Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2455: : Uji

I meditated in the original coffin of the ancient god, while Li Duanyue was pacing beside me, while watching the two piles of jade on the ground, his emotions, and the two super sects of kendo. To her, it was obvious. It is extremely important, and I think it should be hesitated.

Although I believe that Li Duanyue’s relationship with Li Poxiao is unbreakable, the unequal strength between them is a huge breakthrough in itself. The despair brought about by helplessness is often the most desperate, so Li Duan Moon is of course extremely tangled.

"Now your cultivation level is no more than Seventh Heaven, and you are not equal to Li Poxiao of Eighth Heaven. If you are willing to give up emotions and concentrate on cultivation, I will not only remove you from this sword pill, but also a retreat place with you. "I said lightly.

"One day, do you think I am such a person?" Li Duanyue finally turned her back to me, seeming to be angry with my dissatisfaction.

I smiled and said, "You are not such a person, but now I think you are. Because you have a goal, you will pursue it. For example, I can give you a goal now and let you temporarily forget this emotion."

Seeing that I was so confident, Li Duanyue turned around and looked at me up and down: "I know you are smart, but you are too confident? With the inheritance of Master Qiankun Dao, Master Ancient Immortal Dao, I think I will Become a cultivator madman because of cultivation?"

"Hehe, of course it's more than that. For example, I will tell you that I will help Li Poxiao take you away. Li Poxiao is destined to owe me the favor, and has even decided to repay it with life and death." I said.

"What do you mean?" Li Duanyue frowned and asked.

"He has now entered retreat due to the restart of the Six Gods and Heavens War, and as the leader of the four worlds, I will lead the immortals of the four worlds to attack the gods. As for Li Poxiao, I will naturally become my vanguard general. With his character, Will you not do what you have said? And the difficulty of attacking Shenting should have been known from Li Poxiao or elsewhere? It is as strong as Li Guxian, but also lost in that battle, even as strong as Li Qiankun. , Can you imagine the danger in it? So, you can still talk about feelings calmly?" I said meaningfully.

Li Duanyue's expression was stagnant, and she muttered, "He would rather make an agreement with you as the price of life and death, and also drive me away?"

I smiled in my heart. As expected, a woman is more delicate than a man in emotional matters, so she said: "Perhaps, as for why he is like this, only he knows, so whether you want to save him, you have to take revenge on him. If you want to, you need to temporarily seal this relationship, right?"

"One day, you are right." Li Duanyue said sullenly, but she was soft on the outside and strong on the inside. I know that she admits defeat now, but she will not give up this emotion easily.

"Well, then practice hard. I believe that it is impossible for you to surpass Li Poxiao. After all, you used to be better than him. You are the strongest talent, and you are also a natural sword body." I said calmly.

Li Duanyue did not speak, but looked at the two stacked jade pieces and said, "Which of them is the stronger?"

"Li Guxian is the six gods in the sky, can be called invincible swordsmanship, the world's best." I said without hesitation.

"Well, Li Guxian used to be a sword slave. Like me, I will choose Guxian Dao." Li Duanyue no longer hesitated, picked up this pile of jade pieces, and said, "This is a good place to practice. And I can ask you any questions. Would you mind if I stay here?"

"If you don't mind, what do I have to mind? I'm afraid it will affect your reputation in the future." I smiled bitterly, a man and a woman, alone in the same room, although it is a practice, but it spreads out, it is considered a double cultivation. , Very unpleasant.

Li Duanyue's face blushed, and he hesitated and said, "I can't manage that much, so I decided to do so."

I shook my head. Although I retreat and attack the Three Tribulations True Immortal, I need to be in a quiet state most of the time, but she is pretty good, and there shouldn't be too many problems. I promised her that she was still in the past and owed her. Part of her.

