Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2463: : Big gift

These warships are so horrifying, it seems that Qingcheng Ruoxue gave me a ‘great gift’ to welcome me out! And Hu Qingya even directly reported the number: "An unknown giant flagship, the flag is a purple golden lotus, and it is suspected to be the flagship of the Allure Ruoxue! The third generation of large battleships is 125, of which seven are all. There are king seals, namely, the King of Constant Victory in the Palace of Gods, the King of Qingxu in the Xinglu Temple, the King Mu Ru of the Superintendent, the Zunshu King of the Qintian Supervisor, the King Yuxian of the Official Division, and the Shengqing King of the Yanzheng Hall The prince of Dongxuan of Dynasty Yisi! There were 373 second-generation medium-sized warships, 748 third-generation warships, and countless sub-ships!"

"What? So many?" Song Wanyi couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's all here, this is simply a grand banquet! Qingcheng Ruoxue is already a great divine emperor, but she didn't expect to be so dare to use tricks and travel on such a large scale, almost emptying the reserves of the court! Ruan Qiushui couldn't help but ponder.

The command post of the warship is connected to other heavenly warships, so the six major fleets are all under control, but even so, it is not just a dozen to ten. This is definitely a battle that can be won by one hundred!

I took a deep breath. The six major fleets plus my ancient gods warships are no more than the seven major fleets, but the eight major fleets came directly from Shenting. The purple golden lotus must be the flagship of Qingcheng Ruoxue, because this flagship looks It is at least five or six minutes similar to a space battleship, and there is also something similar to the wheel of time and space at the bottom. It must have opened the opening of the passage from the gods to the border, otherwise it will not let other battleships gather here!

As for the other sub-main ships, they are all at the level of the Holy Road Battleship and the Blood Holy Battleship. The terrifying disillusioned star cannons are just like the howling dragons, and people are afraid that they can't lift their heels when they see it! These are the elites of the Seven Kings. Among them, the battleship group of the Shenxiao Mansion is the largest, with more terrifying combat power than the other six kings, and the proportion of them is about 50%!

As for the second-generation medium-sized flagship, it is also the level of the Blood-Sea Battleship back then, but this Blood-Sea Battleship will be larger, and these second-generation battleships are also powerful enough to be daunting!

"You have to use a guillotine to kill a chicken. It is worthy of being a professional to deal with you. Qingcheng Ruoxue has given you the greatest respect, and even sister is going to sweat." Han Shanshan was also a little speechless.

Indeed, Qingcheng Ruoxue's move completely exceeded my expectations. I originally thought it was a combined fleet of a few kings at most, but I didn't expect it to be a decisive battle directly!

"The other side's flag, let us surrender immediately." Hu Qingya said.

I glanced at the signal from the opponent's flagship, and asked: "Report the preparations of the major fleets."

"Already in place." Han Shanshan's projection said on the instrument of the master control blueprint.

"Already in place." Yun Bingxin also followed, and then Zhou Xuan, Ruan Qiushui, Li Nianjun, and Jing Xiaoman also reported their positions.

I nodded and gritted my teeth and said: "Left side Li Nianjun, taking advantage of Xuanyuan Ruxin and Zhou Qiping's failure to take advantage of the fact that Xuanyuan Ruxin and Zhou Qiping were not in place, took the lead in attacking the Qingxu King's Department of Xinglu Hall! On the right side, Jing Xiaoman's Department, after the attack began, The artillery bombardment is the number, and attack the Mu Ru Royal Head of the Superintendent!"

"Lead!" Jing Xiaoman and Li Nianjun finished speaking loudly, and then ordered the warships to prepare for main artillery bombardment first.

"After the two wings attacked together, Zhou Xuan and Ruan Qiu Shui Department constrained the Changsheng Royal Department of the Shenxiao Mansion! The Royal Xian Wang of the Official Division and the Dongxuan Wang Department of the Chao Yisi, depending on how they react, will be notified again! "I looked at Zhou Xuan and Ruan Qiushui.

Both of them also responded.

After I led the largest fleet of the five squadrons, the Qingcheng Ruoxue’s flagship left and right, and the King of the Emperor Qin Tianjian and the King Archguard of the Holy King of Yanzheng Temple were left. And here, there is Yun Bingxin as a dark chess player. While the ancient **** battleship intends to advance directly, facing Ruoxue’s flagship and King Zunshuo and King Shengqing!

