Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2390: : Guilt

Li Xiangrui was very satisfied with my'understanding', and said: "This matter is also two-way. After all, the signing of the covenant must always be based on mutual trust and mutual assistance, and to help Girl Yun get out of the true emperor's legacy. Identity has become an inevitable time, so please don't worry about the big ghost emperor. I also need some time to study the composition of this tool **** before I can replace it and completely replace Miss Yun."

"I don't expect it to do it now, but I have to give me time for specifics. How many days? I don't want to wait until the Liushentian war restarts and push me onto the battlefield, but I can't solve this matter!" I know they intend to delay this matter. So of course it is not going to give half face.

"Of course it won't be that time. I will replace Miss Yun with the relics of the ancient gods. This is a process and not easy to complete. Besides, the new Demon Venerable Jing Xiaoman Jing, isn't it still on the way? The big world is a whole, and there is one less family. This covenant is obviously incomplete. Isn't it okay for Ghost Emperor to wait?" Li Xianglu asked me back.

Jin Dole didn't dare to continue talking, he didn't even dare to look at me, he knew that looking at me would only deepen my hatred.

I looked at Yun Bingxin. Her eyes were indeed apathetic, and she didn't say a word while standing there. Of course, when fighting, she was indeed as sharp as a fighter machine, but had a different temperament from a newborn child. , This point made me suspicious again, so at this time I didn't know how to judge her situation.

Jing Xiaoman hasn’t come yet. Whether she has brought a trusted helper this time, it’s still unclear. I just heard Zhao Qian talk about the intelligence show that Jing Xiaoman will bring a national teacher over this time. It shows that this national teacher is still a true immortal of the Second Tribulation, and Weishi shocked me. The true immortal of the Demon God Realm is too powerful, right?

"It's okay to wait, I'm just afraid of waiting for the attack from the court." I snorted, then looked at the booklet of the Tianwei Covenant that Li Xiangrui was holding, and said, "It is not difficult to make a covenant. , Presumably, Leader Li has already agreed on the alliance? Why don't you bring it to me to have a look at it, so I can keep a bottom line."

"It's okay, Nianjun, go and send the prepared copy of the covenant to the ghost emperor and the demon emperor." Li Xiangyi said with a smile, and Li Nianjun quickly took out the prepared copy from his sleeve and handed it to it first. I then gave it to Jindole.

I took out a copy. There are dozens of clauses in the above covenant. I read them one by one. These clauses are basically the rules that Liushen Tianzhong Alliance members must abide by. It seems to be fair, but I am in charge. The Earth Immortal League, the Nine States Realm Immortal League, and even the entire Ghost God Realm have long been familiar with these articles, so I know if he is farting or **** when Li Sang pushes his ass! These regulations seem to be serious, but in fact there are pits everywhere. The rights of the leader seem to be restricted by the alliance, but in fact it is already very large, and in wartime, there are even coercive measures that we can hardly refuse. Of course, I am absolutely unwilling to sign this.

So I immediately stretched out my hand and picked out 37 of the dozens of Chen on this one, and crossed them one by one on the spot, and then said: "Most of the Chen on these are aimed at us and completely benefited. For you, I don’t agree, you want to decide otherwise, don’t treat me as a fool who only knows how to practice.”

Li Xiangrui's face changed slightly. He frowned and looked at the part I crossed out from a distance. Then he frowned and said, "These Chen...Well, since the ghost emperor is not satisfied, I will ask more about the Presbyterian Church and talk to the prime ministers of the world. After discussing with the national teacher, let’s make another report. After all, this copy is only the first draft. When the draft is finalized, we will vote on the decision."

"Well, very good, that girl Yun will let her stay with you first, and when the new demon venerable arrives, I will ask you to get it back. Don't say I won't give you time at that time! With your ability, you must go all out. Presumably it won't be too difficult!" I glanced at the Demon Emperor coldly, then stood up and walked outside the door.

