Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2418: : Shot

"Very complicated?" I said in deep thought, Han Shanshan nodded, and said, "It's not complicated, but it's very troublesome. You must first sink this ancient **** aircraft carrier, or else you can't solve this problem quietly."

"Well, it's the same as I thought..." I sighed, and it seemed that Han Shanshan couldn't solve the problem immediately.

"Then solve this ancient **** battleship first." Han Shanshan said, my heart stunned, and said: "This battleship depends on the Disillusionment Star Cannon. I'm afraid it's choking, and you only have sixteen in total here. Is it gone? This ancient **** aircraft carrier itself has a strange coating that can reduce the attack of the Disillusioned Star Cannon."

"Of course, the Disillusionment Star Cannon was originally what was left of the Ancient God Realm. Most of the technology left behind was passed on during the Liu Shentian war." Han Shanshan laughed and patted my shoulder. , Said: "However, who told you that my main gun is the Disillusioned Star Cannon? These sixteen star cannons are at most my second-level main guns. The real main guns have not been used yet!"

"What?" I froze for a moment, and said hurriedly: "The Disillusionment Star Cannon is not the main gun? Then what is the main gun for this space battleship?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid I will scare you!" Han Shanshan smiled, then waved her hand and said, "Qingcheng! Open the defense to the maximum and show our main cannon!"

"Yes!" Qingcheng Ruoxue immediately gave the order, and then, I saw that the blue line drawing of the entire battleship on the control screen immediately changed. The central part of the space battleship quickly rose, and the next one was similar to a multilateral The round liquid thing appeared in the place where the battleship opened!

"Since it is a dangerous thing, of course it has to be hidden in the stomach and vomited out at a critical moment, otherwise it will be bumped. The dangerous thing is not only the enemy, but also ourselves." Han Shanshan smiled sinisterly, I His complexion changed slightly. Is it the main gun that the multilateral round liquid object that hovered in the middle of the battleship and swirled at high speed? It is hard to imagine!

"Is this thing so powerful?" I asked with some suspicion, and Xijun nodded quickly, stretched out a finger, and said, "Brother, this thing is really amazing. Just a little bit, you can Destroy a small world!"

"What? What is this? Why haven't I heard of it before? Isn't it better than the dimensionality reduction card?" I asked quickly.

"What do you know about high-tech things? The two are irrelevant, how can they be mixed up as soon as I tell you? Isn't the purpose different?" Han Shanshan said.

"Han Shangshen, it's ready, do you want to launch?" Qingcheng Ruoxue seemed to be ready. I immediately looked at the three-dimensional map of the battleship, and found that this thing looked like a cannonball, but not like a main gun. Look like.

Han Shanshan became excited, then raised her hand and said: "Okay! We are just like this, flying this ship..."

"Shanshan! Wait a minute!" I quickly stopped, everyone immediately looked at me, and Han Shanshan was also puzzled, I quickly said: "If this thing is too powerful, then it can't be used! Now we should destroy Its main and secondary artillery is the main one, but it can't kill everything, because Miss Yun Bing and Xinyun are still inside!"

"Ah? The gourd baby is still inside!? That is to say, the Raoshizi Jin prince is also with the old Dao?" Han Shanshan just came, although she knew about Yun Bingxin, she didn't know that she was in the ancient **** battleship now.

"Yes, so I can't destroy it all." I said quickly.

Touching the fragrant sweat on her forehead, Han Shanshan repeatedly said ‘good risk’, which shows that the main gun may be a really dangerous thing, for fear that it may directly destroy the ancient **** battleship.

"I didn't eat it all, and half of it had the same effect. Where they are, is it right there?" Han Shanshan pointed to the three-dimensional battle diagram, and I nodded. This detector is really vivid, including the location of the damage. Important parts have been directly investigated and visualized, and it is indeed extremely high-tech.

"That's good, let's eat the half intact!" Han Shanshan used the word'eat' twice, and I really couldn't guess what it meant.

