Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2409: :expedient

I did not dare to move the sarcophagus immediately. According to what I have seen and heard, once the mistake is broken, the old disciple will die both incorporeal and Taoist. Now this ancient sarcophagus is very strange, and the incorporeal is sealed and kidnapped. , And in the transparent middle column below is the Dao body, the normal Xianjia, when the Dao body is restored, it is in harmony with the virtual body, and the two are inseparable, and they will synchronize with each other and recover together!

But now there is an extra sarcophagus that traverses the middle, which separates the connection between the Taoist body and the virtual body. Then, I must destroy the sarcophagus or cut off the sarcophagus to make the two merge again. One, then rescued the old apprentice.

But at present, it seems that when I removed the needle and tried to break the connection between them, it failed. Both of them died quickly at the same time. What does this mean? Could it be that this sarcophagus is connected to a large array, but in fact it is also an instrument that transmits energy to the two?

Thinking about it this way, I couldn’t bear to plunge the needle into the old disciple’s incapable body again, and this time, I found that the incapable body was really full of energy a little bit more than before. After all, my heavenly eyes see things. It's still quite accurate, and the slightest change will be noticed!

Seeing that my judgment was correct, I became a little embarrassed. I could only insert all the needles back in again. After the return, it was really the same as my judgment. The old disciple’s incapable body and Taoist body were fast. It seems that if you want to recover to the peak stage, I am afraid that it will not take a few days! This is simply a mobile super weapon!

"The ghost king is right to do this. Some things are irreversible after all. Returning to the roots is the right way. Since there are only our two leaders in the big world, why don't you just start straight here?" Li Xiangru saw me Honestly, he put the needle back in, holding a negotiating attitude, and wanted to bring me to the negotiating table again.

"Hmph, to you, I have always been straightforward, but you may not really dare to tell me the truth. You have hidden so many secrets, and now you have ruined an active little world. It is already a crime Now, although I am not a defender, nor a philanthropist, but because more active planets in the future will be suffocated by creatures, it may even be related to my reputation in the future. Do you still expect me to Will you spare you?" I said with a deep gaze, and checked the sarcophagus.

Li Xiangrui was silent for a while, and said: "I can't think of the ghost king with such a heart and noble sentiment, but there will not be too many images in these. The active small world extracted this time is just a primitive place where there is no existence of minds. , So even if they are all perished, it is not a pity. After all, the Six Gods and Heavens War restarts. If you don’t need the power of the small world, they will also be used by the human and the gods, just like the great waste of the human and the gods. Is the tragedy caused by the power of the stars? And think about it, these creatures can make such a huge contribution to my Liushentian in ignorance, and then entering the six realms is also accumulating merits, and later reincarnation, or maybe Born in a better situation, so the merits and demerits are actually just the judgment of the world, but we have done really good things, right?"

"Haha, sophistry, life is life, death is death, the moment from life to death is a tragedy, if you are so careless and contemptuous of the world, you will sooner or later invite retribution!" I sneered, and at this time, I had already gone around. I circled the sarcophagus, but I didn’t see any breakthrough point. In the end, a sword plunged into the bottom of the sarcophagus. I wanted to pry the sarcophagus. As a result, I found that countless true fairy energy poured out from the crack in an instant, and the old man below The disciple Taoist body has actually been decayed! I was so scared that I drew my sword quickly! It seems that in the'rebuilding' stage, if foreign objects invade the outside world, it will end the process of reconstruction and recovery of Tao!

Seeing that my face changed slightly and caused another failure, Li Sang-ju’s words carried a hint of pride: "Ghost Emperor, this sacred artifact, you can't destroy it. The whole sacred artifact is one. You want Baili Dao friends to live. Isn't it? Let him continue to sleep here. We should look to the future of Liushentian. Is it because of some small things that the entire plan for the battle of Liushentian was ruined?"

"I'm not interested in discussing this with you. Since it can't be destroyed, I would rather destroy it instead of letting you use my apprentice to do bad things!" I angered, and I studied coffins in the Human God Realm, almost from the beginning. Now, the blood cloud coffin, the phoenix coffin, and the **** burial coffin. I am all proficient in these coffins, and their usage is ever-changing. However, this time the sarcophagus does not have much reference, and it is not easy to pry open the cover Probably, because it is upside down, the coffin lid is not on this side at all! So now the side where the old apprentice is lying is at the bottom!

"Ghost Emperor, don’t let your momentary anger destroy the lifeblood of my four great worlds. Do you know how many billions of creatures there are in the four great families? If we don’t lay a passage to the human and **** realm, let the source of life nourish it again Our four big worlds, sooner or later, our four big worlds will also become the dead world, and this, I am afraid it will be soon after the sea of ​​blood is all poured into your ghost and **** world! At that time, what kind of pity and pity will be talked about? Create a new life with me It’s the right way to find a way out for the common people of the big world!" Li Xiangruo continued to convince me.

"If it's another person, I might believe it, but you are the only one, Li Sang-nuan, I will never believe it!" I said with a gloomy face, and then stood in front of Bailijue and said softly: "Apprentice, for The teacher is incompetent and can't save you, but it can't let you be used by this demon to kill more lives. So today, the teacher will destroy you personally. Don't worry, Baili family only needs to be a teacher for one day. , Must exist for one day!"

Seeing that I was going to ruin this place, Li Xiangrui was extremely angry: "Ghost Emperor! You are so stubborn, do you really have to wait until our four worlds are ruined before you are happy?!"

"Hehe, Li Sangruo, I don't want to hear anything from you anymore. If you have the ability, you can use this battleship to destroy my ghost and **** realm!" I sneered, and then the Divine Sword of Catastrophe instantly waved, and the sword aura suddenly swept everything around. It's covered completely!

The rumbling sound quickly lingered. Under my powerful attack, many places around were destroyed again, and Li Xiangrui’s voice changed from roar to buzzing, and finally disappeared.

It seems that he can no longer monitor here, and talks in the air. Seeing Baili lying quietly on the sarcophagus, I sighed: "Apprentice, I have to leave for a while as a teacher. I will come back when I find a professional. Save you, just saying that was just a stopgap measure to fool Li Xiangruo."

After all, I suddenly teleported out the same way, and returned to the original pillar space. Chen Taixian was still there waiting for me. He obviously wouldn't understand this teleportation array, which also explained that the secret room is not just anyone can enter. of.

Seeing me coming out, Chen Taixian naturally smashed to me. However, on the basis of the Second Tribulation, my three-tiered spirit control method was naturally not something his Taixian rule could resist. With the same strength, the spirit method could be used instead of the Taixian ruler. His power was easily absorbed in the cracks, one strong and the other weak, and I soon gained the upper hand. In addition, he had long been fighting with me like the end of the battle, and it was impossible to resist!

I immediately speeded up the pursuit. Of course, Chen Taixian could hardly resist my Infinite Sky Sword. Soon there were holes in his body again, and the consumption of power was unsustainable. I believe that after a while, Chen Taixian will die from my sword. under!

But just when I was about to break off one of Li Sangju’s right arms, there was a loud bang, and the whole earth rumbling and shaking, my face turned pale for an instant. I was afraid that my destruction of the secret room just now caused a collapse, or The periphery has been attacked!

However, when I hesitated these two points, suddenly a huge explosion shocked from the periphery, and I was almost certain that this eyeball was attacked! Could it be that Lee Sang-rue has become angry and plans to use his subship to bombard this place? Or what other weapon?

It seems that Chen Taixian is dragging me to death. Maybe he wants to die with me. Then I am still fighting swords with him here. Isn't it a death?

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