Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2438: : Lead China

Hearing that I was going to brainwash them both into babies, Wang Xicheng and Duan Shuyu were both frightened. Wang Xicheng cried and said: "Ghost King! No! I am so easy to cultivate into a true immortal in the Second Tribulation. What about the baby? You know, if the experience is not enough to control the cultivation level, but you have to go crazy. If this happens for a long time, I will be useless! Besides, my baby's wisdom, the body of an adult, who will raise me to guard against old age?"

"Hehe, the degree of integration of this cultivation base, but you don't have to worry about it. Since I dare to do this thing that destroys your understanding, there must be a way to keep you alive, and the cultivation base will not fall a little bit! There is no need for you to worry about raising you to guard against old age. I will choose a few excellent families with childless parents to adopt you, so that you will be happy and worry-free in the days to come, and all you will experience are positive children. Time!" I sneered.

Wang Xicheng started crying again, and said: "Ghost King, you are fine, I can honestly say that my own life experience is just that, don't wash me into a baby! This memory doesn't even have an adult, if it's manure , I can’t control and act on my own when I shit, and I’m more embarrassed than death if I help others to wipe **** and change clothes?

"What's the matter? Since it's a fairy official family, how can it be difficult to hire a few nurses or nurses? And you are the baby's mind anyway, you don't know what shame is, what else is there to be afraid of?" Han Shanshan Hey smile, doing things that get into trouble occasionally will make people happier.

Zhao Qian and Chen Yixian, as well as the immortal family recovering their true celestial spirit here, couldn't help but laugh. This made Wang Xicheng's two-tribulation true celestial shame to his bones, but still in a state of being unable to get angry.

And Duan Shuyu heard the rhetoric of mantis urine, and even her old fritters turned blushing in fright. It was enough to change diapers when she was so old. Just imagine, it was really enough to make people blush.

"Ghost emperor, I was wrong. I don’t dare to talk nonsense anymore. I was indeed born in the family of a military prince. I didn’t do anything nasty at that time. Just do it and wash away my memory. Let's start washing, although they have been dead for many years, but my happy time is also at that time!" Wang Xicheng said with a pounding chest.

"Oh? Are you sure?" I hugged my hands and sneered. Wang Xicheng suddenly nodded his head as the chicken pecked at the rice. I looked at Han Shanshan, and Han Shanshan said, "If that's the case, it's time to wash."

Wang Xicheng almost didn't kowtow with his expression of escape from birth.

And Duan Shuyu has been trying to rob Wang Xicheng like a dog without a chance to speak. Now after Wang Xicheng stopped, she quickly said: "Ghost Emperor! I was too scared just now to talk nonsense. I am indeed from a wealthy family. , I have never suffered too much since I was young... I asked the ghost king to wash me until I was fifteen..."

"That's enough? Do you want to stop earlier? I'm afraid that I know a lot when I'm fifteen." I said with a smile.

Knowing that I was deliberately embarrassed, Duan Shuyu said bitterly: "At that time, I was unemployed and had not been tortured. Although I knew a lot...but I didn't understand more, right? And at that time, I had not yet met me first. A partner who led me astray...So at that time, I shouldn't have any signs of becoming what I am now..."

I was taken aback, looked at Duan Shuyu seriously, and then said, "This reason is reasonable."

"If the career can be restarted, how can there be so much sorrow, and if the feelings can be rewritten, how can there be so much tragedy? This baptism, I am very willing, and I do not feel persecuted by the ghost king! In a sense, I also want to thank you, the King of Ghosts!" Duan Shuyu became more excited as I continued, and even used honorific words in the last word, but there were still tears in his eyes, which shows that I have moved true feelings.

I nodded. For the immortal family who is really contrite, I no longer have the need to embarrass her, so I said: "Don't worry, then you can start over from then on."

"Thank you Ghost Emperor!" Duan Shuyu said sincerely.

"You believe it?" Han Shanshan gave me a curious voice. I thought about it and said: "Actually it is accurate to the year and month, huh, never forget, there must be a hidden feeling, so I will wash her until she is twelve or three, or even earlier some."

"I knew it, it wouldn't hurt anyway." Of course, Han Shanshan is no longer the innocent girl back then, just listen to what others say and believe it.

When Wang Xicheng saw that Duan Shuyu had taken advantage of him, he was not sure what he would become. He immediately said, "My feelings were probably when I was sixteen..."

"Why don't you wash you into a fool?" I snorted, Wang Xicheng was afraid to speak, and Han Shanshan said in a voice transmission: "They are at their age, it is estimated that they have done all the murders and goods, or they will directly wash it to seven or eight. When I get older, when my disciples are cultivated slowly, so that they can cultivate their moral character, I can't believe them anyway."

"It's reasonable." I smiled faintly, and then I started to deal with this matter with Han Shanshan first. After all, once these two real immortals of the Second Tribulation restore their incorporeal body to the extent of the Taoist body, it is really troublesome to escape, taking advantage of their weakness. Start, of course it will be better.

"Then later, I will let you enter the sarcophagus, and then I will calibrate your cleaning age, but even if it is accurate, there is still a little error, I hope you don't mind." Han Shanshan smiled, which is actually correct. What the audience said, after all, they repented what they promised. Although they stand on the moral starting point, they will also attract gossip.

"Don't mind, as long as the difference is not too big." Wang Xicheng and Duan Shuyu probably hold a mutual supervision mentality. If they are not the correct age, they will definitely raise objections, so the two have spoken at least several times along the way. , But when Han Shanshan and I took them to the underground formation, seeing the two sarcophagus placed there, they were stunned, because it meant that both were washed together.

"I wake up Bailijue, it is not a big problem to solve it with you. As for Chen Taixian, it will be more difficult." Han Shanshan said through the voice.

"Why don't you wash Chen Taixian again?" I replied, and Han Shanshan thought for a while and said: "Wash it again? Wash until..."

"It's almost a teenager. I don't mind letting Chen Yixian be his master. It can be regarded as an atonement for his own behavior. If he hadn't brought back the Nalingfa jade tablet, it would not trigger a series of things." I said calmly.

Han Shanshan smiled and said, "This is a good idea, but it's bad enough. Let your disciples and grandchildren teach you how to be a man, hehe, but I like it."

"You two will stay here for a while. When we clean the sarcophagus, we will help you wash away the lead bloom and restore your authenticity." I said calmly.

"To be able to wash away the lead and re-behave, we both have a sense of the Five Nei! After all, our family has not been there for many years. After entering the Guards Department, we have always been intrigue, not even a friend. If we can start again from then , I really want to restore my authenticity!" Wang Xicheng and Duan Shuyu didn't know what the plan was. Hearing the eight characters behind them, they brought me a high hat for a while.

Han Shanshan was also swift and neat, and Bailijue's sarcophagus was uncovered directly. The old apprentice Bailijue immediately jumped out, yelled for Master, and then bowed to worship!

Wang Xicheng and Duan Shuyu saw a real immortal of the Second Tribulation actually call me Master. They were all stunned, but when I didn’t explain, they didn’t dare to ask any more. The years are up.

I immediately called Bailijue aside, taking advantage of Han Shanshan’s brainwashing effort on Chen Taixian, I told him about Li Xiangrui and many other things, including Bailijia’s matters. , And this sword idiot doesn’t seem to have much lingering about these people’s sophistication. On the contrary, he is extremely fascinated by the sword. It saves me a lot of effort. Anyway, the part of his memory loss can still be used by his descendants in the future. We explained that he himself is also a temperament of justice and norms, even if he diverges, he will not diverge.

As for how Chen Taixian will change after washing his memory, I have developed a lot of curiosity.

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