Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2308: : After the capture

Sure enough, it did not exceed my expectations. Just as we retreated, the space explosion collapsed in front of us. The cause was a death star detonated, but the consequences were disastrous. Not only did the blood flow back in, but also The surrounding area has become a vortex land, and the sea of ​​blood is boiling like boiling water. A dozen investigative ships sent to investigate are all involved, and then they are no longer seen!

I took a breath of air-conditioning. This Duke Hong Long really deserves its reputation. If I underestimate the enemy a little bit, I am afraid I will be taken out of the battle. Now I have lost a dozen warships, which is considered lucky!

"I checked, this Duke Hong Long is really vicious. It was buried in the empty space that needed to be detonated and destroyed the entire space with the bomb modified from the boundary mine of the blood sea battleship obtained from us. It's really hateful, it's not their territory, and they have directly dropped such a cruel hand, such a big sea of ​​blood loopholes, I don't know how to fix it, even if it is repaired, I don't know how many lives must be filled in!" Chi Shengang said.

I gritted my teeth, this Duke Hong Long really used his violent methods to lure me with twenty turtle warships. If I led all the warships to launch a general offensive at that time, this space would surely be stirred into this space, even if the warships could resist the blood sea by one or two. Years ago, but I would also throw away the atrium of the Ghost Road because of the missed battle opportunities. After all, I was involved in a sea of ​​blood. I wanted to rush out again. I couldn't figure out how much time was wasted.

The space channels extend in all directions, and some locations are even distorted, forming a weird situation like a network. It is difficult to estimate where the blood that has been exploded is originally going to be, unless there is a space expert like Han Shanshan, otherwise It's like getting lost, easy to get in and hard to get out.

"The collapse of such a large space must have a chain reaction of several explosion points. Among them, there must be experts who are good at space magic. Because such a large area is connected in series, it must have a very strong vision, so we repaired it. It’s also very difficult. According to my estimation, this passage alone will take thousands of lives to refill in the future..." Zhao Qian is an expert. There are cracks in this area of ​​thousands of miles, but let her find out. A few bombs can collapse this space, and she may not be able to do so, so the other party obviously came prepared.

"That means they will use the same method again?" I asked with a frown.

"Yes, after all, this is not their place. If we are unscrupulous, it will be difficult for our eight warships to get close. We don't know how many traps like this there are behind." Zhao Qian gritted her teeth.

"Then there is no way. The Holy Road battleship will be on standby first, and I will go there to see in person, which expert is causing the trouble." I sneered. Since the other party is playing yin, I also have a sharp knife. , Also let them see red.

"Isn't it dangerous for the Holy Emperor to go deep into the enemy's camp?" Ferry asked, seeking stability.

"The collapse of space does not work for the true immortals, so don’t worry about it. Unless you encounter more than three true immortals, I won’t have an accident. In this place, I will let the demon under the hands of Hong Longong do this. Fix it and fill it in." I said coldly.

The ghost emperors did not dare to persuade me any more, and I gave the command to Dutu again. After all, Dutu was the most reliable candidate for stability.

I changed my breath and erased my godhead and quickly rushed through the collapsed space. Sure enough, that area was all caught in turbulence. If it weren’t for my strong strength, I’m afraid I would be involved immediately. It can be seen that the Holy Road battleship is here. It is also not safe here, only a true fairyland can run rampant here without being affected.

But after all, it’s not a little bit different from the shells of the Disillusioned Star Cannon. This kind of power is not enough to form a space compression. Otherwise, the reconnaissance fleet that came to investigate, fearing that it will lose its life, should only be involved in the blood. , I just lost my way.

The warships used in the reconnaissance fleet are all multifunctional lifeboats attached to the Holy Road warships. Not only can they complete life-saving missions, they are also good at reconnaissance, and the warships have a strong endurance. As a scout, it is not difficult to find a way home. , So I didn’t worry about them, nor did I send rescue, because there are also wartime solutions.

