Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2440: :standard

"The plans of each family will wait until the meeting is dismissed, and they will decide according to their own circumstances, but they are all to strengthen their armaments to prevent the Shenting from being killed before the passage is opened. Now according to the previous situation, the Shenting may be against any realm. It’s offensive, so everyone must not underestimate the enemy’s negligence, and think that I bear the brunt of the ghost road, the death of the dao friend, the death of the poor dao, this kind of thing will come back, presumably you have not encountered it and have heard a lot of it?" Jing Xiaoman chuckled and said, "This is the first time I have heard of this saying that a dead fellow is not dead, haha, don't worry, my brother, I must let them dig three feet and take out their own treasures. , Make many, many battleships!"

Jing Xiaoman is happy, and it is not unreasonable. Now the Demon God Realm is only assassinated by the previous Demon Lord and lacks some peak combat power, but overall strength is strong. Now the Ancient Immortal Realm has almost lost more than half of it after this battle. He was in the same state as the Demon God Realm, so Li Nianjun was a little depressed, at least in front of Jing Xiaoman, he couldn't lift his head.

"Well, now everyone is waiting to smash the pot and sell the iron. Shen Ting will not let us off the weak. After all, the spirit of rebellion is born. It is the result of decapitation wherever it is placed in the world. The number of battleships is the most important thing. Please also encourage everyone.” I nodded and said, and Yun Bingxin nodded as well. After Han Shanshan and Zhao Qian explained, she also knew her position. It seemed that her learning ability was quite fast.

A natural child like her cannot be defined by a mortal baby. They are excellent in learning ability, and they are almost born with excellent memory, and they have communicated key principles of dealing with matters. What is left is lack of experience.

"We have seven million sword pavilions, and ten thousand swords are recruited, and there are only about thirty. They are the last power to defend the fairy court. I am afraid that the number of subsequent constructions in the **** court will not be enough. Increase too much." Li Nianjun said worriedly.

It is precisely the more bachelor, the less afraid of speaking. Li Nianjun is able to calm this point, it is almost exhausted, and this ancient **** battleship is still in the hands of who is still in the hands.

"Preparing from now on will not necessarily fail. As long as you have the skills to mobilize all the immortals and race against time, you may not win in the end, but at least you have not lost to yourself, and now everyone can't go back. It just happens to be behind closed doors. Is it time?" I reassured.

Li Nianjun nodded moved and said: "Brother Tian, ​​we have no leader now, and we all rely on you. I have discussed with Taishu Xianchang, this ancient **** battleship, we don’t need anything, we just hope to help the ancient immortal world get out of the predicament. ."

I glanced at Tai Shuqian unexpectedly, she nodded and admitted this, and I said: "Not so, this ancient **** warship said that the ancient gods should be distributed to everyone when Li Xiangyu was still there, so it is not The one of us belongs to the alliance of the four worlds. We re-study this wrecked warship, and then copy and build the advanced technology. Even if we can’t surpass the old warships of the ancient gods, we should not lag far behind, and this kind of power It is exactly what is necessary to deal with the court in the future."

Jing Xiaoman and Li Nianjun were very happy, but one was joyful and the other suppressed their joy.

I don’t mean to dominate the ancient gods battleship alone. After all, the Demon God Realm has also filled a dozen battleships, and this battleship originally belonged to the Ancient Immortal Realm, so I can’t come here to kill Lee Sang-kun and occupy this battleship, right?

If it doesn't matter at all, it is the Demon God Realm, but the Demon God Realm has a lot of resources, and it is the place that Yun Bingxin will control in the future.

"So I think that although this ancient **** battleship is more than half damaged, it can be repaired according to the research of Han Shanshan and Han Xian's family, and it has certain combat capabilities. Therefore, from now on, I want to tentatively designate it as the Four Worlds. The Alliance Headquarters battleship of China is shared by the four worlds. What do you think?" I looked at Jing Xiaoman, Li Nianjun and Yun Bingxin.

