Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2327: : Greedy

In a regime, the ruler is strong and the ministers are weak, which will inevitably make the whole government become isolated and single. There is no contending of flowers, and there is no power of aliens to dare to sprout. There is only one word to decide, so not only the Lingyue King does not dare to speak, but even has always been perverse. The new King Yuan didn't say a word, because everything will be the devil's say!

Here, the opponent will always be the Demon Lord himself!

"Haha...what did you say? Take both away?" The Demon Sovereign sneered, and his hands hidden in his sleeves made a chuckle, as if the next moment I made him dissatisfied a little bit, he immediately Will violently attack!

I was cold, but there was no fear on my face. Instead, I said faintly: "Yes, if necessary, I will take both!"

"You... are looking for death?" The Demon Lord's face twisted and stern, and the atmosphere and coercion of the entire palace suddenly caused all the surrounding gods to kneel to the ground! Including Jing Xiaoman also holding the Xianjing throne with both hands, not letting himself fall to his knees!

Feeling the strong pressure of the opponent, I feel that my whole body weighs more than a thousand catties. I have not experienced such a terrifying pressure for a long time, and after entering the real fairyland, it is the first time that I have encountered an opponent!

"I don't look for death, but if you have to look for death, why don't you look for it?" I said coldly.

"Ha ha... Ha ha ha ha..." Demon Lord smiled coldly, and in the laughter, he quickly stretched out his hand from his sleeve! That skinny hand was like the claws of a falcon, and instantly escaped into the space, and then a black air was pulled out for him!

I immediately stepped back to the outside of the hall, and I also had a first-grade chaotic alloy sword in my hand. This sword was brought to the Demon God Realm to replace the unvoiced sounds of the world. It has been refined and the weapon spirit is a super Brand's feathery violent scale beast!

Because of the powerful spirit of this sword, when I pulled out the sword, my heart became more stable. After all, when I was facing the demon lord, I didn't have a good sword, so I really didn't have much in my heart!

However, the Demon Lord saw that I was also drawing the sword, but he showed contempt: "Chaos Alloy Sword...isn't it a floating world voiceless sound? It seems to be different from the original information, or are you looking down on the deity?"

My expression was condensed, because I never thought I would face the Demon Venerable, but I have never heard of his true strength. Even the sword, I am also not very clear, and the black energy he drew out, although I I felt extremely gloomy, but in fact I didn't feel that it was so powerful. Could it be that Li Sang-ruo's "immortality" is so powerful? After all, I pulled out the self-made Chaos Alloy Sword that Ghost Dao is most proud of. This guy actually thinks I'm underestimating him?

"Does Demon Lord think that my sword is not enough to see?" I asked back.

"Indeed, for some children, this Chaos Alloy Sword is an excellent toy, but..." Mozun Jiejie laughed, and then came to me in an instant. The black air in his hand was so thunderous. The momentum hit me!


With one blow, the two swords smashed into each other suddenly, and I suddenly felt my whole body sink, and the whole person slammed into the clouds below the main hall. In the impact of this sword, I was unexpectedly caught off guard!

Looking at the Chaos Alloy Sword, my face was even more gloomy, because this sword almost exploded a big mouth under the blow of the opponent, and at this moment, I was trying to recover because of the large amount of power I instilled!

Unexpectedly, the Chaos Alloy Sword is actually like a fragile toy in front of the opponent's sword!

"Now do you feel that this sword is too weak in front of my Demon Sword Greedian?!" The Demon Venerable was condescending, his hand holding the sword buzzed, and the surrounding air suddenly seemed to leave the sword Greedy Mo away! And this was not over yet, he chanted a few spells in a low voice, and then said three words that I was very familiar with: "Nalingfa."

"Nalingfa!" I gritted my teeth. It seems that I really met my opponent this time. My long sword also flicked. Soon a layer of black light was wrapped around the outer layer of the sword, shocking the fury of the beasts. The sound also sounded, and when you look closely, it is a terrifying monster that is not a bird, a beast, or a fish! This is the feathered violent scale beast!


