Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2378: : The Second Tribulation

I have to say that when Chen Taixian really gave up his power, the speed of the sword song was too fast. It was almost a sword song that I finished reading. I was still one-tenth of his time slower, and in this time, his youth Feng Jian had already exploded with a fierce chill, and the biting aura made it so cold that he could hardly even recite the spell below!

But why didn't I give up my power and focus on the singing of this sword? It's just that it's impossible to satisfy the double-throwing spell and speed up! So even if I am fast, I have to withstand his forward attack first!

Boom! Sure enough, after a moment, I almost felt that there was nothing in my head! It’s almost a piece of white. It’s because the opponent’s fierce attack directly caused my Dao body to suffer huge damage, and the pain numbs all my nerves and veins. This is the Dao body is issuing a warning, because the weak body is immediately Going out!

Bang! At the same time, the ancestral dragon armor also exploded, and then, the head, chest and all the vital parts that protected the ancestral dragon armor layer by layer also lost consciousness!

At this time, I realized that the strength of the opponent's Second Tribulation True Immortal was indeed far beyond my imagination!

"Li Se swayed the water of the Milky Way, making this floating life into the Dao Lin..." I almost instinctively chanted the last sword song, but because my Dao power was rapidly consumed, the Dao body was about to be destroyed and it was difficult to draw enough power. !

However, at this moment, another force suddenly seemed to be forcibly connected to my Dao body! All of a sudden, it seems that I have power again! Instead, I lost the qualification to control the sword!

My face changed slightly, and I immediately looked at my hand!

From this look, I found that Li Guxian's hand appeared at this time, and he had already held the rabbit, and took over me, taking a step forward: "One heaven! Floating sword river!"

I can't believe this scene, because Li Guxian should have been obediently in the Rabbit Divine Sword, how could he appear at this time! And cast a double curse!

And the next moment, the sound of the waves suddenly concealed all the sounds, the sword light shook like the waves of a river turning up, annihilating everything in front of him in an instant, Chen Taixian disappeared under the double curse without a muffled hum! That Taixian Sword just floated in the air, as if there was no owner again, and I still held the Rabbit Divine Sword tightly in my hand, as if everything just now was my fantasy, not Li Guxian helped me complete it. Final blow!

My whole body is already a little hard to move because of lack of power, even though the Taixian sword is shaking and breaking Chen Taixian's mark and preparing to escape, I can't reach out and bind it!

"One Tribulation True Immortal, I was able to defeat Two Tribulations True Immortal, tusk, I really don’t know how to say it, it’s a wonderful battle!" A voice came from the Rabbit God Sword, and Li Guxian soon appeared. When he stood in front of me, he stretched out his hand and took the struggling Taixianjian back into his hand! And arbitrarily observe the dense runes on the sword!

I took out a bunch of high-level immortal crystal cores, and chanted the "Naling Method", and then forcibly gathered the immortal energy on my body and recovered some power, but because the power of my body had already been emptied, the veins were also It was messed up by Chen Taixian, so it was inevitable that I still felt weak, and even said that I couldn't feel any power.

I did not answer Li Guxian, I took out the rumor token, sent Zhao Qian to come to help, and continued to mobilize the power of the Zulong dissipated, it took about a while before I suppressed the frantic energy in my body, and said to Li Guxian: "Master won..."

"I just pushed you and returned the energy that had absorbed you before." Li Guxian smiled slightly.

"But without the master, I will definitely die in this battle." I smiled bitterly. The three pillars are not something I can deal with. This battle is too lucky.

"No, you have already completed the double curse, but because you were hitting the level of the Second Tribulation at the time, your power was blocked and could not be released. And I just opened a gap for you to let you It's just rushing out of the shackles." Li Guxian shook his head, stretched out his hand and opened my palm.

I suddenly found that there was a red dot in the palm of my hand. It was obvious that this should be the gap Li Guxian said!

