Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2368: : Skyfire

Did you vomit blood out of anger? impossible? When I was wondering what was going on in my heart, Li Xianglu wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, but he still looked shaky.

"What? Li Xianzun, is it because I have been suffering from a physical illness recently or something? If there is a hidden illness, it is better to cultivate a good life in Xianting. If you can't do it, you can still fight for the position of the leader. It may be better for young people to do these things. "Although I don't want to take advantage of people's dangers, if Lee Sang-rui was in his heyday, he would not be polite to me, so of course I would not be polite to be able to **** him off now!

"Haha... Pavilion Master Xia is really worried. It's just some of the side effects of Hua Dao Fa. The strength of Hua Dao will eventually cause different degrees of damage to Dao power. Just like the Na Ling Fa, this world three There are always some shortcomings in the Dao Law. Presumably Pavilion Master Xia has learned the Naling Method, and the hostility is hard to get rid of, right?" Li Xiangrui laughed very calmly. He meant the same as when Mozun first saw me. It must have brought me the same side effects as a nightmare, so why bother to laugh?

But I suddenly laughed and said: "So, it seems that there really is no perfect spell in the world. The more powerful the spell, the more powerful it needs to be resolved."

"Pavilion Master Xia said that... However, since ancient times, we have cultivated the Tao Fa, and there is no way to deal with it." Li Xianglu said indifferently, but he didn't say what the method was, which surprised me. .

The three-way method is indeed a sky-defying spell. It is used to deal with opponents who do not know the three-way method. It has the effect of forcibly suppressing it. However, it is inevitable that the side effects of learning the three-way method will be unavoidable. , That is, Li Xiangruo faces the three-layered spirit-abundance method of the devil, and the Taoist method will also counteract him, causing him great internal damage.

This indirectly also means that the three Taoisms cannot be cultivated at the same time, otherwise they will fight back together. Wouldn't it be that you have died before you win?

I smiled, and I was going to lay aside how to deal with this method of Li Xiangrui. I might be able to get some inspiration from it to deal with it.

However, before I could say anything, Li Xiangruo frowned slightly and looked at the sky of the fairy city. I also felt a strange burning sensation. When I looked up, the sky was burning strangely. Can't help but change color slightly.

"Burning the sky!" Li Xiangrui's expression suddenly changed, and Zhao Qian, Li Nianjun, etc. behind me were all surprised!

"The Burning Heaven, one of the Nine Divine Swords?" I was stunned. After all, the scene before me really seemed to have burned the sky, and when I looked around, there were huge fires everywhere, as if we were all surrounded!

"Floating life is incomprehensible to the matter of imaginary dust, clouds and fire are lingering like burning sky! Unexpectedly this sword will appear here!" Li Xiangrui's face changed slightly, and he was much stronger than I sensed, and he suddenly looked towards the north of the clouds and fire. !

I followed his gaze. There, in the quiet space, there was a squeaking and dragging sound of a hard object, as if the tip of a sword was scratching on the ground, and it was as if gold and iron hit the surface. To a trace of horror.

"It's actually you!" Li Xiangrui snorted coldly, the immortal sword in his hand stood in front of him, and the **** of the other hand pressed the sword, with an expression that he wanted to fight each other at any time.

I was shocked in my heart, and then, my astonishment turned into a sneer in my heart: It's nothing to do with me, you, Li Sang-ruo, did a lot of evil, not not reporting, but the hour is not here!

I can see the dragged things at a glance, and the people looking for in the fire are also very familiar to me!

"Lifting his sword, Shen Yuan boils the sky, but he throws his sword into the furnace and breaks the surplus, and the eight hundred sword mountains restores the color, only to Kong Ming Yi Cangxuan! Taixian Dao! Boiling! Sword! Boiling! Heaven!"

The voice like a broken gong came, and I almost called her name in my heart: Forbidden Slave!

As if he was sure he wanted to do it on himself, Li Xiangru's expression was ugly, his **** passed behind the transparent sword, and the sword song was hidden in his mouth: "The green scales fly in the clouds, and the long wind goes to Qiong Ting several times. Tai Xiaoyu He Sanxian, the imperial sun rides the whale to Taiqing! Ancient Immortal Way! Yu! Sword! Too! Qing!"

