Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2320: : Guantian

"Yeah, it's all gone. The last Six Gods and Heavens battle was that even the Supreme could not be spared from falling into the battle. They are just pillars of the world. What is so strange that they die and die?" Lu Sheng was extremely calm. It seems that Li Guxian and Li Qiankun are just passers-by who are scared to death by their name and origin!

I was shocked. The shock that his words caused me to fall into was hard to attach. Even the Supreme could not be spared from falling into the war. This is the real battle between the six gods and the heavens, and the battle with the demon gods that I launched before, I am afraid that all It can't be called a battle between the six gods and heaven!

In this way, the wife's body was suppressed in the human and **** realm, and such things can be explained, so I quickly asked: "The supreme divine body of the ghost way has been crushed in the human and **** realm in this six gods and heavens battle. , What kind of interest relationship are they fighting for in the battle that even their supreme is involved? I wonder if Lu Daoyou can help me explain?"

Lu Sheng thought for a while, and then said: "Shang Xian, if you talk about the relationship of interests between the supreme, it has nothing to do with the ancient immortal way of the ancient immortal world, let alone the matter of Li Xiangru and Li Xianzun, should I talk about that? "

"Please also ask fellow daoists to solve your doubts." I gritted my teeth. This is undoubtedly important, and it is also the information I have not been able to obtain from elsewhere.

Lu Sheng Nianxu fell silent, and then said: "My main body is here. The things I know are limited to the one-sided words of the ancient Yuan kings. I am afraid that I am biased. The immortal will listen?"

"Listen." I almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood, holding back for so long, he still asked me so pedantically.

"Okay, then I'll just talk about it." Lu Sheng hesitated, and quickly said: "Before the last Liushentian war, there was a woman from the human and **** realm called Si Yunshang, who was good at space. The method can communicate and connect the Liushentian. It is because she has brought the convenience of connecting with me today. Otherwise, the Liushentian may not be so convenient to come and go now except for the supreme body! Of course, if you gain, you will lose. While she was able to communicate with Liushentian, she also violated taboos. Every supreme will have their own minds. Because of this Yunshang, this time has brought an ancient **** who can communicate!"

As soon as I heard it, I suddenly condensed again, and quickly asked, "Ancient God?"

The cause of this ancient war was Si Yunshang. I knew this, but I didn't expect that there was an ancient god. This shocked me.

"This woman named Si Yunshang, in fact, was not the first to communicate with our worlds in the six gods, but the first to communicate with the ancient gods, and even introduced an ancient **** into her in some way. In her body, therefore, there is also an ancient **** in her body who has the opportunity to open the passage to the ancient **** realm, which also attracted other sacreds to each other, vying to return to the ancient **** realm! And launched a huge momentum , Occupying the war leading to the ancient gods realm, and this channel is naturally in the hands of the supreme of the human gods!" Lu Sheng spoke like flowing water, not slowly, but time passed before Liushentian.

"Back to the Ancient God Realm?" I was taken aback for a moment. There was an ancient **** in Si Yunchang's body? Thinking of this, there was a chill on my body. If Han Shanshan was the reincarnation of Si Yunshang, then the person sealed in the body could not be Si Yunshang! ? Isn't it the ancient god! ?

"Yes, who doesn't want to return to the ancient **** realm? Do you want to stay in the Three Tribulations True Immortal step and unable to advance? And the supreme staying in the realm, not able to cultivate to the level of indifferent mind for thousands of years, how can he be content with the status quo So not only the supreme of the four worlds, the three pillars of the ancient immortal world, together with the emperor of the Demon God Realm, the emperor of the Ghost God Realm, etc., are unavoidable to join this massive and eye-catching battle of the six gods and heavens. In that battle, I heard that it was fought so dimly and horribly, and the tragic ending made the subsequent immortals sigh. As a result, two of the three pillars of the ancient immortal world went to two, and Guidao Zhizun was the main side of the battle. , Even the divine body was pressed under the fallen **** stage, it was terrifying and terrifying." Lu Sheng sighed.

