Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2354: :books

Buzzing! The Westward Sorrowful Wind Sword was blocked by the spreading sword aura, and there was a terrifying sound during the friction, but because the sword aura radiated more and more from my body, it was in a stagnant state. This changed Xia Ruize's expression!

Li Guxian is worthy of being the sword celestial among the sword celestial beings. Her hints made me inspire like thunder. This sword was not finished, and another sword was started. Using the unfinished sword technique to renew the move, it saved my life! And because it is one and a half times the curse, this infinite galaxy's sword energy is still spreading like a wave. It is not difficult at all to spread in this narrow Molten Demon Realm, even in an instant. Fill it up!

Xia Ruize roared, obviously unable to resist the horrible sword aura, and his Dao power quickly dropped in an instant. I believe that when the Dao power disappears, he will die immediately on the spot!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!" The black dragon roared fiercely, as if struggling to protect him, but one and a half times the curse was not what it could resist, so the roar did not last for a moment, and it was once again annihilated in Xia Ruize's body. And Xia Ruize, Dao Body also penetrated the sword qi at a speed that was almost terrifying, almost a sieve!

"Heh... you are really good..." Xia Ruize suddenly showed a wry smile while bearing the sword song.

I sighed deeply, watching him gradually become ineffective like this, my heart became unspeakably complicated again, the name of killing brother, am I going to remember it for the rest of my life? Looking at the Demon Lord outside the Molten Demon Realm, at this moment, looking at our brothers mutilating with joy, I couldn't help but startled.

I can't kill him.

My mother would not allow me to do this.

Grandma, I am afraid that seeing me killing my brother will stop me, even if he killed his grandpa!

I took a deep breath and flicked my sleeves, breaking the sword energy and continuing to spread.

"Brother Ruize, do you have any last words that I want to bring to my mother and Xiaoxue..." I took a deep breath, and finally sighed, but even if I let him go, I'm afraid Molten Demon will not let me Is he staying here? After all, his Dao body disappeared, and the incorporeal body was here as if it were being burned, absorbed by the real fire of the sun, he was still a dead end.

"Haha... a familiar name, but why... don't you give me a good time? Why are you still such a benevolent woman?" Xia Ruize asked me when he saw Jian Qi disappear.

I sneered and shook my head: "What good is it for me to kill you immediately?"

"If you don't kill me, aren't you afraid that I will leave here like this?" Xia Ruize continued to ask.

I looked up and down his Dao body, which was still in corpuscle, and said, "How long do you think you can live? If you are still attached to future generations, take advantage of this time to finish saying the last words."

"One day, you don't actually want to kill me in your heart, do you?" Xia Ruize smiled, but was not prepared to say his last words. Instead, he waved and took the Sorrowful Wind Sword back.

"Maybe, Molten will let you know everything." I was taken aback, but there was a hint of doubt in my heart, why he could talk to me in such a calm posture in this situation.

"I'm afraid there is no molten fire, you will not kill me." Xia Ruize shook his head and smiled, as if he had confirmed this, and then, to my surprise, his power actually recovered slowly!

My heart shrank, and my eyebrows condensed slightly: "Why?"

"No, because you are here, you can't kill me at all." Xia Ruize smiled faintly.

"There is only one person here who can go out!" My sword shook, and the power came out again, but I was shocked that Xia Ruize could actually recover here! If you continue to let him recover, wouldn't it be necessary to recover completely to the most severe time?

"You always think things are complicated. Maybe you come in with others and you will go out, but if I stand here, the result will not be like this, because this Molten Demon Realm belongs to me." Xia Ruize revealed A meaningful smile!

My face changed, but I still have to ask why in the future. Next, Xia Ruize has stretched out his hand and directly extracted a real fire from the sun, and in his own hands, transformed into the appearance of a bird, and under his blow, spread his wings high. Fly, and finally disappeared in the air!

This scene has proved that this Molten Demon Realm is exactly what he can control, so that the situation is instantly reversed!

"Why? I haven't figured it out yet, who am I?" Xia Ruize shook his head and looked at me in amazement. Suddenly a black divine light appeared behind him. This divine plate was as dark as an abyss, as if it could take everything in the world. Absorbed, it is deeper than the Demon Lord’s divine grid. If it is endless, it seems to be satisfied with my puzzled expression. Xia Ruize smiled faintly: "You are so smart, don't you think who I am?"

I looked at the periphery of the Molten Demon Realm. Except for the high-level officials such as the Eight Kings and Demon Venerable, who were shocked, all the officials of the Demon God Realm knelt to the ground! Including Jing Xiaoman, who also covered her mouth at this moment, Xiu's eyes widened, as if she had encountered the most incredible thing!

"Devil God Realm... to... Supreme!" I gritted my teeth and gripped the sword very tightly. Because Xia Ruize is the Supreme Lord of the Demon God Realm, everything will be subverted, and now, it is also the most dangerous time for me, because if he wants to Kill me, you can control this Molten Demon Realm, and burn me to death with the real fire of the sun that constantly absorbs my power!

The key is that he is still recovering, as if here, it is his own domain!

I had heard that this Molten Demon Realm was the supreme thing of the Demon Realm, but I never expected Xia Ruize to be the supreme Demon God Realm!

"Yes, I am the Supreme Demon God Realm, am I scared?" Xia Ruize's smile was not deep or shallow, as if he was always so confident and restrained.

"What do you want? Continue to smash, or show off more before killing me?" I sneered, because the current Xia Ruize suddenly swapped with me from the most disadvantaged position.

"Hehe... One day, why didn't you ask me why you became the supreme of the Demon God Realm? Why did you ask you to stand here?" Xia Ruize looked at me with a lively expression.

"First, the original Demon Lord was not you, and second, you became the Supreme Lord of the Demon God Realm. Those outside the Demon God Realm must not know it. Third, the Supreme Lord of the Demon God Realm will not disappear for no reason, or pass the position casually. Here you are, the fourth conclusion comes out, you killed the supreme of the Demon God Realm! Am I right?" I asked.

"The analysis is very reasonable, but it can be said to be right or wrong." Xia Ruize smiled, looked outside for a while, and dyed the molten fire black with a wave of his hand. This black is hostile and spreading. It became more and more expansive, and in the end, everything around was infected, so that the gods on the outside could no longer see the inside. Of course, I couldn’t see the outside as well!

What is he going to do?

"What do you want to do? If you want to fight a game, just do it a little bit. Why pretend to be a ghost? And what can't be said in front of others?" I looked at him coldly. It seems redundant.

Xia Ruize didn't seem to hear it, and said, "Why, let's talk about why we let you in here first?"

"Hehe, isn't it to kill me?" I frowned and asked.

This question made Xia Ruize laugh, and then said: "Of course not. I just want to confirm one thing, and then I can start another thing. If I just want to kill you, why should I bother?"

"It's not necessarily. Outside, you can't kill me at all." I snorted. Although Xia Ruize became the supreme of the Demon God Realm, he killed me with the power of a true immortal, not in this Molten Demon Realm. It's a fantasy.

Xia Ruize didn't seem to want to refute me. Instead, he took out a book that looked like jade but not jade, or gold but not gold. This book exuded some kind of strange light, which seemed to be nothing ordinary.

And just now in the Molten Demon Realm, it didn't really burn the sun, and it appeared in front of me intact. I couldn't help but mutter in my heart: Could it be the same existence as the Fate of Heaven?

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