Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2401: : Silver Shuttle

Li Xiangruo soon returned to Xinxianting with Jindole, not knowing what he was going to do! We rushed out of the battleship of the ancient gods, and when we came to the wall, Zhao Qian had been waiting for a long time! And while shifting to avoid the laser beam, while waiting for Chen Yixian to use the Taixian sword to draw the exit!

However, even if I arrived, Chen Yixian still couldn't make an exit, because once the shield was split, the back part would be stitched actively, just like when I split the ground, like a sword in the water, the stitching resumes. Always attack faster than you!

"Brother Tian! This wall is too powerful, we can't open it!" Zhao Qian said anxiously, and Tai Shuqian and Tai Shuyu were also panicked, but they finally gave a relieved expression when they saw me.

After trying to reach the power of the shield of the battleship, I went all out and used the Infinite Sky Sword. After a series of attacks, the shield was torn open. However, even if the opening was opened, the laser beam However, Li Xiangyu didn't hesitate from beginning to end. After Li Xiangyu didn't hesitate, he attracted the laser beam desperately, as if he hadn't cared about Li Nianjun and Tai Shuqian for a long time!

"Damn, it's really non-toxic and not a husband! I don't even let my offspring be spared!" I said coldly, the catastrophe sword immediately blasted out, directly activated the power of catastrophe, and next, one in front The fan-shaped page exploded on the spot, this protective shield was destroyed by the power of destroying the stars, and a huge hideous opening was opened on the spot!

At this time, Zhao Qian took the opportunity to take Chen Yixian and the others out of the periphery.

What we did not expect was that Xian Ting slowly sank to the ground after Li Xiangrui returned. It seems that this ancient gods battleship will be restored to its original appearance. After all, all the previous appearances are more like one. It's in the sky courtyard, and now laser beam attacks everywhere, it is already a fortress of death!

After we rushed out of the periphery, Cui Yi seemed to notice the holocaust force exploding here, and immediately drove the warship to break through the encirclement!

Because Lee Sang-ruo just launched the ancient gods battleship, this legendary subship did not come out even one, but countless Wanjian recruits and Million Sword Pavilion are encircling the havoc battleship, so Cui Yi can easily deal with it, and even sink it. There are several million sword pavilions. As for Wanjian to attract battleships of this level, it can't even hold up a round, and the secondary artillery can easily sink them!

I took Li Nianjun and Chen Yixian, Zhao Qian took Tai Shuqian mother and daughter, we boarded the battleship together, and after accepting me, Cui Yi immediately hit the ship's body upside down, and the main gun shot directly. hair!

There was a mess in the front. Several Wanjians were attracted and could not resist one Million Sword Pavilion. They were destroyed on the spot. From the beginning to the present, the main artillery has already blasted two rounds, and one shot was sunk before. The flagship of the Demon God Realm.

The chase was broken, and the remaining battleships were scattered as birds and beasts. I finally breathed a sigh of relief, just because I saved Li Nianjun just now, which wasted a lot of strength.

In this situation, it is obviously not suitable for another 300 rounds of war with Lee Sang-ruo, and seeing the other party’s fairy-length million sword pavilion disperse, in fact, they still intend to delay us. I immediately said: "Has an interactive reverse dynamic magnetic field. The device protects the ship from attack, and the other half is used to play the image of this jade formula, and fight them as little as possible! See how many people are willing to follow us."

At this moment, Tai Shuqian's mother and daughter had already lifted the seal of Li Xiangrui for Zhao Qian who had been relieved, and now she stood up pale and excitedly said, "My mother, did you say something? Li Xiangru did it again. What? Why do you suddenly do this to our mother and daughter!"

"Mother, calm down!" Tai Shuyu grabbed Tai Shuqian. After all, she didn't have too deep feelings for the tiger woman all the time. Only in recent years she learned that she was her grandmother.

Tai Shuqian started crying on the spot, and I sighed and said, "You can see the images inside."

