Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2313: : Yunhe

"Is there any sign?" I asked hurriedly, after all, Zhao Qian herself has a deep research on Dao Yun and she has a professional counterpart.

"Well, I feel that a trace of her luck remains, and it should not be far away from here." Zhao Qian pinched and looked to the north area. I wonder if it will be the Demon Palace, but soon Zhao Qian Said: "Be far away from the demon temple. According to the Boundary Star induction method, it should be the temple."

My face changed, and I said, "She should have been refining into a tool spirit over there, can we go and see now?"

"Brother Tian, ​​if you look at this matter from the perspective of a friend, I think it's necessary." Zhao Qian nodded. She didn't call me the Holy Emperor this time, so it's already a private matter.

"Holy Emperor, the envoys outside are still waiting..." Cui Yi said in surprise. After all, the envoys of the two worlds were still waiting for news. He could not keep up with it.

Chi Sheng and Dutu both have this idea, but I don't care about them at all, and said, "Let them wait, and a few will wait until I come back. If there is any change in the other party, you have the right to attack."

"Leading!" Dutu knew that I was going to go, so I didn't stop me, anyway, I was forced to the Demon Hall, and it was not too late for a few days.

I summoned the Qingxu Jade Sword and carried Zhao Qian, ignoring the three world envoys waiting for me outside, soaring into the sky and heading towards the temple.

King Xin Yu'an, Nangong Mu and others were very surprised, and hurriedly chased me, and asked me where I was going. I didn’t say a word, Yun Bingxin’s problem could not be resolved, and the situation in the Demon God Realm changed so much. , It's like clenching your fist, but punching into the cotton, so the mood is inevitably not good.

Seeing that I didn’t say anything, Nangongmu and other envoys could only chase after him, and the Qingxu Jade Sword was originally faster than the super grade, so the distance was getting farther and farther. Although the old King Yuan was a real immortal, he was in order to take care of it. The speed of the new King Yuan can only be unpleasant or slow, and the old King Yuan will only act according to his own preferences, and naturally all follow.

After more than a day, I have reached the small world of the temple. The main hall of the fairy city here is a place where the beautiful scenery is aroused by birds and flowers, but for me, it is even worse than a pig farm. Above, because here was or was the place where Yun Bingxin was imprisoned. How could such an evil place be praised for'beauty'?

There are many huge active galaxies around, and even under the main hall of the gods city, it is dominated by the deep blue sea. I know this should be a place to raise turtles, but how many magical turtles are still in the sea, then I don’t know. .

The main hall of the Shenxian City is extremely luxurious. It can be seen that the surplus of the Demon God Realm itself, as well as the sincerity of the Virgin, allowed them to accumulate countless material and mental energy here, and this has formed a pattern no less than the Demon Temple!

Zhao Qian and I drove the Qingxu Jade Sword and soon came to the back mountain of the main hall, a dojo that is not considered luxurious. This should be the residence of the Virgin! After all, the main hall is usually the place where the grand ceremony of conferring the gods, or the gathering of the demon gods, is the place where the public implements are, and the chances of the Virgin will never be too many to appear, and it is more reasonable to hide in the back mountain.

Zhao Qian fell from the jade sword, and quickly walked to a small house, saw the extremely simple scenery around, pinched her finger for a long time, and finally, as I waited anxiously, I finally sighed and recovered. Come.

I was nervous, and Zhao Qian shook her head, tears slipped down, and said, "The only fortune of the road is here, so I can only do this. I can only do this. The only thing I can read here is A poem should be the last writing left by Miss Yun."

"What is it? Say... Say." I trembled. Zhao Qian said so, telling me clearly that Yun Bingxin would not be able to return. Otherwise, the destiny that could be read would not only remain here. !

Seeing my red eyes, Zhao Qian wiped away the tears from her eyes, and said: "She said: Gu Pan was silent, she is getting colder again, and she is ashamed of the gathering, and will go to Yunhe."