"Assault the Second Tribulation level? But why haven't I found out that I have advanced..." I asked with some doubts.

"Then how much power can you sense now?" Li Guxian asked me back, and I suddenly said, "Nothing at all. There are so many immortal crystal cores just now, and there is no feeling at all."

"That's it, the first calamity and the second calamity are very different." Li Guxian said.

While talking, Zhao Qian had already arrived, and Li Guxian did not make any stop, looked at Zhao Qian, threw the Taixian sword to her, and then disappeared.

Zhao Qian was stunned at the moment, took a look at Taixianjian and then looked at me, and said, "Where is Senior Taixian Chen?"

"It should be dead..." I said calmly, and Zhao Qian floated over, reached out and held my hand, and said with a stagnant expression: "Brother Tian, ​​you have lost all your power and your veins have been disrupted. ,This……"

"I heard from Master Li Guxian that I was promoted to the Second Tribulation. Indeed, this is really the rest of my life. I almost thought I was dead." I shook my head. The killer Li Xiangrui sent me was originally sentenced to death. But I didn't expect it to happen by mistake.

"Then how could this sword be here... Where is Taixian Chen's incorporeal body? It was also destroyed by Brother Tian?" Zhao Qian asked, but was not too curious about my promotion.

I was shocked to realize that Chen Taixian’s Taoist body was destroyed. At least as a true immortal of the Second Tribulation, his incorporeal strength was enough to escape, but why did he destroy his Taoist body just now and not see the incorporeal body? appear?

"No...no incorporeal body, it seems...nothing is left..." I said uncertainly, and then naturally I wanted to check Chen Taixian's relic, so I moved my eyes to the sword.

And Zhao Qian and I had a good understanding, and took up the sword to study. I glanced at the rune on it, and I was happy, and said: "It is the original master plan of the ancient immortal road. I didn't expect that there was a copy here, and It is more detailed than the one I found at the Taixiandao site. It seems that it is not a bad thing to meet Chen Taixian..."

"Brother Tian is like this, and he still thinks about the prohibition of slavery. I don't want to stay here for a long time. If it is Lee Sang-ju's assassin, he has fought with you before. Knowing your strength, maybe he will not worry about this assassin and come to make up. Dao, let's go and join the flagship now! Fortunately, I didn't listen to you just now and waited nearby, or else you are in this situation, I see how you can run!" Zhao Qian gave me a white look, and a bit blamed me for not being so. Be careful.

I sighed: "Originally, I wanted to escape, but I didn't expect that Chen Taixian was also the ancestor who ran away. He actually blocked my way. I can only fight with him..."

"Fortunately, I won, or else I don't know how many girls at home are crying!" Zhao Qian snorted, and then dragged me to move towards the direction of the battleship with my boundary force!

Zhao Qian and I sat on the Qingxian Jade Sword. I didn't use my moral power to drive the sword to fly, but honestly waited for Zhao Qian to transfer the power while studying the runes on this Taixian sword.

Although this fairy sword is not comparable to the nine true fairy sword embryos, its hardness of resisting the nine great swords without falling into the wind has attracted my curiosity.

At that time, Chen Taixian knew the power of the Rabbit Divine Sword, so I didn't use the sword's power of this sword, and I never got the chance to copy the ability. I can get this sword now, so I need to study it.

"That Burning Heaven Divine Sword... The kung fu I was waiting for you just now has been refined, and the slave will be rescued by Brother Tian, ​​but I don't know what to do." Zhao Qian saw my comment on the Taixian Sword. I also took out the Burning Heaven Divine Sword, with a pity on her face. After all, the nine great divine swords are all things that can't be met for every fairy family, and even Zhao Qian can't avoid them.

I pretended not to understand and smiled, and said amused: "Yes, I really don't know how to do it well, or use this Taixian sword instead."

Zhao Qian sighed, rather unwilling, but dare not say anything.

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