Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2373: : Wonder

"Leader Li, I’ve already discussed it very well. Calling you the boss must be a bit more convenient, right? No umbrella, why should I support you as the boss? Isn’t it good for me to be the leader by myself?" Happy face.

Li Xiangrui snorted coldly and said, "What you said is naturally governed by the Four Realms Agreement, and now you only have to admit it as a member of the alliance."

"Our four worlds, of course, are one. What else can't I admit? Then you boss, do I still want to admit it?" I deliberately asked, in fact, of course I knew he wanted to be the leader first. .

"Big Ghost Emperor, don't forget where you are now!" Li Xiangrui said a little displeased.

I shrugged indifferently, and then said: "Okay, the Four Realms Agreement, let's wait until League Master Li has gathered all the leaders of the Great World, then can I go now?"

Li Xianglu took out a piece that looked like brocade or gold and thin, and opened it and said: "This is the first article of the Four Realms Agreement. I admit that I am the leader, and the Demon Emperor's seal has been signed on it. Please do not forget to leave your mark on it before the Great Ghost Emperor leaves."

I frowned. This kind of Tianwei alliance book is directly bound to my own context. Once the contract is signed, it will leave a mark in this alliance book, so it is also impossible to breach the contract, otherwise the consequences will be quite serious. Losing a part of this place is a downgrade! So it's not a contract, and I don't want to sign such an agreement.

Seeing that I was rather unhappy, Li Xianglu snorted and said, "Behind every Chen of the Tianwei Covenant, the leaders of all walks of life must make an agreement. If the contract is breached, Tianwei will naturally be punished, but as long as the contract is not breached. , This agreement cannot restrain oneself."

"If you die, this Tianwei Covenant should not be able to agree on anything, right?" I smiled coldly, Li Xiangrui's face was very ugly, and I naturally said: "For example, the Liushentian war, you sacrificed, this covenant..."

"Then I don't need you to take care of it!" Li Xiangrui snorted and threw the Tianwei Covenant in front of me. I took a look. The first Chen on the top was the covenant Li Xiangrui as the leader, except for a handprint that looked like Li Xiangrui. , There was also a handprint that seemed to be familiar. I looked at Jin Hun. This guy's hands were a little bigger, it seemed he was no doubt.

"It turns out that the hero of the leader of the Li League has won the support of the Demon God Realm without any negotiation." I sneered, implying that the two had already made a private covenant. Li Xiangrui is also a wolf ambition, and I don’t know what the Demon God Realm has gotten. benefit.

Jin Hun was embarrassed, but he still hid near the battleship and said, "Leader Li is naturally very good. His words count and his temperament is straightforward."

"Hey, I let you and Daoyou Zhang at the time. I don’t know if it’s too refreshing? So that I turned against me in the end." I sneered, and Jin Hun was so scared that he hid behind the battleship and didn’t dare to come out. I think this little old man actually So shameless, he cursed: "Jin Hun, don't be alone, or I will kill your old thing!"

"Big Ghost Emperor, one thing is one thing, I didn't do anything to you, did I?" Jin Hun's voice trembled, and then said to Li Xiangru, "Leader Li, I'm acting according to your orders. Ghost emperor, you have to call the shots for me!"

Li Sang-yu looked at me with a dull face: "Since you are like-minded fellows in the alliance, don't fight in your nest, the big ghost king, please also put the overall situation as the top priority, and you must not light up the war! To avoid further disputes!"

"Hmph, I'll give you a face for League Master Li for the time being, I admit it, but the next one needs to be discussed later!" I snorted, then glanced at Zhao Qian and asked her opinion.

Zhao Qian nodded, as if there was nothing else to say, I immediately bit my thumb and pressed a vein mark behind the first two handprints of Chen.

Li Xiangrui's expression improved a lot, and he said, "Isn't this all right? Big Ghost Emperor, in the future, this lord still needs your support."

"Haha, it's easy to say, and please also ask Li Mengzhu to have any benefits, don't forget me!" I sneered, and threw the Tianwei League book back to Li Xianglu.