I still have a lot of doubts about this in my mind, because Chen Xunhua said before that there were several terrifying battles between the six gods and the heavens before the last Liushentian, so the three pillars were passed down to the Liushentian and even the name of the ancient immortal world. It is also named by one of them. I don’t know how much gold it contains. After all, the age is too old, and it’s probably very difficult to trace it. Moreover, at Lu Sheng’s age, the history that can be traced back to It is also limited. Besides, how much outside things can he know when he'squatted at home'? Presumably, you have to find the old King Yuan.

But even if there is a difference, this Li Guxian's greatness should not be a lie, and this battle actually caused such a powerful sword immortal pillar to fall, really enough to shock the past and the present.

"Li Xiangrui, is the offspring of Li Guxian? And the Qiankun Dao left by Li Qiankun is only a minor part of the Human God Realm. How did the Taixian Dao perish afterwards? Is it just because of the prohibition of slaves?" , Then what is the beginning of the Six Gods and Heavens War?

"The Li Guxian inherited by Li Xiangrui, this is true, whether it is a direct descendant, then I don’t know. As for Li Qiankun’s Qiankun Dao, I have never heard of it again in these years, and the demise of Taixian Dao is probably due to Li Xiangru’s demise. You can't get rid of the relationship. After all, the Taixiandao family is dominated and almost became the overlord after the Six Gods and Heavens War. This is enough to be regarded as the leading bird. No, Li Xiangrui, Li Guxian's successor, is not sitting in the ancient immortal world. Is it the position of Xianzun? Isn't the one who has benefited the most from the most suspected one?" Lu Sheng smiled.

I nodded: "As a result, Lee Sang-ruo left the worlds that wandered around. I am afraid that he did not do little to prepare for the destruction of Taixian Dao and regain the glorious status of the old immortal Dao. Moreover, Lee Sang-nai’s best at doing bad things is to let others do it. Coming to the culprit, and he gained a good reputation, it can be seen that the destruction of Taixian Dao has nothing to do with him. As for the prohibition of slavery, it is just the last autumn grass that crushes the mountain."

"That's right, this analogy of autumn grass crushing the mountain is also vivid." Lu Sheng is not shy. After all, he is rooted here and chewing his tongue. Can Li Xiangru not be far away to face him? Besides, I still don't deal with him first, so he is not afraid of Li Sangyu knowing.

This Lu Sheng understands a lot, but there are also a lot of doubts. They can only be used for reference, but they cannot be regarded as a living witness. Because he has not personally experienced the matter, he has also been integrated after hearings, not to mention the timeline. I'm afraid it's not right, I'm afraid the incident was handled exaggeratedly.

"Then, what did Li Xiangrui roaming the Demon God Realm afterwards?" I asked immediately.

"I borrowed the power to move Taixian Dao." Lu Sheng smiled bitterly. Seeing my doubts, he continued to explain: "Even after the Battle of the Six Gods and Heavens, Taixian Dao was destroyed because of the two pillars fighting together, but Taixian Dao was preserved. Strength, has become the overlord of our four great worlds that initiated wars, and the declining ancient immortal Dao has also become a weaker. Among them, the one who wants Zhongxing ancient immortal Dao the most is Li Xiangruo. He has come to the ghosts and gods. Jie, in addition to visiting the Eight Kings and persuading the relationship, he also secretly reached a secret agreement with our Demon Lord. As for the content of this agreement, even the Eight Kings don’t know, but the ancestor told me her The conjecture seems to be related to the Na Ling method. As for whether it is true or false, there is no way to examine it. Anyway, now he Li Xiangru has become the immortal venerable of the ancient immortal realm, and our Demon God Realm does not accidentally sit back and enjoy its success, due to the demise of the Taixian Tao. And then became the overlord of the four worlds, does the Shangxian agree?"

I neither nod nor shook my head. These four world hegemons, I think the Demon God Realm has been sitting for a while, but it is still very illusory. After all, Li Sang-ruo has taken a series of measures to integrate the evil ways of the ancient immortal realm, so I I feel that the overlord of these four worlds is about to be transposed, and the Demon God Realm is probably in a bit of a pain, and the rock he lifted may even hit his own foot.

And this Lu Sheng actually felt that the Demon God Realm was the strongest. Although it was not about sitting in a well and watching the sky, it could be said that the information was seriously bad and he couldn't keep up with the times.

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