Li Xiangrui quickly said: "Ghost Emperor, we have prepared the palace, how about Nianjun, please?"

I frowned and said, "No, my flagship of Havoc will follow your warship to the old fairy court, and even if I don't live on the warship, I will go to Baili's house."

"Master, please come here." Seeing Li Xiangru frowning without speaking, Bai Lizhi rushed over to greet me, and then took me to Baili's residence.

When I went out, Na Jindole hadn't planned to leave Li Xiangrui. After saying "coward" in my heart, I followed Bailizhi to Baili’s residence. Of course, Zhao Qian and Chen Yixian also went there. As for Li Xiangruo, Li Nianjun said When she came to see me off, I didn't agree. When she came out to ask me, I politely refused.

Li Nianjun's face was miserable. After so many things, how could she not understand that Li Xiangru and I are already incompatible? Now it has come to the point where there is only one choice. She must stand against me when she is standing by Lee Sang-ruo, and my polite refusal is actually a warning.

So watching me turn around and leave, Li Nianjun is already in tears.

And along the way, there were hundreds of descendants of Baili’s successful descendants who followed me and Bailizhi to the Baili’s house.

"Master, when you came to our Baili family, you were finally exaggerated. During this time, I was really aggrieved. Before I was in other immortals, I also pretended to be normal. In fact, I bullied them on weekdays. Baili The descendants of the family are also often bullied by other families and dare not say anything, and the days are very sad.” Although Bailizhi was spoiled before and couldn’t see the situation clearly, he was not really a fool. In recent years, Bailizhi He hits walls everywhere, he has long learned to be a human being with his tail sandwiched, and he has experienced countless things and knows who is truly trustworthy.

"Be patience, now I still owe the lever to use this hypocritical Buddha. By the way, I asked you to investigate Lee Sang-ruo's matter before. How did the investigation go?" While comforting, I also asked what I asked them to pay attention to when they came back. All sorts of things, and when I retreat to consolidate the real immortal of the Second Tribulation, I often let them inquire about the news.

"Oh, this period of time has been shown tightly. Our news is extremely closed, and there are not too many sources of information. However, after hearing that the master came here recently, we have disregarded everything to collect information, although we do not I have too many evidences of Li Xiangruo. However, because of the high profile, there is a mysterious immortal family who said that he has all the sins of Li Xiangruo. She wants to submit it to us, but she will only appear when she needs the opportunity. I don't know if it is true or not." Bai Lizhi looked at me helplessly.

Because he and I wanted to avoid suspicion about Li Sang-ruo, we used sound transmission, and we were not afraid of being overheard.

"Oh? There is such a thing?" I was stunned, and then asked: "What kind of existence is it? Why can't the crime be presented directly?"

Bailizhi quickly said, "I don’t know, but I thought, if it’s a guilt, it should be a tangible thing, right? Then if she wants to submit it, she must not dare to give it to us. After all, Bailijia Li Xiangluo stared at him. Besides, something happened to the ancestor before. The other party may think that true immortality is unreliable, so he chose Xian Yin Ren. As for the opportunity she said, will the master come now?"

I shook my head and smiled bitterly. This is nothing short of beautiful in the mirror, but now it’s really hard to discourage Baili’s enthusiasm, so I still said: "Maybe so, okay, pay close attention to these days, you can find a precautionary comparison Just give me a loose resident, if the other party really intends to send a guilt, it will come naturally."

In a quiet night, the stars are around the eyes.

Sitting on the edge of the pavilion, I looked at the endless darkness, and my heart was very calm.

Because a true immortal at this level is almost the limit of Liu Shentian.

At this moment, everyone must be busy cultivating. The only place where I am is is the open place where I had previously agreed to wait and wait. The original intention is to wait for the legendary witness, although I don’t believe I will see anyone who voluntarily submits a crime. Fairy house.

But when things are often impossible, some unexpected scenes will be staged, because in the darkness, soon a small figure will slowly walk towards me from the darkness.

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