After receiving the alliance book, Li Xiangrui took a serious look, smiled with satisfaction, and then said: "When I get the mark of the demon lord, I will invite the ghost emperor and all the members to my ancient immortal world to discuss and sign the next Various conventions!"

"Then first wish the leader of the Li League victory, I look forward to this ancient immortal world!" I secretly said that there is still a back hand, but I see how you get the mark of the devil!

Li Xiangyi smiled, and then looked at Jin Hun. Jin Hun watched me sign the covenant. He finally let go of his heart and ran out with Zhang Suye griefly. I didn't say a word and didn't bother to get close to them. , To me, these two are no different from traitors. If they hadn't had millions of demons staying in my ghost way in the Demon God Realm, I would have killed them with a single sword.

And just after I signed the covenant, Li Nianjun, Nangongmu, Tai Shuqian and the others also came to look at our host and guest’s expressions of joy, especially Li Xiangrui was smiling while holding the letter of alliance, knowing that the matter was done, so quickly Congratulations to Lee Sang-ruo who started.

Li Xiangrui was naturally extremely excited. Perhaps he felt that he would be more happy to take me than to take the Demon Lord, but the more he was happy, the more uncomfortable I was, and he said, "Since I will go to the Ancient Immortal World to discuss the remaining Tiao Chen, Then I don’t know if Leader Li can let us go now and let us return to the atrium of the ghost road?"

"Hey, what do the big ghost emperor say? Although this place is the land of the alliance, it is also the domain of the big ghost emperor in the final analysis. Naturally, you can go and stay freely. Why do you need to ask this leader?" Li Xiangrui looked kind, if I couldn't really beat it. He, Zhao Qian is blocked again, I really want to fight, but keep the green mountain, I am not afraid that there is no firewood, let him be the leader for a few days!

"Then see you later." After I finished speaking, I signaled Zhao Qian to use the power transfer.

Without any hesitation, Zhao Qian flew over to pick me up, far away from this area, not to mention, glanced at this Million Sword Pavilion on the road, I couldn't help feeling a little more depressed, and said to Zhao Qian: "This Million Sword Pavilion , I’m afraid the transformation has been a bit too much. Is it because the technology of the ancient gods is not used?"

"Well, it's very possible, otherwise I wouldn't have blocked them back just now. With the Demon Emperor and Zhang Suye alone, even if they have more powerful weapons in their hands, they still can't hold me." Zhao Qian said.

"This time they are here prepared, our warships are still less here." I was unhappy, but quickly said: "But since they have exposed their strength, we need to be more prepared, yes, First transfer our warship to prevent what Lee Sang-ruo has. In addition, let the Intelligence Section find out what the sealed sacred treasure buried in the ancient fairy road is. Is it more powerful than our technology?"

"Okay, I'll let the other side investigate now," Zhao Qian nodded.

I took out the Qingxu Jade Sword, and then rushed back to the nearest station here with Zhao Qian, hoping to meet the flagship halfway, so as not to be deterred by the Million Sword Pavilion.

After walking for a long time, there was no movement from Li Xiangrui, and no warships were chasing him, but my transmission token was shaken.

I frowned and thought about the distance between the village and the shop. Who sent me the message, and Zhao Qian couldn’t help but curiously looked at me and took out the token, and said, “It’s not the information from the Demon Lord? Is it Li Xiangrui? With your information about joining the alliance, you persuaded the demon lord to come back with the transmission token and agreed to join the alliance and treat him as the leader?"

"Well, it is very likely that Lee Sang-ruo may indeed use my joining the alliance to make a breakthrough to force the demon to agree, but unfortunately everyone is not aligned, and now I don't know what benefits other big worlds have obtained." I frowned and finished. Take out the token and read the information inside.

When the information was displayed, it went beyond any conjecture of Zhao Qian and I, making us both dumbfounded at the same time!

"This... how is this possible!" Zhao Qian looked at the line of words in shock, and then couldn't help but twist her eyebrows: "Brother Tian, ​​if this is the case, then it is very likely that we in the Ghost God Realm will have difficulty explaining this!"

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