Next, in order to take her out of the sword pill, I inevitably went through the steps of transforming Chen Yixian from Qi Ling, but her situation was more complicated, but my cultivation base at that time was not the same as my current cultivation base. And Yu, plus Li Poxiao also abolished the boss's skill and cast her weight, so I picked up the ready-made cheap, and soon resurrected her.

However, the reappearance of the Taoist body is not regarded as a resurrection, at most it is a transformation. And Li Duanyue became a fairy queen, obviously there is no excitement that should have been, perhaps when he was in the temple before, he was able to move freely. Therefore, the difference is really not that big, one is controlled and the other is freedom.

After doing this, Li Duanyue went to practice with a bunch of jade pieces, and after I helped raise Han Shanshan’s cultivation to the level of true immortality, he also began to enter a state of retreat, although I don’t know if The impact to the extent of the Three Tribulations, after all, I reached the True Immortal of the Two Tribulations, and it hasn't been long yet.

There is no sun and moon in the practice, a year, as if dazzling, Li Duanyue actually got the ancient books of Li Guxian during this time, and the help of the real immortal spirit of this eyeball giant cannon is beyond super quality. , The impact reached the level of a true immortal! I have to say that this is a feat, and an achievement that only a genius with terrifying qualifications like her can achieve!

It's just that the Eighth Heaven and the Seventh Heaven are completely different. It is not just that you can reach the level of the goal by retreating. Therefore, after the peak of the True Immortal of One Tribulation, Li Duanyue was also stuck in the level of Two Tribulations. , So after consideration, she also plans to go to experience.

In one year, my cultivation base, except for reaching the peak of the Second Tribulation, did not have any hope of promotion. I attacked the Third Tribulation several times, and all failed very simply. Sometimes a place that is too comfortable is often the cause of failure. , After all, there are'tribulations' in the nine calamities. If there is no calamity, where is the possibility of advancement?

So soon after Li Duanyue left, I couldn't stay any longer. It was inevitable to leave the customs to find opportunities.

After I left the customs, I naturally went straight to the conference hall, because I needed to know the situation there as soon as possible!

However, I just stepped out of the giant eyeball cannon, and it seemed that dozens of auras sensed my exit, and immediately flew towards me. The speed was so fast that I couldn’t help but tremble in my heart, because it was probably indicative of it. what's up!

And standing under this starry sky, I found that the warship was no longer in the fairy garden of the ancient immortal world, but in the vast universe. This situation is obvious. The ancient **** warship has left its original stationing location and is currently moving at high speed. , Head to a destination!

Before they were in front of me, I had already stopped the incoming people with a retreat. Seeing that it was Hu Qingya, Ruan Qiushui and others, I couldn't help asking, "What's the matter?"

"Brother, something has happened. Last year, when the border patch was over, Sister Shanshan carried out channel reconstruction. Not long ago, she finally opened up the channel of the ghost and **** realm. The news is that the war has begun a year and a half ago! So now our ancient **** aircraft carrier is currently rushing to the Ghost God Realm at the fastest speed!" Although Ruan Qiushui's face was calm, he still couldn't restrain his worry.

"What? The war started a year and a half ago? How could it be possible? Isn't that just a short time after the tunnel was bombed?" I asked quickly.

"Exactly, as soon as the passage was blown up, Shenting's fleet began to attack!" Ruan Qiushui quickly replied.

My face suddenly paled. What does this mean is the construction of standard parts and the transmission of government affairs. They are all in a daze, because everyone has directly entered a state of war. What about the ghosts and gods? What about the Demon God Realm and Demon God Realm?

Taking a deep breath, I asked directly: "Where are we now?"

"I'm about to arrive at the border, my eldest brother has been in retreat. Sister Han Shanshan said that even if you come out now, it won't help. It's better to let you retreat to the Three Calamities, so as to be sure to deal with the future war..." Ruan Qiushui said quickly .

"Unfortunately, I didn't succeed in the promotion." I sighed. This retreat was almost useless, but it was a pity that they thought about me so much.

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