It didn't take much time, so I found the scouts they ruled out to investigate the news. In order to prevent the troubles, I naturally have my own way.

I pretended to be the defeated unit on Jin Hun's side, and did not hesitate to use the second-grade cultivation base, and flew over: "I am the temporary deputy commander of the elite division of the Turtle Warship. I have no official or post. Here, request to receive."

I have no official or post, but I claim to be the interim deputy head of the elite division. This is a nice way of saying it. In fact, it is the high-level wild fairy brought by Zhang Suye. I temporarily recruited Jin Hun in the form of a godless character.

Those scouts had mostly three or four ranks. They were all taken aback when they saw me, the deputy chief, and they came over to inquire, and Ruoyouruowu secretly checked my identity.

I didn’t suspect that he had his own name and the commander. After all, I spent a few days on Oasis Planet, and in the past few days I have actually come into contact with a lot of monsters. It was too easy for one of them to fool them, so I quickly gained their trust, and quickly became a difficult brother with them, and was stationed in the Turtle Turtle.

Every one of these Divine Turtle Warships is no less than a fairy city. It is so huge that I suppressed the cultivation base to enter it, and it would not attract much attention at all.

"Brother Xia, since your troop designation has been cancelled, or you can join us. It is now in wartime, and the reorganization is not strict. Some time ago, the ship opposite us also included hundreds of people, and the strength was enhanced. Quite a lot, shit, but Brother Xia is here today, and one of them can be hundreds of them! Hahaha!" The demon fairy who is the same deputy chief as me laughed.

"That's not great, right? I just want to go back now. It's not the space collapsed, or the small world exploded. I'm just a second-grade Sanxian. How dare I stay here again! Just begging for acceptance, I was just afraid. But depending on your situation, I'm afraid we will continue to attack Ghost Dao, right?" I quickly waved my hand.

"Hey, I said Brother Xia, don't you know this? The explosion of this small world is indeed the enemy's poison, but this space collapses, hehe, but the means of our queen! Seeing the momentum just now? Frightened? Right?" The deputy chief laughed.

"What? Even the Queen of Jin is here?" I pretended to be terrified, but I was really surprised. This Queen of Jin is actually a master of space? This time the father and daughter played, they did have a hand!

"No? Damn, this ghost emperor is also powerful. He sneaked into our demon hall secretly. He and the first madman in the ancient gods, Jian Xian, forbidden slaves, tried their best to injure and kill our great demon emperor. , How can this be achieved? Of course we want revenge, and the Queen Jin, as our backbone, of course is Fengjia's personal conquest! Did you see the space collapsed before? This ghostly holy warship, twelve miles, I am afraid The direct reimbursement is over, hehe! It's a pity because we didn't see it with our own eyes! Otherwise, this scene can be said to last a lifetime!" The deputy chief laughed again.

Twelve? Reimbursement? I sneered in my heart, it would be easy to handle, but I did not expect to be the enemy of the Queen Jin.

"I don't know which ship the Queen Jin is on? Isn't it our ship? I think our ship is quite luxurious, much better than the one I went to before." I asked, knocking on the side.

"Haha, Brother Xia joked. Although this supernatural turtle battleship is luxurious, where can empress Jin and Duke Hong Long take that flagship? We are just a side ship here. The captain is under the heir of Wushu, but Wushu The public is not much worse than the other officials, at least it is in the ranks. Brother Xia is willing to come, but it is far better than going to other ships!" The deputy chief said, he felt that I suddenly asked this, yes Planning to choose the Lord.

I smiled faintly, pointed to the most luxurious-looking warship far away and asked, "Is this the flagship? Empress Jin and Duke Hong Long are there?"

"Exactly, what's the matter?" The deputy chief was stunned.

Suddenly I pulled out the Unusual Sound Sword, and with a bang, the protective shield of this battleship cracked a hideous hole!

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