. Even if the warships are amazingly powerful, they are always stingy and pervasive!

Therefore, facing the three million army, and facing the 500,000 army, the style of play is obviously different, and a new strategy must be customized.

The handover of the prisoners is complete, and the war has entered the second month from the beginning of the passage through the space. This can be regarded as a war dragged into the quagmire. If it is not a war, two months, I am afraid that it has already reached the atrium area. .

Eight warships gathered in the central area of ​​the Ghost God Realm for the second strategic meeting. After all, the other party had reached the most critical moment in the long journey, consumption and recovery, and it was also the beginning of our new plan.

"Three million elites have reached the position of our ambush circle before." I drew a line in the center of the map to signal the ghost emperors to continue.

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