Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2458: : Annihilation

In terms of individual strength, there are people from all armies. Bai Lijue and Nangong Min follow Li Nianjun to intercept the incoming Shenting fleet with a flanking fleet, while Jing Xiaoman has the black dragon of the second robbery and my disciple. , Wang Xicheng, who has been promoted to restore the True Immortal of One Tribulation, helps, so that the two armies are relatively even in terms of fleet strength and individual attack capabilities.

On the way of the Demon God Realm, because Yun Bingxin is a true immortal of the Three Tribulations, he can also summon the Fire Heart of the Three Tribulations. In fact, the individual strength is the strongest. You only need to follow the given routines to attack without brains, you can imagine it will be stable. Yu Taishan, but in order to ensure the implementation of the plan, it is inevitable that the women's army will help out.

As for the army led by Zhou Xuan Ling Yi Road, Duan Shuyu was in charge of guarding. She made progress a lot faster than Wang Xicheng, and had reached the strength of the Second Tribulation True Immortal, so this army did not need to worry.

There is also Ruan Qiushui along the way, and there are the guards of the true immortal Chen Yixian of the second calamity and the true immortal Chen Taixian who recovered from the first calamity. This road is also stable in Mount Tai.

The rest is to directly take care of Zhao Qian and Han Shanshan, because Zhao Qian has already broken through the Second Tribulation, and even Han Shanshan is also the Second Tribulation, so as long as the women's legion converge immediately, it will be worry-free.

The Ancient God Aircraft Carrier is the Seventh Route Fleet. I am in charge of commanding it. However, the poor Chi Sheng has repeatedly failed to attack the real fairyland. At this moment, he is hidden in the army of the ghost road, and it seems not so prominent. He is now anxious to follow the hot pot in order to cultivate. He was very anxious, so I didn't arrange for him to play, but stayed by my side, working with Cui Yi to command the battleship.

Hu Qingya has temporary control of the ancient **** aircraft carrier, but still needs to wait for Han Shanshan to return for the handover of the battleship, because Han Shanshan is better at controlling battleships.

Not to mention, once Ruan Qiushui’s strategy of combining warships with individual soldiers is implemented, the overall look of the seven fleets is extremely offensive. Even if it is to face the seven fleets of Shenting, it seems that there is not much shortage. Of course, it is necessary to obtain results. , We still need to know after the battle, at least the offensive ability of the gods is far beyond our imagination!

Although the Seven-Road Fleet is far apart, it also goes hand-in-hand like a comb. With detectors, even a lice can't escape. These heavenly warships are equipped with standard reverse dynamic magnetic field generators, so their own The stealth performance is also very good, so if the enemy fleet is detected, it will immediately enter the stealth state. Once in range, the Silver Shuttle should encircle the opponent's battleship!

The first contact with Yun Bingxin, one of the seven major fleets, was Lord Qingxu’s Xingludian fleet. Each of these fleets is ghostly, but the number is countless. After two thousand years, the battleships are not eliminated even if they are not eliminated. , Can also update equipment, the number is really like ants, no wonder the holy warships of the ghosts and gods will be surrounded alive, and this is obviously not the flagship of Qingxu, no matter how bold the prince is, he dare not run Come here to find death, so relatively speaking, this is a mopping force of three main battle fleets and dozens of sub-ships.

Ruan Qiushui’s order was very decisive, and it was an immediate annihilation. The result of this battle was actually announced from the beginning of the encounter. The fleet that leaked from the Criminal Law Palace was undoubtedly given to the silver shuttle ships of the three heavenly warships. After being beaten into a sieve, even when it crashed and exploded, I never saw where the heavenly battleship was hidden!

The Tiandao battleship equipped with a reverse dynamic magnetic field generator is simply a sniper in the night, and each bullet has 36 rounds. The flying shuttles that come and go are not only invulnerable, but also empty. If it is not broken, even the elite fleet of Lord Qingxu cannot withstand its bombardment!

And as the battleship advances, Han Shanshan’s movements are also mastery and clear. Han Shanshan’s channel connecting troops and Zhao Qian’s sky-repairing troops have suffered heavy losses, but because both of them have advanced to the Second Tribulation True Immortal, the enemy wants It is impossible to force it. It can only be followed by the buttocks and cannibalize. There is no real celestial surpassing the second calamity. I heard that there are only three real celestials chasing behind.