"Miao Xiaoli and Song Wanyi prepared the army of tooth beasts and the five-element unicorns to fight at any time!" I gave several orders in a row, and everyone executed them meticulously!

Of course, if Qingcheng Ruoxue drove her personally, the opponent was also cohesive and full of morale. After all, the Holy Emperor Supreme was here, which of the other soldiers was beaten with blood?


As if there were no signs of warning, the disillusioned stars blasted past the flanks of the Qingcheng Ruoxue fleet, and the explosion directly hit the place where the battleship had the most enemies!

After the main artillery bombardment, the 36 silver shuttles carried by the Tiandao battleship, like the pouring silver light, came and sank several third-generation battleships on the spot! The entire universe was suddenly covered with explosions!

Each of these shuttles is almost the size of three generations of warships, with sharp heads and tails, interspersed back and forth, like weaving a net, causing the opponent to fight in chaos! This is only the damage caused by one ship, and each fleet has three such warships. The total number of Silver Shuttles is 108. This number allowed more than a dozen holy warships, including The flagship, including the flagship, is in a bitter battle, and now it is overwhelming to use it to deal with the flanking Qingxu royal clan!

After Qingcheng Ruoxue and Zhou Qiping returned to the fleet, the battleship group stabilized, and the royal family of the Imperial Palace of the Qingxu family began to move, seeming to support them, but then, Jing Xiaoman left behind. The silver flying shuttles of the two next battleships were also dispatched. The silver flying shuttles were not afraid of any attack. Many battleships made a huge hole without even reacting, and finally died in the explosion!

But this representative Shenting can’t use it. Shenting’s third-generation warships have a special feature. They are all equipped with the Disillusionment Star Cannon. Although these main guns are not improved by Han Shanshan, the energy adjustment can be large or small, but every A powerful shot would definitely be able to destroy the Silver Shuttle!

Of course, since knowing that he must fight the ancient gods battleship, Qingcheng Ruoxue still has a trick that is quite old, that is, some battleships are filled with unknown slime. Once the silver shuttle hits these battleships, it will stick to it. Sticking to a layer of liquid, even an explosion cannot destroy the mucus. Even when it hits again, not only will the sharpness be greatly reduced, if it hits a third-generation warship with a thick deck, it will not even break through, and it will stick directly to the opponent’s. On the battleship!

In this way, this silver shuttle can't fly, wants to retreat and can't return, so it can only trigger the internal self-detonation device, and the opponent's battleship will be reimbursed together!

However, we have earned a silver flying shuttle for a third-generation battleship. After all, the flying shuttle is easy to manufacture, and the third-generation battleship is not easy, even if the city is afraid that it will drip blood!

After Jing Xiaoman’s three heavenly battleships came out, countless beams of light blasted towards it, but the heavenly battleship also had a reverse dynamic magnetic field generator. The beam attack had no effect on it, and the round of attack ended. His own secondary guns are also fired at once, and the beams are as many as cow hair, and they can instantly hit the opponent off guard!

Moreover, Jing Xiaoman is also very smart. The three battleships are all fired at one shot to change the place. With the reverse dynamic magnetic field generator, stealth is not a problem at all!

As Jing Xiaoman's attack unfolded, Li Nianjun on the other flank also launched an attack. The Silver Flying Shuttle attacked frantically again, still using the same style of play. Once it penetrated, it continued to hit the second ship, impenetrable on the spot. Detonated, so soon a batch of warships can be pulled into the water!

In the artillery battle, the Tiandao battleship undoubtedly had the upper hand. After all, after the Silver Shuttle was removed, the battleship speed was more than twice as fast, and the whole body was full of the muzzle of the secondary guns, and the scene was spectacular! And hit and run, it's as flexible as a rabbit!

But Qingcheng Ruoxue is not an idiot. Seeing that the two wings are under attack, she immediately knew that I was planning to contain the two wings and play skills and tactics with her, so she did not hesitate to order the two sides to help, and let the Shenxiao Mansion on the center line win the king. The Ministry and the Department of State Council Dong Xuan Wang's Ministry is advancing in a straight line, to crush me with absolute numbers!

When meeting the brave on a narrow road, I ordered the ancient gods to advance, and the fleets also attacked their responsible opponents. As for Yun Bingxin, he is still my assassin, used to make a fatal blow, and has not moved.

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