Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2461: : Jokes

"Don't be so stabbed, come from the Kyushu world together, and have worked in the same sacred court for many years. You are not brothers anyhow, but also friends? And do you remember? My kid’s banquet, you brought it Come over with a gift, we have drunk with each other and cooperated, haven't we?" Zhou Qiping chuckled, looking like a family with me.

"If you don't mention it, I forgot. I don't know if your baby is okay? You saw him evil in the past. Didn't you find a Taoist master to see it? Or you can drive away evil." Evil baby, still some memories are still fresh.

"Huh, my kid is okay!" Zhou Qiping finally angered me, but it was just a moment of anger. He squeezed his beard and smiled: "Leader Xia, you don’t need to irritate me. I’m here today. Not specifically to talk to you about the short-term parents, but to discuss business matters!"

I snorted coldly and said, "Business? What business can you have?"

"My head is now a new generation of Prince Qingxu, maybe you don't know this?" Zhou Qiping smiled proudly.

"Oh? Xuanyuan Ruxin actually became the prince Qingxu? That is to say, she killed my ghost and **** realm?" I was expressionless, but there was a hint of surprise in my heart. Although the officials of the court include the prince , Most of the cultivation bases are not high, but Xuanyuan Ruxin can actually climb to this level with such a fast speed, which is indeed very eye-catching.

And my Ghost Dao is not a soft persimmon. After all, it is not only stronger than the Demon God Realm, but also not worse than other realms in terms of actual combat. Moreover, there are three big worlds who have taken the Star Array. Re-enhanced, they are able to attack, and they really have a set of methods.

"Of course, but to be honest, your ghost road atrium is really not so difficult to fight. Just the ghost gate has lost a lot of warships and artillery fire from several princes. This gives us the only advantage. I laid down the atrium." Zhou Qiping explained, and then looked at the ghost emperor Luo Feng: "Guan Tianguan, tell me, isn't it like this?"

Luo Fenggui emperor stood behind Zhou Qiping blankly, swaying his whole body, not even daring to look at me.

I sneered coldly and said: "My way is that you, Lord Qingxu, can lay down the entire ghost road atrium all the way. It turned out to be surrounded by several roads. Then you think, now that I am here, can I drive you out of the ghost and **** realm? "

After saying this, Zhou Qiping burst into laughter, with an expression that I boasted not to draft: "Haha...Leader Xia, although there is no wind here, sometimes the tongue is not safe. What you said is too much. , The ancient gods battleship, our **** court has not studied it, but unfortunately, we are afraid of the new one, but if it is only a repaired half-drawn disabled product, the Xia leader should not show it to shame. We are all acquaintances. Frightening can't be frightened. Are you still going to beg me?"

"Anyway, I'll tear my face apart, I'll cut it off first, come here, kill them." I narrowed my eyes coldly, and Chi Sheng moved forward and threatened.

This week Qiping is only a super-grade cultivation base, and Luo Feng Guidi has raised a big waist for me in recent years. I heard that it has reached the level of super-grade when I came in. However, the coercion brought by Chi Sheng is strong enough. And besides, there are so many immortals and different ways around me, just pick one or two, and they can be beaten!

"Slow! Slow! Don’t cut off the two countries! Leader Xia! You weren’t like this before!" Zhou Qiping looked pale with fright, and Luo Feng, the ghost emperor, looked around and found that everyone was surrounded by people. , Also embarrassed on his face.

"Oh? That's not good. There is no joking in the army. Moreover, I am still the leader of the four worlds. If my words are not counted, will no one listen to me in the future?" My face became gloomy, and Chi Sheng shouted angrily and prepared immediately. Killing, but at this moment, a monk flew over to report the news, and Zhou Xuan came.

"Zhou Xuan, you are not in charge of the power furnace below, what are you doing here?" I frowned.

"This..." Zhou Xuan hesitated to look at Zhou Qiping and Luo Feng Ghost Emperor.

