Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2395: : Baoge

"It is inconvenient, I have no comment. If you are not convinced, please ask Meng Li to ask me with a sword!" I finished speaking coldly, looking at Zhao Qian, Chen Yixian and Bailizhi, and said, "Let's go."

Li Xiangru saw that I didn't give face so much, his face was green as if he had been painted, and at this moment, a group of immortals were also filled with outrage, but because of my strength, I didn't dare to ask me for trouble. They all looked at Li Xiangru. .

Li Xiangrui fired on his head and said, "The ghost king is so overbearing! I really think that things won't come to light unless I say it?"

"Hehe, I'll give you this sentence back to you, Leader Li, if you don't know it, you can't do anything unless you do it, and you are always by the river. How can you not wet your shoes?" I sneered, and then took Zhao Qian and the others back to the Baili home .

I have always done things high-profile. This has long been famous in the four worlds. I just hold Li Sang-ruo at this time and definitely not dare to draw the sword, so I don’t have to be too polite to him and irritate him. Sometimes I can get up. To unexpected results.

"You!" Li Xiangrui shrank, shaking his hand with anger, and said: "If the ghost emperor is innocent, it is best, if Baili is really instructed by the ghost emperor, the leader of this matter will not stop here!"

I didn’t bother to listen to him. I returned to Baili’s house with all the immortal houses. Baili’s immature immortal godhood had been taken back, and looked like a tragic and grief, while other Baili’s families served in the fairy court, It was all because of this incident that the godhead was wiped out, and he was relegated to being an immortal.

The impact of this incident is still expanding. The Baili family has no godhead. The hundreds of active planets behind will probably gradually leave the Baili family. The dojo of the Baili family will soon be swallowed by other families. After all, there is no above. Asylum, the following must be excluded.

"Don't worry, this matter won't just end like this. You don't need to worry about Baili's future. You can stay here at ease. If the matter is unable to recover, I will naturally arrange for you to go there! And in the future For the future, there is no need to point to Li Xiangruo!" I said to Bailizhi, who had a drooping head and wondered what to do.

"Master, rest assured! Bailijia has nothing, but with Shizu's words, we will not give up." Bailizhi wakes up, since I guarantee that their Bailijia can cheer up again, it is equivalent to Give them a reassurance.

"Well, I'll be in Baili's house. I see how Li Xiangru intends to play!" After I said coldly, I asked Bailizhi to lead the other family members back first, leaving Zhao Qian and Chen Yixian behind.

After Zhao Qian sat down, she immediately asked me about my previous affairs, because she and Chen Yixian had only been living in another courtyard farther away, and they also deliberately gave the tiger woman who presented evidence to see me alone.

I immediately took out the jade diary and another jade tactic. I started talking about the tiger woman entering the door, until she was killed by a sword to Bailijue after she went out, and she didn't even escape the incorporeal body.

"Undoubtedly, this makes me more sure that Li Xiangruo killed someone, but this time he didn't immediately take the opportunity to attack us. This matter is too weird." Zhao Qian said in a deep thought.

"This time I won’t shoot because Xiaoman hasn’t arrived yet, and I ordered the main artillery to be aimed at the flagship of the Demon God Realm. Would he not know that I also want to take the opportunity to make trouble? Humph, the old fox is very cunning. When the covenant was not reached, he just had nothing to do with the bamboo basket, but now he pushed the old apprentice out, and everything left the old apprentice on his back. As a result, everyone was in peace and peace, and he must still have time to prepare. These jade evidence, and this jade formula, may not really be used." I sighed.

"Li Xiangruo has the absolute initiative, and now we come up with the evidence, if it is not too sufficient to be irrefutable, I am afraid that he will not be able to leverage his position, and I will give him a bite." Zhao Qian said.

Just how much evidence there is for the jade, right now is where everyone is puzzled, so I immediately picked up the jade art, and injected a lot of strength.

Soon, a paragraph of detailed text and some seemingly recorded atlas appeared on it.

