Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2434: : Rebound

Suddenly, I was behind Qingcheng Ruoxue. The Divine Sword of Catastrophe directly meant to take her head, but Qingcheng Ruoxue also shrank the ground, and disappeared in place!

And when I swung a sword, it didn't cause any major damage except for splitting the green-gold-wrapped jade deck. After that, Wang Xicheng had already reached behind me, and the hook continued to swing. I could only use a backhand sword. , And collide with him!

At the moment of contact, I found that this guy's moral power is also very abundant, and it seems that there is still a strange resistance, which can offset the suction power of the spirit!

However, the three-layer Na Ling method can forcibly absorb Dao power from opponents of the same strength level, so even if I have resistance, I still force a part of his strength!

"Tsk! Just by the name, I am indeed too confident. I really can't beat this great method!" Wang Xicheng sighed, but he still didn't mean to step back!

Powerful enemies are usually self-aware. This Wang Xicheng understands this, so he can deal with it with twelve points of effort after admitting it! Next, although he continued to absorb Dao power, he also changed the method of fighting, from close combat to long-range combat.

This hook and sickle is also very interesting. The head of the weapon can stretch freely, forming a weird chasing lock, which can trap the enemy, and can also attack!


When we were fighting, suddenly Zhao Qian successfully blew up one of the power furnaces, and my heart suddenly became excited. In this way, the other party would not be able to go to the gradually shrinking passage as planned! In the end, Qingcheng Ruoxue is likely to stay on the border! After all, no matter how high martial arts is, there is no way to resist the siege of our top four world masters!

I suppressed Wang Xicheng’s attack, while Duan Shuyu on the other side was quite powerful. Zhao Qian and Chen Yixian actually had a hard time fighting back, but this paragraph of Shuyu is one level higher than both of them, and Zhao Qian and Chen Yixian are almost fighting each other. In the depleted state, there is no good fortune gold core as a recovery, and at this moment, he has fallen into a dangerous situation several times!

I know it’s impossible to keep Qingcheng Ruoxue, but now there is really no other way. The other six warships have already intercepted the million sword pavilion and Wanjian who were chasing them, and now the head and deputy guard captain is actually the real immortal of the Second Tribulation. !

Zhao Qian and Chen Yixian's defense from left to right is not as easy and easy as before. Even Chen Yixian, who is best at protracted battles, is now breathing a little, sweating on his forehead, showing that he is basically overloaded!

In this round, Qingcheng Ruoxue won really beautifully, and the card was to show that we can't come back. What should we do now? Isn't it just let go of the space battleship?

But when we were fighting, the two guard warships were parallel to the space warship, and the direction of the bow was reversed. Then several large hooks were directly hung on the space warship. Then, The two guard warships dragged the space warship towards the border.

I suddenly had an ominous premonition. Sure enough, Wang Xicheng caught up with me who was going to help Zhao Qian, and smiled: "We actually count every step, and even the space battleship can’t move. Give you control or blow up the power furnace. The consequences have all been studied, so you have no other way besides accepting them."

I gritted my teeth, and now even if I blow up the wheel of time and space and the power furnace, it is obviously of no use. The other party will calculate it, and we will struggle anyway!

Since failure is inevitable, the gecko breaks its tail and re-layouts are far more cost-effective than struggling now. I looked at Zhao Qian and Chen Yixian and said, "Go back, don't chase!"

Zhao Qian and Chen Yixian froze for a moment, both of them deeply puzzled by my order, but I have made up my mind. Since the other party has dealt with me with a card, everything must be settled. This is to crush me! If you can't make this round, then fill in the price, it is better to get back in the next round!

"Yo, you gave up so easily?" Wang Xicheng seemed to be surprised by my actions, but now I don't bother to fight anymore, and said: "Take your fleet to get out, or just stay in the ancient immortal world!"

"That won't work, at least we have to promise to keep you in the ancient immortal world." Wang Xicheng smiled faintly.

I flashed to Duan Shuyu's side, a sword slashed her sharp spear, and Zhao Qian and Chen Yixian took the opportunity to immediately return to the million sword pavilion, I was behind the palace, one person and one sword stopped in front of Wang Xicheng and Duan Shuyu!