"Can everyone use it together?" Li Nianjun asked in surprise.

"Yes, including the technology inside, is also shared." I said.

"Since the four worlds have headquarters, there must be a leader. I propose that Brother Tian be our leader!" Self-confidence can make people smart, Jing Xiaoman said first.

"I... we also agree that Brother Tian should be the general leader in order to deal with the future attacks of the court." Li Nianjun realized a lot later, but because of his intelligence, he would not be too backward.

Yun Bingxin glanced at Li Nianjun and Jing Xiaoman, then turned to ask about Zhao Qian, Zhao Qian was embarrassed, but Han Shanshan had a much thicker skin, and rustled a few words in her ear, and Yun Bing Xin also raised her hand and said, "I agree too."

Now it’s no longer the time to care about shirking, I simply said: “Well, since all three of you think I’m competent, then I won’t shirk anymore, and if there is anything in the future that I have done unfairly, I will still Please be a supervisor and tell me bluntly."

There was no extravagant coronation ceremony, or too much nonsense. Soon the covenant of the four worlds was finalized, and the leaders of all walks of life signed and drawn, and I also returned the book of demon gods to Yun Bingxin. But when I filled in Yun Bingxin's name in the column of Demon King, something strange happened!

On Yun Bingxin's **** board, there is actually an extra **** board, which is equivalent to the existence of the supreme **** emperor like Qingcheng Ruoxue!

"The Demon Emperor is supreme!" I said in surprise, and Li Nianjun and Jing Xiaoman were so curious that they quickly asked me what happened.

"In other words, the supreme of the monster race no longer exists, and the position of supreme has been passed to Yun Bingxin a long time ago, but she herself has not activated the **** plate, now the demon king's **** plate is added, showing When the Demon Emperor's Divine Grid was released, the Supreme Divine Grid also appeared!" I was also surprised in my heart, because doesn't it mean that the Mother of Gods and Ghosts is also finished?

"It seems that it's really the same as I thought, the Mother of God Turtle is also finished." Black Dragon smiled.

After the overlapping of the two **** discs, a bright color like green and gold was produced, which made us all feel amazed. This **** disc and Qingcheng Ruoxue are not inferior to each other. After all, the green and gold produced by the continuous rotation of the discs above The mutual radiance is absolutely stable. We are pure ghost emperor or immortal deity and demons.

And Qingcheng Ruoxue is a superposition of gold and purple, which is a noble and peaceful color, because gold is usually the main color, which usually represents the supreme, and the other colors represent their respective realms.

Like my Ghost Emperor God's Grid Plate, it was bright black. Although it was mysterious and Xiao Sha under the light, it was no different from invisible in the dark, far worse than Yun Bingxin's now.

However, these superficial things do not represent anything. Everyone is envious and surprised for a while before entering the discussion of other things.

Because we have Han Shanshan, we have not set the time for the resumption of the fortified channel for too long. However, every year of warship manufacturing cannot be stopped, and since the alliance, the sharing of warship technology will inevitably become the top priority.

The main artillery technology and stealth technology of the Ghost God Realm are among the best, and the Demon God Realm is obviously more outstanding in secondary artillery technology and anti-missile technology. As for the Ancient God Realm and the Demon God Realm, they have superior sub-ship technology and protective shield technology respectively. Therefore, the era of the four major worlds focusing on standard parts will soon arrive.

With the loading and unloading specifications of standard parts, the future battleship is likely to be the main gun of the Ghost God Realm, the secondary artillery and defensive artillery of the Demon God Realm, plus the sub-ship lifeboat of the Ancient God Realm, and the shield generator of the Demon God realm. , The appearance is also very easy to imagine, although there are still some differences, but I believe that it must be qualified to fight the gods.

After deciding on these strategies, all that remains is to use the rumor token to pre-announce these standards to the center of the respective world before the channel is destroyed, and to immediately enter the production of standard parts so that the channel is opened, and everyone can communicate with each other. Assemble, when the time comes to war, the battleship can directly have the advantages of the major worlds!

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