Zhao Qian glanced at ten lines, and the speed was very fast. Although I was slower, I quickly finished reading the things on the jade. Most of these things happened when Chen Taixian was still there. Although the details are very detailed, there are many points to understand. Lee Sang-ruo's various mistakes and malicious acts, but it is a pity that the age is too far away! Even if it is taken out now, how much will Lee Sang-ju recognize? Who else survived that year? Baili is definitely one, but the current state of this old apprentice worries me.

"These are not good, it can only prove the character of Li Xiangluo. Besides, it is too immortal. After many years, if we do not plan to take out Miss Chen's affairs, I am afraid that these supporting evidence can only be classified into political struggles. And when I look at those immortals, it’s not that I don’t know who is behind Li Xiangruo. After all, who can stand in this position is not extremely clever?" Zhao Qian put down the memory jade in a pity, and turned her attention to Yu Jue.

"I...I can, as long as I can kill him!" Chen Yixian gritted his teeth from the side, shooting savagely.

I patted her on the shoulder and said, "Miss Chen, you can re-behave and become the ghost emperor Tu Ming. Naturally, we can no longer take this matter into trouble. Li Xiangruo's actions are deeply hidden. Isn’t it a bad thing to do a lot? Just half a catty, no one will reverse the case for Taixian Dao. You hate Lee Sang-ruo for real, but why don’t you hate Taixian Dao? If you still do, how can you prove yourself and let everyone? Believe? So the evidence, as I thought, can only stain his life, but there is no hope of overthrowing him."

Zhao Qian picked up the jade tactic, then looked for a while under the light, and then touched the jade tactic with her strength. She shook her head soon and said: "If it is encrypted, it is not possible for me or a designated person. Watching the content inside, I don’t know what is going on inside?"

"At the time, Tiger Po was appointed to hand over to Tai Shuqian, presumably it was to explain some things behind him, but I didn't elaborate on the specifics. I think it is a family letter, alas." Although I am concerned about this jade formula, since it is encrypted, It can't be opened, because this thing is only a piece of carved jade, and it is basically difficult to change after the master is recognized. Once it is changed by force, it will be broken directly. It is a secret technique to convey secrets.

"Let me take a look." Chen Yixian stretched out his hand and took Yu Jue.

Zhao Qian and I were a little surprised when she took over. Zhao Qian worried that she would be broken, and added: "Miss Chen, be careful, if too much power is injected, or the circuit above is changed to cause a short circuit, this thing is not just If it breaks, the content will never see the sun."

This made me worry too, and said: "Please come to the meeting with Dao Shuqian, tell her the truth, and let her open up in front of us."

After all, Chen Yixian was no longer a forbidden slave. After hesitating, he let go of Yu Jue. Zhao Qian and I were relieved.

I have Tai Shuqian's rumors about the connection method of the token, so I soon sent a word to explain the matter of the tiger woman and let her come to the meeting.

However, after a while, Tai Shuqian didn’t mean to reply to the message. Let the three of us sit and wait for a long time, while Chen Yixian broke the silence and said: "I have solved a lot of this thing. If you believe me, let me try. test."

Zhao Qian and I looked at each other with surprises, and Zhao Qian said, "This is probably our last chance..."

Even though Zhao Qian reminded me of this, the tenacity in Chen Yixian's eyes reminded me of her transformation of the washing coffin and the acquisition of the long-lost Burning Heaven Sword, so I immediately said: "Tai Xian Dao is good at practicing. In the era when Taixian Chen was still alive, Taixiandao’s refining equipment was famous in the four worlds, so Ms. Chen must have gotten the true story too?"

Chen Yixian nodded, and then said: "Before I practiced the sword, I was an apprentice in the treasure pavilion of the refining tool. I also studied one of the refining tools. After the sword was repaired, I never left."

"No wonder your context is different from other disciples of Taixian Dao. It is because of the influence of refining and miscellaneous Dao." Zhao Qian and I both showed surprises and agreed to Chen Yixian to crack this jade tactic. After all, Tai Shuqian is now Whether the mother and daughter have restricted Li Xiangrui, no one knows at present, and Li Xiangruo deliberately created this pattern, and there must be a back hand to keep!

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