How smart are the ghost capitals of Zhou Qiping and Luo Feng? Among them, Zhou Qiping was the most cunning, and immediately said: "If the leader of Xia has important things and is not satisfied with us as an envoy, then we will go back now and send two other envoys!"

"Hey, why? Why are you leaving now?" I knowingly asked with a smile. People who know some vital secrets can hardly escape. Zhou Qiping used to do this kind of thing, so Zhou Xuan hurried up. , He is already extremely vigilant, some secrets can be heard, but some secrets are a dead end after listening!

"Military secrets, we envoys, it's not good to be here, so don't let it go, Xia League lord, we will talk about it another day!" Zhou Qiping quickly stepped back, but a group of generals immediately blocked his way.

Luo Feng’s face turned green, and Zhou Qiping looked pale, and said, “Xia Yitian, you really must kill me?”

"Tsk tusk, it sounds like I won't kill you." I sneered at Zhou Xuan and said, "He is dying anyway, what's the matter with you, but it doesn't matter."

"Slow! Don't say it! Don't say it!" Zhou Qiping waved his hand quickly, and then thought of something, said quickly: "Right! We have your prisoners, so let's come here this time, we forgot to bring some gifts. , How about these prisoners, after we go back, they will all be sent to you?"

I sneered in my heart, looked at Zhou Xuan, and said, "Just talk about it."

Zhou Xuan had an expression of hesitation, and Zhou Qiping slapped his thigh in fright, and said: "At most, we will add some fairy spirit discs!?"

"Say!" I screamed, so scared that Zhou Xuan followed her face pale, and quickly said: "Before battleships were mostly damaged, and the power stove had long been unloaded, now..."

"Oh my god! Xia Yitian, you have gotten used to pulling out your skin! I will also send the ghost emperor Baobab and the ghost emperor Chuzuka! Just stop talking, save me a life! "Zhou Qiping wailed.

He originally came to investigate my reality and persuade me to surrender me by the way, but now he strongly doesn't want to know the secret. After all, once he knows the secret after being caught, let alone go back, he will lose his life!

"Go on!" I still had a smirk. As expected, the more anxious Qiping this week, the more he agreed to everything.

Zhou Xuan is clever and cunning, and her heart is very dark, and she knows how to grasp the scale and maximize the benefits: "Leader, there is a shortage of immortal energy plates on the power furnace, and the maintenance is already not smooth. If you do not strengthen there, supply……"

In the following words, let’s go on, Zhou Qiping knew that there must be no place to bury him, so he quickly covered his ears and displayed a layer of isolation. As for the ghost emperor Luo Feng, he followed the gourd painting.

After Zhou Qiping showed his determination that he couldn't hear, he almost rushed to say: "The second-grade immortal disc of 100 years! It is buried with you! Xia Yitian! Don't be too much!"

Seeing him covering his ears, I knew it was almost done, so I said, "You stay, let Luo Feng go back, and Xuanyuan Ruxin bring a batch of the materials you mentioned, don’t forget, take Baoduiguidi with The Ghost Emperor Shizuka also brought over."

"Huh?" Zhou Qiping still pretended not to hear. In fact, he could read the spoken language without hearing. I smiled sullenly and waved his hand: "Luo Feng, if you don't go, I will count to three. Dead, two!"

With a cry, Luo Feng Guidi was shamelessly gone, Zhou Qiping's face was as gloomy as it was raining, but he could not help but stay.

"Official Zhou Tian, ​​since I have stayed, I guess your housekeeper won't just attack like this? Even if you surrender, at least let me think about it? So since everyone is acquaintance, then stay and drink today." I sneered.

Zhou Qiping was unhappy, but still smiled on his face and said, "Of course, before the supplies come, I will disturb them first."

I left Zhou Qiping, and then sent people to prepare wine and food, and pretended to chat with Zhou Xuan, but not long after, the battleship suddenly shook, and another fairy family came up to report that the power furnace below had a temper again.

Zhou Qiping pretended to be scared and asked: "I said Leader Xia, your battleship...is it okay?"

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