Wang Xicheng smiled and said: "Xia Yitian, the emperor is very optimistic about you, it is better to give up the Liushentian war and restart and surrender to the court again."

"Hehe, you two come to me together, I don't know if you have investigated my background, I have come along, although I have failed, but it is often me who laughs last." I sneered.

"Oh? You are the same as our **** emperor, and relatively speaking, she seems to be better than you, because since we followed the **** emperor, we haven't seen her fail." Duan Shuyu retorted.

I was surprised in my heart. From this point of view, I escaped from the God's Court, and it is very likely that I was in the control of the other party!

However, since the other party has the habit of showing signs, it happened to be my opportunity, so I smiled and said, "You can't come, then I have to go."

"Let's go, we happen to be on the way." Wang Xicheng smiled indifferently.

It seems that these two captains and vice captains are not serious goods, but rather intelligent and active existence.

I thought they were going to be brown candy, so I didn't bother to pay attention to it, and immediately flashed to join Zhao Qian and the others, and then quickly chased the six warships away!

"Don't worry, there is still a lot of time, don't you have more fun?" Wang Xicheng chased behind and laughed.

"Not much, just one day. According to the original plan, we still have to eliminate their vital power and resources as much as possible." Duan Shuyu said.

"It's easy to destroy the active power, but to destroy more resources, I am afraid it will not be easy. It is estimated that they will sink all their warships." Wang Xicheng continued the discussion with confidence.

"Then sink all warships!" Duan Shuyu said firmly.

"Okay, okay, then kill it all!" Wang Xicheng said with a smile, and then came after us!

And before we were able to converge with the warships, there was news from the front that the battleship encounter had begun. Two million sword pavilions and six ten thousand swords were recruited, and they were the first to fight with six guard warships!

After all, many million sword pavilions were destroyed in the last explosion of the ancient gods aircraft carrier. At present, although the old fairy court has a lot of warships, the pioneers came to the warships. In fact, they were originally greeted by the purpose, so they are not here. Many, but the remaining warships guarding the old fairy court came only after I officially started the war with Li Sang-ruo, so it will take some time to come over. In this way, the previous batch of warships will board the six guards. Battleship, even I can't help but take a breath!

So I immediately contacted Li Nianjun, and asked her to lure the enemy deeper, and lead them to the other warships that are rushing together, and then gather together and annihilate!

Li Nianjun agreed without hesitation.

But about a quarter of an hour later, when I was hopeful that I could win a city back, the bad news about Li Nianjun came!

The two million sword pavilions and the six million swords were all sunk by the opponent! And the frigate did not lose! The information transmitted shows that they obviously won in speed and power!

It seems that during the **** sea warfare, Qingcheng Ruoxue should have begun to develop warships that are known for speed. The technology of these warships on the power furnace is afraid to refer to the space warships. In this way, Wan Jian Ge and Wan Even if the sword is attracted to escape, it is difficult to escape their pursuit!

The plan failed, and I was hit hard. After all, Million Jiange was already a second-generation warship in the ancient immortal world. Even if there were only two, how could it be sunk easily?

"These battleships seem to be equipped with the Disillusionment Star Cannon. If they are given a chance, it will be impossible for our battleship to sink." Zhao Qian said.

"Tsk! I didn't expect that when I brought the star box to the court, I actually moved the stone to pierce my feet! Let them get the technology of the Disillusionment Star Cannon!" I frowned.

"Brother Tian, ​​the hulls of these high-speed battleships are very small, and the technology of the Disillusionment Star Cannon should not be complete, and it is impossible for a battleship to recharge its energy within one day, so the destruction of the previous batch of battleships , It can be considered as a chance for us." Zhao Qian said.

"Actually, I didn't say something." Chen Yixian said.

Faced with so much bad news, I was also a little depressed. When I looked at Chen Yixian, I could only ask, "Say it."

"I drew the magic circle on the wheel of time and space. I don't know if they found it. It may be fine now, but after a period of sailing, it will gradually be damaged." Chen Yixian said.

"This is good news, I thought you were unsuccessful..." I was stunned, and Chen Yixian said, "It was unsuccessful, or it would be blown up directly."

It seems that luck will also bottom out.

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