Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2453: : Door Wall

Xia Ruize and Li Poxiao are both in retreat and attacking the Three Tribulations. Not only that, even Yun Bingxin is now in a state of self-cultivation, and it is estimated that she will not see her for a period of time, so I now carry the book "The True Understanding of the Artifact God". I'm afraid I will put it in my hands for a while, and I still have Li Duanyue's sword pill in my hand, so I must study it carefully.

I followed Han Shanshan to the sarcophagus of the Ancient God Realm, and soon entered the brainwashed secret room. After Han Shanshan checked, she did not hesitate to start the big formation, awakening Wang Xicheng and Duan Shuyu.

I stood in front of the two of them, and Han Shanshan had already left here after starting the sarcophagus, so when they got up, there was no doubt that the first thing they saw was me.

But soon, the two of them showed pain and seemed to have lost their feelings. Suddenly they felt uncomfortable.

"You two are finally awake." I glanced at their current cultivation base and found that the aura of their Taoist body is still at the level of the Second Tribulation, but it is now extremely messy, and it is losing at an unimaginable speed. , It can be seen that in their memory, the dao body of the real immortal and the real immortal of the Second Tribulation cannot be overlapped, causing the breath to burst out randomly.

This was also in my expectation, so I didn’t wait for them to answer. I stretched out my hands and slapped them on their heads in an instant. They are able to retain some power as much as possible, and my strength will directly affect their final cultivation!

"Don't struggle, you two, I made a special trip to rescue you. If you don't cooperate with me, if you inhale the power in your body, you will soon burst your Dao body and die." I said immediately.

In fact, even if I didn't say this, Wang Xicheng and Duan Shuyu had nothing to do. They only had a strong desire to survive, making them drowning, and they could only drag me to death.

I had anticipated this a long time ago, so I directly used Tianyi’s exercises and forcibly altered their veins by forcibly tampering with the body, so that they could not control the body of this power, and gradually borrowed my power. Law and control it.

Fortunately, the memories of the two have been fixed at the age of eleven or twelve. At that time, if you were a famous family, most of them also had some foundation. Therefore, controlling the surging power in the body will become easier through the use of force. A lot.

As expected by Han Shanshan, Duan Shuyu was very talented when she was a girl. I was distracted to control the two of them, and also deliberately to check their talents, but after the strength I borrowed, Shuyu was able to save herself very quickly. It succeeded, retaining a lot of the power that poured out, but it was inevitable to fall back to the seventh heaven, and for the time being, the second-rank cultivation base was kept.

As for Wang Xicheng, although he is also a talented and intelligent person, he is still a little worse in comparison. He barely calmed down until the third grade level, but this also made me very satisfied.

After they controlled their Dao power no longer leaked out, my Tianyi forced perfusion was also completed, and now their veins have also been grounded together with the heavens. This is the advantage of Dao body Dao veins, and Chen Yixian accepts the spirit The calamity of Dharma also allows me to easily invade the Dao body of others and make any changes I want.

Of course, to tamper with the context, the first thing to do is to get the consent of others. What I am tampering with now only relieves their sense of embarrassment. If you want to become normal, it is impossible not to learn the whole day.

"Very well, you both are very smart." I said calmly.

Wang Xicheng and Duan Shuyu both looked at me with fear, and Wang Xicheng was the first to ask me. He immediately said: "Why are we here? I remember... I borrowed..."

He even said that he didn't remember two times, it seemed that the memory was washed intermittently, so he didn't know where to start.

"You imprisoned an evil fairy in the sarcophagus of this stone room, along with this girl. Specifically, where did you come from? Because I just awakened you, I still don't know your identity." I said lightly. .

"Then you...who are you?" Duan Shuyu asked me with some caution.

"I am the leader of the four worlds, Xia Yitian!" After I reported my family, I really suppressed Wang Xicheng and Duan Shuyu.

"League...Leader? We are obviously in... the four worlds... which are the four?" Wang Xicheng asked in amazement. Even Duan Shuyu was ignorant: "We only know the gods of the gods..."

"The emperor? It turns out that the two are from the gods of the human and gods world. It's a pity that now this is the ancient immortal world, not yours. It seems that you two were taken here by the evil immortal at some point and imprisoned in the sarcophagus. Among them, this sarcophagus has the ability to cleanse the memory. I am afraid that after you were captured, the memory will be clear." I coaxed, this Wang Xicheng and Duan Shuyu were talking nonsense when they were running trains before. The way is also to help them, and this is also for their good.

Wang Xicheng was stunned for a moment, glanced at the sarcophagus, and quickly asked about the current era, and Duan Shuyu, including Duan Shuyu, also asked in detail how long it has been since the era where she lived.

Of course, I will not hide it, and I have summarized the relationship between the Human God Realm and the Four Great Worlds, as well as the recent situation, including the battle with Li Sang-ju, and I also picked up some irrelevant words.

These two really washed thoroughly. Now they are just half-aged teenagers who have just understood the truth. They gave me this half-truth and half-fake, and they easily believed me. After all, from the beginning, Han Shanshan and I planned. All this is for their good.

When they understand the concept of the leaders of these four worlds, they have a lot of respect and respect in their words, as if they had met a big man's child.

"It turns out that in your memory, you only remember things before and after you were twelve years old, don't you remember?" I asked deliberately.

"Leader, where do I remember? Now, as the leader said, my parents, my family, I'm afraid they don’t exist anymore. Alas, at the moment I don’t know where to go. I didn’t know if I had a family or a room before, let alone where to go now. It's..." Wang Xicheng cried.

I was taken aback for a moment, but I quickly realized that this kid is now a teenager, and his crying nose is normal, so I said: "Don't cry, kid. Since I saved you, I am connected with you. You have lost everything. I I must try my best to help you find it."

"Really...really?" Wang Xicheng asked sobbing, I nodded, and Duan Shuyu quickly went on to say: "Leader of En Gong, we have no roots and no Ping, we have forgotten the memories of the past life, which is equal to rebirth, and gave us rebirth. Yes, it is the leader, please let the leader reluctantly accept us! We are low-level, but we must do our best to help the leader."

"It's okay to help you, but I have something that needs to be clarified for you." With an expression of uncertainty, Wang Xicheng and Duan Shuyu both fell silent.

Seeing that they were almost knocking their heads and begging me to go on, I quickly helped them up and said, "Just now I used the Tianyi technique, which stabilized your Dao power. I think you did learn other Dao methods before coming. Yes, it’s a pity that I’ve almost forgotten it now, and my Taoism happens to be inclusive of all rivers, which can restrain this turbulence, but I won’t learn it easily..."

Duan Shuyu really had the same personality as before. At a young age, she was very good at seeing poles climb up, so she just fell to her knees: "Master! Please Master accept the apprentice!"

"Me too! Master, please accept the disciple." Although Wang Xicheng is a step slower, he is also a smart boy.

I smiled slightly and said: "I have many disciples, but all of them are pure-hearted people. If you want to enter my door wall, there are no major requirements for cultivation, and I don’t care what you did back then and what you have done. Things and bad things, but when you enter my door, you will have to accumulate virtue and do good in the future, and keep the door rules! Because if I find bad behavior, I will take care of you myself!"

"Disciples be careful of the gate rules! Don't dare to commit!" The two immediately kowtow, all of them refused.

I smiled and said, "Very well, you will be my direct disciples from now on, and now I will go to Jianquan Pavilion to see your seniors!"

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