Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2382: :haze

Li Xiangrui wanted to see me for many reasons, such as Chen Taixian’s affairs. If he did it, he must have doubts. In addition, I heard that he has relocated the entire Xian Ting to the site of the original ancient immortal world. He started, and now, in addition to dealing with daily things, he often preaches here. He looks like a master. Many immortals from the four worlds go to hear the Tao, and the majesty can be described as multifaceted! He naturally wanted to let the leaders of other big worlds see him now.

"Chen Daoyou, everything needs to find an opportunity and opportunity. Now Li Xiangrui is very lucky. Not only can your Patriarch Chen Taixian be able to find it, but there may be other ancient sacred artifacts. I am afraid that it will be far better than us. Killing him is tantamount to hitting a rock with an egg. We need to find fortune, and once the fortune overwhelms his fortune, the revenge can only be reported." I still have to pour cold water on the banned slave Chen Yixian's revenge, let alone I am now. The real immortal of the Second Tribulation, together with her and Zhao Qian, are afraid that they are not opponents, because Li Xiangrui's fortune is so strong that even Zhao Qian is shocked, and he dared to concentrate us on his own territory, didn't he have the slightest preparation?

It's like the one who killed Demon Venerable. It was my old apprentice Bailijue, and the one who came to assassinate me was the slave-forbidden ancestor Chen Taixian. It was not an ordinary immortal family, but the three pillars of the ancient immortal world!

Who knows if Li Xiangrui is waiting for us, will he attract Li Qiankun who can fight against Li Guxian with sword skills? Maybe he just mastered the secret technique of the ancient gods! That's why Daoyun is so powerful!

Chen Yixian looked at me for a long time, then gritted his teeth and said, "I believe you."

She had just recovered, her body movements, facial expressions, and her instincts when she was a slave. She was afraid that she would never reach the point of graceful behavior without changing over the years.

Her name Chen Yixian has a lot of origin. It is rumored that when she was included in the gate wall of Taixian Dao, because the sword body fits Taixian Dao very well, it has the reputation of heaven-sent treasure, so she got the name of Yixian bestowed by her master. I have great expectations for her, after all, "Yixian" means an extension of the name of Patriarch's "Taixian".

And I heard Jinu recalled that at that time, this name once made a sensation in Taixian Dao's entire Dao pulse. Of course, this expectation later became her nightmare, making her immortal, afraid that she would not be able to let it go, which was unexpected.

After I walked out of the Nine Heavens and Nine Grounds, I immediately went to Zhao Qian's retreat. I wanted to ask the guard boy about her condition. Unexpectedly, before opening the door, the door opened and Zhao Qian walked out frustrated.

"The attack on the Second Tribulation has not yet succeeded. I don't know if it is because of insufficient merit." Zhao Qian smiled bitterly and glanced at Chen Yixian before saying: "This is..."

"This is Chen Yixian, presumably you should know who she is?" I smiled, and then suggested: "The true immortal has many difficulties. Even if you have great merit, you may not be able to do it overnight. Or, take advantage of it. With this trip to the Ancient Immortal Realm, going to experience some, maybe you can find an opportunity to advance?"

Zhao Qian and Chen Yixian bowed their hands to each other, then looked at me and said, "Does Chen Daoyou also go?"

"That's right." I nodded. Chen Yixian is now carrying the Taoist sword of Taixian Dao, without too much emotion on his face. Now once she speaks, she also crooked her mouth, so she didn't intend to speak more.

"Okay, then I'll go too." Zhao Qian laughed, then approached me, and whispered quietly: "Brother Tian picked up a big beauty and went with the ancient immortal world. I am afraid that there will be one more female legion. "

My face was flushed, but I coughed slightly and said calmly: "You are too worried."

Zhao Qian smiled and said: "In fact, Li Xiangruo’s Dao destiny is too strong. More people will suppress his Dao destiny. It is good after all. And the atrium now has a large formation of nine heavens and nine places, and a star formation. With so many saintly warships here, it must be possible to defend against the first wave of sudden offensives in the God Court without us. On the contrary, it is Lee Sang-gum's side. We need to pay more attention to it."

