Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2404: : Sink

"This style of play is not like the style of the leader of Li? Do you only dare to use swords to delay time?" I sneered in response. My Infinite Heaven Sword is not as good as Li Guxian's level. It can reach the extreme with every sword, so it can't Be sure to take the initiative.

"Huh, it's time to be able to do it quickly!" Of course, Li Sang-ju didn't dare to use Sword Song to deal with me, because he knew that my double curse got the true biography of Li Guxian. Boom, he is definitely the loser!

"It's not just the convenience of the tongue. If Leader Li can't come up with a solution, I will use the assassin. In order to deal with your swordsmanship suppression, these days, I have spent time researching ways to deal with you. As a result, I I really racked my brains and turned around what I had learned and used in the past! But after regaining the old method of the year, I found that there is really a trick that can deal with the leader Li's tactics." With a sneer, the fingers in the sleeves have been twisted quickly.

"Haha, is it an exaggeration for the ghost king to say this to me? Who would use his own shortcomings to attack the strengths of others? Although this leader doesn't care about victory or defeat, he sometimes overwhelms the welfare of the world. , This leader has to deal with it carefully." Li Sangyu was extremely insidious, and his swordsmanship kept suppressing me.

"Very well, Leader Li's words are deeply in my heart. Would you like to try my silent throwing? Although it is not a double throwing, the victory is that you don't need too much fit for the sword and mobilize the combination of swords and songs. Although simple, But it's also a bit powerful!" My face showed a hideous look, and the sword art in my hand had already been displayed: "Raise your head and ride the Morrowind, the sword has the mighty power, lift three feet high, and all swords are dirt and dust! Yujian!"

"What!?" Li Xiangrui's face changed drastically. I didn't expect me to sing a sword song at this time. Originally, his sword and sword could only suppress my infinite sky sword, but I suddenly cast a curse silently. I was stunned!

After all, I was still performing swordsmanship just now, and in a blink of an eye I attacked him in an alternative way of convergence. No matter who I changed to, it was difficult to accept it at once!

Frontier fought with Lee Sang-kun, and the other side knew that my double curse was so powerful, they would naturally choose to suppress me with swordsmanship. Haven't I thought about this? That’s why I, who had this awakening for a long time, have been constantly researching and developing breakthrough methods for a long time, and the tricks I use now come from the silent borrowing method I used to use back then. It’s just that now my Taoist body has to borrow the method to repay. It is better to release yourself, so the silent curse method was born!

Of course, this silent throwing spell is not really a sword song, because the time to accumulate energy is long, and the energy intensity that is continuously collected during the cast is also easy to be discovered by the opponent, and the side effect of one mind and two uses is very likely to be caught by the opponent. So fundamentally, sometimes it's better to realize the usefulness of using the Infinite Heaven Sword, but when dealing with opponents like Li Sang-noo, sometimes he has an idea and comes unexpectedly, but he may receive excellent results!

As it is now, the sudden sword song launched a wave of air, making Li Xiangrui's expression dead for an instant, and he immediately backed away and wanted to float away, but after my sword song was released with a technique, I deceived his power with the spirit method. Also launched at this time! After that time, layers of sword aura spread, as if facing Chen Feng, the Divine Sword of Catastrophe was raised high, and then fell down!

The sword shadows all over the sky suddenly fell down, prepared to fight and unprepared, always taking advantage of it. Li Xiangrui didn't have time to recite the sword song, so he could only take my sword abruptly!


In the next moment, Lee Sang-ruo really resisted!

But even with the five-character sword song, the power of the sword shadow can't be borne down casually. The next moment, Li Sang-ruo's protective shield directly cleaved me several times, and the Tao body also had dozens of sword marks in an instant. , But he still had to continue with the sword!

It wasn't until the shadow of my sword fell that Li Xiangyu snorted, and he got a moment of gasp, and how could I let him recover completely easily and happily, and immediately rushed to him and came to him with a set of infinite swords!

Boom boom boom boom!

Li Xiangruo couldn't resist such a fast pursuit at all. After an angry shout, he quickly fled back!