I have seen the boiling sword boil the sky so powerfully. This Taixian Dao ultimate move is also quite awe-inspiring. It is no weaker than Tianji Dao or Guxian Dao. In addition, forbidden slaves' familiarity with the spiritual law, it is impossible to shake Li Xiangrui!

Because she appeared now, it was just after Lee Sang-ruo finished the battle with Demon Lord, this was enough to make the outcome of the battle suspense!


With a loud noise, the surrounding area was caught in a continuous fire. Zhao Qian knew the danger, so she immediately used the transfer of boundary force to pull us out of the periphery, and the dispute between Li Xiangrui and the slavery began at this time!

The forbidden slave was indeed directed at Li Sangyu. After she put down the washing coffin, she immediately roared and rushed towards the other party with an overwhelming appearance!

And Li Xiangrui did not show any weakness because he was in the second battle, and through the backlash of the Taoist method, he had already rushed to the forbidden slave and violently confronted the forbidden slave while he was waving the immortal sword!

The collision of dao powers made me instantly understand the strength of the two sides at this moment. The forbidden slave now is completely incomparable with before. With Burning Heaven, she has also shown close to the Second Tribulation. The strength of true immortals! It seems that the Demon God Realm and his party did not chase me by accident. She stayed there, nor was it purely chasing me. Instead, she found Burning Heaven and at the same time relying on the plundered resources, she almost advanced to the second rank. Jie Zhenxian might have restored the prosperous strength he originally had!

How could the fighter that Taixiandao used for revenge was so much weaker than Li Sangju? Wouldn't it be self-humiliating? It seems that while letting the slaves learn the method of sacred spirits, they also made extreme reforms to the slaves!

The fire is full of the sky, if it is going to burn everything, the power of this divine sword is definitely unimaginable, because before I get close, I feel that the flame of the sword is not for decoration!

Of the nine divine swords, some are mainly blessed by swordsmanship, while a few others are blessed because the first owner who got it is good at spells. Forbidden slaves should be the same as Mistress , What he is good at is spells.

Although this kind of sword is not very sharp in addition to swordsmanship, once it matches the attributes of the sword song, it can also exert the terrifying ability of the burning city. This boiling sword is undoubtedly the preparation for the slave from the beginning. The ultimate move!

The current forbidden slaves are already at the same level as me. If I can't learn Li Guxian's double curse anymore, I will definitely be able to compare it. This makes me feel a lot of pressure.

But anyway, her opponent is not me at the moment, but Lee Sang-ruo who has suffered minor injuries. Let's see how this sword **** fights the slaves. If I think I have a chance, I won't hesitate to make up for it. .


The entire fairy city once again attracted monstrous flames. After the explosion, the fairy city continued to decompose and fall, and the raging energy everywhere caused waves of waves to be generated around us, constantly tapping our protective shield!

Even spectators need to open the protective shield, and the battle inside can be fierce!

After being attacked by the ban on slavery, Li Xiangru looked very ugly. Of course, the true immortal in the Second Tribulation was not very afraid of the ban. The channels for their direct dialogue, and such channels often lead to hell!

Rumble! !

The space was shattered in an instant, while the sword of the slave slave burned the sky, it also had the power to dismember the world. Even if Li Xiangrui's strength was stronger, he still had a lot of ways in haste! When the collision of sword songs ended, Li Xiangrui was already pale, standing in the air farther away! And the good sword wounds on his body all carry traces of Burning Heaven. This is the fact that they have never appeared in the battle between him and the devil!

So, sometimes finding the right time to show up can also make the opponent capsize in the gutter!

Seeing Li Xiangrui's dilemma, the slave made a jealous laugh. That burning **** sword pointed directly at the opponent, as if silently indicating that the next sword would definitely kill the opponent with one sword!

The Fen Tian presents a brilliant golden red color, matched with the gloomy Forbidden Slave, forming a strong contrast. I am afraid that only the scarlet tongue that appears when the Forbidden Slave is laughing frantically will match this color slightly!

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