"Yes!" Qingcheng Ruoxue replied, then silently read the coordinates, and finally said: "Karma Cannon! Launch!"

A chill in my heart: Causality? What it is?

"Launch!" Han Shanshan confirmed again, and Qingcheng Ruoxue immediately blasted the black thing out after confirming it!

There is no picture that looks arrogant and domineering, and there is nothing like the earth-shattering sound of the Disillusioned Star Cannon when it is launched, as if it was just sending a balloon to the sky, the cause and effect cannon was launched directly! After it revolved and flew at a high speed, it revolved directly towards the ancient **** aircraft carrier at an ridiculously fast speed, and it did ‘eat’ everything where it passed!

There were battle remains everywhere on the route, and there were many remnant silver shuttles flying in to attack, but no accident, it was eaten clean, and when it arrived at the ancient **** battleship, it had grown like a small fairy city. And once you come into contact with the battleship of the ancient gods, it is as if you have seen a bigger cake, swallowing it at a faster speed! And its appetite is too big to imagine!

The ancient **** battleship can't even counterattack, countless attacks, it seems to be the food filling this huge belly, there is no way to use it at all!

I watched this ancient gods warship just cannibalize, and at this speed, I am afraid that it will not be long before it will be swallowed up!

"See? This is the Karma Cannon! It is a dangerous thing placed in the central area of ​​this space battleship. Usually the door is locked by my sister. Only when I say to release it can it be released. And the amount of the one just now , I have gathered for a long time, it seems that it is almost a year, hehe!" Han Shanshan laughed like a Frankenstein.

"It swallows so endlessly, isn't Miss Yun dangerous?" I asked quickly.

"No, this is not a fully physical causal cannon, and I don’t need a fully physical causal cannon, because that would be too scary! The so-called causal cannon has an effect, and the causal cannon can obliterate all the'causes' in an area. To put it simply, it is to erase all traces of existence from time and space..." Han Shanshan grinned, and then drew the scary black ball in front of him and said: "It looks like this is not a complete body. When the time comes, it will disappear by itself. This is the intergeneration of cause and effect, and this way of eating, I am afraid that Niubi and the demon prince will also be impatient to escape."

I shuddered all over. When such a terrifying weapon appeared, the Disillusionment Star Cannon was a pediatrics. Fortunately, it was not easy to make this thing, and it seemed to condense the amount that can destroy the ancient gods battleship, at least a year to start. , Otherwise I am afraid that the Karma Cannon will soon rule the entire Liushentian!

Sure enough, just before the Karma Cannon disappeared, countless immortal houses hiding in the ancient gods aircraft carrier escaped. Even Prince Jin and Yun Bingxin ran out, and Li Xiangruo also ran out without accident. I don't know to what extent this Karma Cannon will'eat', if he even wants to eat it, it's really hard to escape!

Although the true immortal is powerful, in front of this regular weapon, once touched, the power will be greatly depleted, and who is fine to try this causal power that seems to swallow everything?

"Haha, look, this is the old way, right?" Han Shanshan pointed to the magnified screen with a terrible expression on Li Xiangrui, and beside him, there were Prince Jin and Yun Bingxin, so Han Shanshan could recognize it at a glance.

"Yes, it's him, but be careful, this old guy is amazing." I gritted my teeth, and then said, "Let me fight him. The battleship against the real immortal of the Second Tribulation is still quite troublesome."

"Hey, don't underestimate my sister, as long as he can't control the ancient gods battleship, I don't believe that he can avoid the immortal divine light that I used to deal with the gods!" Han Shanshan said, looking at Qingcheng Ruoxue: " The **** of extinction aimed at the leader of the gods shines."

"There is also an immortal extinguishing light for the leader?" I greatly admired Han Shanshan's power.

However, before the light of the God of Extinguishment came out, there was a loud bang, and the battleship I was on suddenly trembled violently!

My face changed drastically, and my thoughts were: I was shot, the battleship is over!

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