"What..." My figure shook for a moment. I didn't believe in the true meaning of the words for a while, and quickly asked: "What does... mean?"

"When I look at you, I always feel that I can’t say anything, so I don’t know it, I feel fading away. But even so, I am ashamed to be with you... At the beginning of this sentence, I can only follow the literal The meaning is explained. As for what it means to go to Yunhe, I don’t know how to interpret it. Could it be because she already knew that she was going to become an instrument god, so she wrote this sentence with her last thought... Anyway, after this, This is where the Dao Luck can no longer be connected." Zhao Qian said.

My face changed slightly, and it is normal for Zhao Qian to be puzzled in the third sentence, because this was the experience shared by Yun Bingxin and I. At that time, in the inner sea of ​​Nine Provinces, I sneaked into her dream to save her and knew her. Afterwards, she woke up from a dream, and her reserved nature was ashamed of herself, so she didn't dare to meet with me often, even pretending to be repulsive, for fear that others would see it.

As for the last sentence, I will go to Yunhe. In fact, I have already clearly understood the meaning of this in my heart, but I have always been unable to believe it!

I know even more that she was extremely unwilling to become the so-called "Artifact God" in the Demon God Realm, because she knew that this time she went to Yunhe and had no hope of continuing her relationship with me, but she was helpless. Thinking of the most important thing in my life, so the first three sentences describe the affection for me, and the last sentence explains where she was afterwards. I hope I can see it, don’t miss it, only when she goes with Yunhe... …

"Aki, you go back and wait for me first... I want to be quiet." I felt a pain in my heart, and crystal tears fell from my crimson eyes, and the anger was like a tide. The waves were shocked and the mood was even more difficult. suppress……

Zhao Qian sighed softly, how could I not know that my "quiet" is ironic, but as the world stone started, she decisively shifted away from the small world of the temple.

I slowly raised my head, letting tears wet the clothes, and when I opened my eyes, everything beautiful here seemed to be a hindrance to me. I made a chucking sound, but I realized how much Nian didn't choke, and even forgot to cry.

All the way from the acquaintance of Yunzhou in the territory of Kyushu to the mutual sympathy, scenes and scenes are like clouds in Yunzhou, passing by. The figure of the girl who likes to dress up in green will never return, only the memory is still deep. In my heart!

I was angry and roared to the sky, and the cicadas screamed fiercely at this time, as if it fit my mood, irritable and crazy.


Under the violent sound, everything around was turned into dust. The fairy city covered with grass and trees and the fragrance of flowers instantly turned into a desert, but this did not stop my anger. I took out the voiceless voice of the world. The sword blasted the temple, and even the immeasurable mountain that symbolized the demon **** realm was cut for me. The mountain ridge crashed down and hit the big formation, and there was a harsh explosion!

I am indifferent at all, now I only want to destroy, and I have to destroy everything about the instrument god, so that they will no longer exist in the world!

With a series of attacks, even if this fairy city has the best boundary wall and the best formation technology in the demon **** world, how can it withstand the fierce bombardment of a true fairyland, and the previous large formation has already given me one. The sword is broken!

So soon, when the new and old King Yu'an, Nangong Mu, and Le Zhengyu arrived, they could only watch the temple fall, and the Fengshen Pillar followed the ruins and fell into the sea of ​​the small world below.

"Pavilion Master Xia! Why are you doing this?" Nangong Mu quickly asked. Although I saw my eyes were red, like a demon, but I collapsed the temple, which is already disrespectful to the demon **** realm, and peeing on the human head. It makes no difference!

"Big Ghost Emperor, are you really going to make the contradictions irreconcilable?" King Xin Yuan also showed a shocked expression, the temple collapsed, no less than the act of declaring war, even if it is wartime, it is still Acts of rebelliousness.

I glanced at all the immortals in the envoy, gritted my teeth and sneered: "Isn't there a truce, and a negotiation of terms? Okay, now you can talk!"

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