But just as I was chasing extremely happily, a loud noise suddenly attracted my attention. I turned my head and saw that it was the flagship of the catastrophe that I did not pay attention to, and Yin Shuo directly hit the power unit behind the ship. According to the explosion!

And because of the damage of a power furnace, the flagship's speed will inevitably slow down. Anyone can think of what will happen next!


Sure enough, once the speed slowed down, they couldn't get rid of the silver shuttle, and they would definitely become their target. In the four worlds, the battleship with almost no natural enemies was sunk by the ancient **** battleship that turned out on the maiden voyage!

Because of the huge energy loaded inside the battleship, the violent explosion that caused it directly enveloped the surrounding area, and the space was shaking like a trembling! And because several silver shuttles were within the scope of the explosion, they also lost power in the terrifying explosion, floating in the universe and could no longer move.

However, no matter how much Silver Shuttle is destroyed, it will not be able to match the hard work of the Ghost God Realm in this battleship. My face is ashen, watching the destruction of the battleship, my heart is as uncomfortable as a knife!

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Ghost Emperor! It seems that your flagship of the catastrophe is not the invincible existence in the four worlds, and it is always embarrassing to use in front of the ancient gods battleship!" Although Li Xiangrui was injured in a surprise attack, but Seeing the silence of the catastrophe battleship, it is rare to be in ecstasy. For this joy, anger, and anger, this kind of temperament is simply incredible!

My face was ugly, but when I was worried about Cui Yi and Tai Shuqian’s mother and daughter, as well as exposing the evidence of Li Sang-nou, in the smoke of the explosion, the main ship of the Havoc flagship rushed out of it with a set of forty-eight reverses. The dynamic magnetic field generator sneaked directly into the space and disappeared!

I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart. It seems that Cui Yi is just a gecko docking his tail, using a secondary ship to cover the escape of the main ship. It is estimated that no one dare to make up his mind at this time.

Except for the main ship, the secondary ship is uncontrolled. So as long as the main ship is intact, it will be the greatest victory. I smiled and looked at Lee Sang-ruo, whose face turned from joy to ugly: "It seems, It seems that the ancient **** battleship is still not flexible enough to deal with the little flies in my ghost and **** realm, and actually let us escape."

Li Xiangrui's eyes were full of anger, but his injuries were serious, and he dared not continue to confront me. The moment I rushed over, he fled toward the ancient **** battleship!

I was just trying to chase it. In fact, I couldn't let go of Zhao Qian and Chen Yixian. Seeing that the forbidden slave was still confronting her ancestor who was too immortal, I did not hesitate to turn to Zhao Qian's side!

But at this moment, I found that Zhao Qian's strength was severely depleted. In a short period of time, the Dao body had already collapsed at any time. It seems that the True Immortal of the Second Tribulation is far more powerful than that of the First Tribulation. The real sword immortal who has been immersed in kendo for many years, in a strict sense, is just a fake sword immortal, the gap is reflected without suspense!


I rushed into the battle group without hesitation, a sword knocked on the body of the Devil Sword of Greed, a catastrophe of energy suddenly spread out!

"Brother Tian!" Zhao Qian cried out in surprise, and then immediately put away the burning flames. After all, when I rushed into the battle group, I was equivalent to being in the flames!

"You leave here first to help Miss Chen, just leave it to me!" I said immediately, let her escape now, presumably she won't leave.

Sure enough, after Zhao Qian nodded, she immediately went to Chen Yixian's side, preparing to disturb her opponent's sword song!

"Apprentice!" I yelled loudly, but Bailijue was taken aback, and said angrily: "Huangkou boy, what are you calling out? Who is your apprentice! I am Bailijue! In ancient immortal world , The Xianjia respectfully called it a hundred miles and one sword! You are my master, ten thousand years earlier!"

I smiled in my heart, Secret Dao really is like this, Chen Taixian is like this, so is Bailijue, Li Xiangru must have done something to advance their memories, and now Bailijue is not the real body.

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