"Well, the matter of Lee Sang-kun has to be resolved. Shenting's previous big move of covering the evangelical bacteria did not ferment so quickly. It is enough that we can withstand their first wave of offensive. They will definitely be unable to follow up. There is a respite, so I think they are more likely to stay behind closed doors for a while." I guessed.

In fact, I can’t figure out the reason for the sudden collision of the gods. After all, if it were me, I would not choose to wipe the star formation as the target of the attack. The big formation gathered the essence of the four worlds, plus the recent rise of the ghost road, and other big Under the disputes of the world, the basic Wiping Star Array was built but also stopped. The skilled workers had long been withdrawn under the instigation of all walks of life for various reasons, leaving most of the Wiping Star Array semi-finished.

Therefore, Gui Dao picked up a super large formation for nothing, and made a strong kick. Zhao Qian and Si Xiaoxian cooperated to connect the sea of ​​blood that was bridged by the Queen of Heaven to the sea near the Moxing Array, making it a In a revolving ocean, the warship has to detour if it wants to attack the ghost gate, and even if it comes, the holy road warship that stays at the ghost gate will kill the blood sea battleship that invaded the ghost world with lightning speed. , If the enemy’s forces are too strong, the Nine Heavens and Nine Earths Array can also be temporarily contained and drag the enemy into the quagmire!

So sometimes I am also looking forward to what kind of disastrous defeat the first wave of Shenting's attacks will end in?

"It's very possible, but it's not a good thing for us. Now we are short of time for ghosts." Zhao Qian finished speaking, glanced at Chen Yixian, and said, "Brother Tian, ​​you are the ghost emperor in the atrium. It’s not very convenient to occupy the position of Tu Ming, and it doesn’t matter if the position of the ghost emperor is empty once you leave, but once the position of Tu Ming is empty, it will be coveted by other immortals. It is better to take advantage of you. , First place Tu Ming's position."

I followed Zhao Qian’s gaze and looked at Chen Yixian. I couldn’t help but brighten up, and asked, "You are the only orthodox of Taixian Dao now. Unfortunately, there is no place for Taixian Dao in the ancient immortal world. After all, I want to kill Li Guxian. The evil deeds of the immortal world that used the spiritual spiritual method before will also be in broad daylight, and the people’s will will be lost. It is better to choose Tuming Mountain as a dojo in my ghost way, and to accept disciples or specialize in cultivation. A good choice."

Chen Yixian thought for a while, nodded, and said, "If you can slash the head of the crime, this body is your body, so I will do what I want."

I was stunned, and Zhao Qian gave an unexplained smile: "That's all for sure, now we will go to the temple!"

"Alright, did you return on the journey?" I asked, Zhao Qian was blocked because of retreat, so she looked at the two boys next to her. The two boys, one boy and one girl, immediately said in unison: "The regent has already came back."

"Well, then let everyone go to the temple to meet up. After all, the identity of Saint Emperor Tu Ming cannot be sloppy." As I said, I invited the Qingxu Jade Sword and took Zhao Qian and Chen Yixian to the temple.

Soon, the ghost emperors from all directions came to gather, including the prime ministers of the left and right, the Si Xiaoxian, the Zhu family sisters, etc., and there is nothing less than, and Chen Yixian, as a true fairyland monk, is self-evident for the strength of the ghost road, so Everyone had no extra opinions, so that Chen Yixian became the ghost emperor Tu Ming smoothly.

When living in the temple and waiting, it is natural to meet Si Xiaoxian and Zhu's sisters.

Everyone is happy to see each other. Si Xiaoxian's strength has reached the super grade, and Zhu Daohe and Zhu Daoyun are still intensifying their cultivation, and they have already hit the second-grade cultivation base. This is still half-work and half-repair, otherwise I heard that it should be the first-rank The cultivation base, but the cultivation base is lower, the mentality of the two sisters has not changed much, after all, compared to the others, it is considered to have grown very fast.

Moreover, their experimental technology of evangelism has spread widely, and even the big worlds such as the ancient immortal world, the demon gods, and the demon gods are constantly coming here to buy. This is an invisible chain of interests, even during the two world wars. , Did not stop, brought great economic benefits to the ghost road, and also the basis for the continuous construction of battleships. This is one of the proud places of the two sisters.

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