Cui Yi immediately took the jade formula and projected these images into the fog of half of the interactive reverse dynamic magnetic field generator. The battleship is so huge that everyone can see the image released, but this image is not in the cinema. When the movie is shown, the audience here is not a fuel-efficient lamp. As soon as the image came out, countless laser beams blasted out of the ancient gods battleship!

Looking at it from a distance, it seems like a hundred flowers bloom, and all these laser beams are greeted us!

However, the reverse dynamic magnetic field generator is quite mature on this catastrophe flagship. Even if only half of them, these laser beams are all refracted. Nearly half of them bombarded back to the ancient gods battleship. Half, all shot into the starry sky!

After the video was broadcast, some of the warships really stopped. After all, everyone was interested in what Tiger Po said before going to me. After all, they were afraid that I would kill Tiger Po without reason.

"Mother! Let us stop attacking Cangxian Pavilion!" As soon as Tai Shuyu finished reading the beginning, she immediately wisely ordered her mother to stop the confrontation.

Tai Shuqian was still in shock, shaking her daughter a few times before reacting, while Tai Shuqian's family left the battlefield, fearing that other vacillating immortals would also be shocked.

At this time, the ancient gods battleship was not doing nothing. It just fired a laser just now, just because the Xinxianting hadn't finished sinking!

As the Xinxianting sank to the surface, the surrounding clouds disappeared completely, and the entire ancient God Realm battleship appeared before us!

This super battleship is too big to be imagined. Even the Holy Road battleship or the catastrophe giant ship in front of it is as big as a watermelon seed facing a watermelon!

It presents the shape of a funnel droplet, and next to it is a circular rune belt that surrounds the battleship and provides a powerful protective cover for the battleship. The bottom of the battleship itself is full of gates. Now with the launch of the battleship, hundreds of shiny silver subships have been released!

These sub-ships are not as big as the Million Sword Pavilion, but they are definitely much larger than Wanjian’s summons, and they look more like shuttles with a smooth surface and sharp front and end. I don’t know what they do!

When I saw this scene, I couldn’t help taking a deep breath, and Cui Yi saw my Shen Ning and said, “Holy Emperor, don’t worry. If it’s a laser beam attack, it’s not effective for us. This warship looks like it’s good at laser. Attack, our flagship of Havoc can almost use it as a target to hit!"

As a result, what made us almost drop our chins on the ground is that these silver shuttles are so fast that they only heard the rumbling sound, and then they directed us and Tai Shuqian towards the battleship group that came together. Attack!

"Main artillery! Secondary artillery! Hurry up and blow these shuttles!" I frightened the order without hesitation! While Cui Yi was taken aback, based on his obedient orders to me, he immediately ordered all bombs to be launched!


The artillery fire was like a fire dragon, all burst out in an instant, blasting these silver shuttles in all directions!

But what shocked us was that when lasers and artillery fire hit these silver shuttles, they didn't have much effect. In addition to the heavy artillery directly blasting part of it, part of it flew towards us!

"All respond to the shock! Those who can fight, stop the shuttle!" I finished speaking quickly, and I rushed out of the battleship! And as soon as I got out of the battleship, the sound of metal crashing came in my ears!

Because the fleets of Tai Shuqian that came to us were all pierced by the terrorist silver shuttle at this moment, they lost the ability to fight on the spot!

Unexpectedly, these countless silver shuttles contained such great power. When I was shocked, I immediately chanted the sword song, locked the shuttles that came in, and hit them directly!

And Zhao Qian, Chen Yixian, and Tai Shuqian's mother and daughter all rushed out to deal with the high-speed silver shuttle!

However, these silver shuttles didn't realize that they were huge until the eyes, and each of them was like a cannonball. I didn't even fly a few of them, but dozens of them were missed! As for Zhao Qian and Chen Yixian, they failed to capture even five of them! All the rest was hit on the flagship of Havoc!

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