I know that this is waiting for stronger masters or reinforcements to come, and a large number of their warships have also assembled behind the passage, and will not easily come to areas that they are not familiar with.

Because Shenting and Qingcheng Ruoxue are suspicious, they will definitely guess that we might plant space bombs in the opposite direction, so most of the main battlefields will choose to be in the realm of ghosts and gods.

After so many years, the ghost and **** realm is still unavoidable to be destroyed, and it is indeed ill-fated, but this is also the first consequence. Now we must occupy the gods, otherwise the wounds of the ghost and gods will never be healed!

"Order the major fleets not to expose their strength as much as possible, extend the response troops back, pull the pursuit troops back as much as possible, let Han Shanshan and Zhao Qian hold on for a while, assign the million sword pavilion troops, and ten thousand swords to recruit troops to take advantage of numbers. Help them!" I ordered.

"The leader thinks they are investigating our strength?" Ruan Qiushui's image appeared on the bridge.

Within a certain coverage area of ​​the ancient **** warship, the seven fleets can communicate with each other, so the information is almost synchronized, which is convenient for everyone to contact. After all, the Tiandao warship itself is the flagship of the ancient **** aircraft carrier.

"Million Jiange and Wan Jian are more than enough to recruit troops to fight them, so what does our fleet do?" Jing Xiaoman asked suspiciously.

I didn't hesitate to say: "The war is a decisive battle. The Seven Great Warships sorted out the scout fleet that the opponent rushed in and rushed into the border area. When they did not get effective information and carried out targeted encirclement and suppression, they were caught off guard!"

"Yes, chasing the fleet, it is likely that we know that we will come to help, so deliberately delaying the battle, this is simply using cannon fodder as a reconnaissance force!" Li Nianjun said suddenly.

"The Sixth Battleship is the vanguard and the stealth assault channel. Ruan Qiushui is the commander-in-chief and Zhou Xuan is the deputy commander. The ancient **** aircraft carrier has a huge target and will sail at the current speed and at a constant speed. Win," I said.

"Yes!" All the six major ships responded, and I continued: "According to the previous discussion, if the enemy is heavily defending the passage, plan 1 will be implemented, and if the enemy allows the passage and we exit the hole, plan 2 will be implemented! Other corresponding measures The plan will be communicated soon!"

The first plan is that if the opponent assembles heavily, a decisive battle will take place, because they can't even get through the passage, let alone help other big worlds. If the opponent leads the snake out of the cave, the second plan will be half assault and half invisible, and the invisible part of the warship will go around. Eventually formed a front and rear enclosure.

Of course, we also have calculations for all other assumptions, so when encountering different situations, everyone will make corresponding tactics.

Zhao Qian and Han Shanshan led the remnants to the Wanjian Pavilion and Wanjian to attract the Ministry to flee, while Li Nianjun led the battleship all the way to the passage, leaving only Baili Jue to supervise the battle. This is already a relatively safe method. After all, if ten million sword pavilions are It is not possible to wipe out the chasing soldiers with thirty thousand swords, so this battle really doesn't need to be fought. Everyone can go back to farm and wait for death to delay.

The battle started when the Sixth Route Fleet was approaching the passage. As a second-generation warship, Million Jiange was not as powerful as the Holy Road warship, but it was still quite sharp. Moreover, all ten warships had the ability to divide into two. It was equivalent to bringing another twenty thousand swords to recruit. This force was lost in the **** sea warfare that year, and it was extremely luxurious.

Besides, there are thirty thousand swords to be recruited, all of which are controlled by the disciples of the sword pavilion. After they cooperate with each other, they are powerful, and they are all the elite of the elite, so they will naturally fulfill their mission!

After a short while, the news was quickly returned. The enemy was indeed the same as I guessed. They were all reconnaissance units. Even the Million Sword Pavilion could crash them and escape.

And Wanjian recruited all 100% sword-shaped ships. It was a natural disaster to deal with the stragglers. It didn't take long to wipe out all the chasers and rescue Zhao Qian and Han Shanshan.

The opponent’s reconnaissance fleet is indeed capable of long-distance communication, but it is a pity that Wanjiange and Wanjian are both old-model warships. Even if they get the information, they will at most have an understanding of the number of old-model warships. As for the previous Silver Flying Shuo, probably thought it was a sub-ship of the ancient **** warship, would never have thought that our heavenly warship had already sneaked over the passage.

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