The long swords collided again, and the greedy black energy seemed to have taken away the energy of the Chaos Alloy Sword in my hand. At the same time, the demon lord’s spiritual enchantment method, like his'greedy sky', drove me The power of the body is drawn directly!

Yes, it is to draw my power directly, not just to absorb the extra volatilized part! This shocked my heart so hard to attach, so I immediately shrank the ground behind him! Avoid skimming its peaks!

But at this moment, my second-tier spirit-absorption technique has lost to the opponent's three-layer spirit-absorption technique, which can absorb a little energy. On the other hand, with the blessing of the terrifying magic sword of Tiantian, the three-layer spirit-absorption method absorbs it. With the amount of energy I don’t know, the terrifying rainbow power has risen magnificently, making this demon, who originally seemed sickly, as terrifying as a god!

"It seems the same as I thought, there is only the second floor... Is Li Sang-nai cut corners, or you dare not practice?" The eyes of Demon Lord's hideous and distorted face were wide, and the pupils immediately appeared small. This kind of lunatic is probably more terrifying than forbidden slaves!

I swallowed, knowing in my heart that this time I encountered an opponent who is definitely not weaker than Li Sang-noo. In addition to his own strength now reaching the real fairyland of the Second Tribulation, the three levels of spiritual enlightenment and magic Jian is greedy for the sky, it is a level of existence above me!

In particular, the Devil Sword is Greed of Heaven, it is definitely the treasure of the true immortal. It is estimated that only the immortality of the legendary Li Xiangru can be defeated!

The feathery storm scales in my hand were wailing because of the second impact. Under such circumstances, if I continue to let it blast that greedy sky, I am afraid it will only be the result of broken jade!

"Ning Ling method!" I knew that this time I could no longer have reservations, so I directly displayed the three-layer Na Ling method!

Suddenly, hostility rushed into my head, making me feel the heat in my eyes. I am afraid that in front of others, my eyes are already red! And the use of this powerful Taoism, the hostility backlash, there is no doubt that it is painful!

"Three floors? Interesting! Hahahaha..." The devil laughed frantically. When he looked at me, he seemed to be looking at the same kind of weirdness! And such a look is definitely not friendly, it is when two male beasts are about to compete, weighing the strength of each other!

But at the next moment, the devil's laughter stopped abruptly, and he stared at my eyes with a hint of surprise: "Impossible!"

I sneered. There is no doubt that he felt that after I performed the three levels of spirituality, I should immediately fall into madness. Unfortunately, he did not see this situation! All I saw was a wave of my sword, and the power from Naling was instantly dyed black, while the monstrous hostility that rushed into the brain was transformed into a stronger force due to the absorption and release of innate devil qi. Infected and contributed to the attacking energy of the outer layer of Naling!

This black hostile energy stirred each other, forming a part that was absolutely no less than what the Demon Lord had just absorbed!

The hostility formed by using the three-layer Na Ling method not only failed to drive me into madness, but also fueled my arrogance. Anyone who saw it would feel shocked!

Including Demon Lord, now he is also in a weird anxiety, but soon, he seems to think of something, his teeth clenched and rattled: "You have innate devilish energy?"


Without any hesitation, I who didn't say anything else, Na Ling Fa blasted out on the spot, and at this time, the Demon Venerable didn't care about it at all, and also blasted Na Ling Fa!

The two forces immediately collided, causing a violent explosion, and the large steps in front of the palace were shattered on the spot because of this terrifying force!

But in the next moment, the demon lord could not tolerate me for a moment of intermission, and his figure flashed, the demon sword of Greedy had already collided with my sword!

Slightly, the sword grid part was directly eliminated, and the sword blade also jumped out on the spot! Shaoyu Stormscale knew that if he contacted the other party, he must perish on the spot, so he roared and struggled hard to cause damage to the demon lord!

However, a burst of black terror devouring power broke out at this time, it was the devouring power of Tiantian!

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