Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 2477: : Both hurt

"There is still time to preach? Then it's the same as the class, interesting, Shenghuang, some want to go, so this hasn't been promoted to the real immortal." Chi Sheng said, crying without tears.

"After the war, if there is such a place, how about letting you go?" I smiled, and I was very yearning for it, and then asked Brother Hai's situation in detail.

"Other sects, there are some branch sects in Tianyi, the cohesion is really bad, and they almost ran halfway. The rest are disciples with strong cohesion. They really regard Tianyi's mountain and sea world as a family. , But it’s much more fun. With such a group of people, Dao luck is the best. Why? That’s your luck, Junior Brother! Including me, Senior Sister Zhou, and Grandma are like this, everyone The closer you are to you, the more luck you will be infected, right? Qinghe!?" Senior Brother Hai smiled proudly.

I smiled bitterly and shook my head, secretly saying that you are lucky, my luck is not very happy, and Li Qinghe patted me on the shoulder and said, "Don't step on the **** expression. Think about it. There are a large number of Tianyi disciples listening to the preaching voice. What is this concept? In the future, the strength of your orthodoxy will be unheard of. Most of these are still Tianyi's backbone disciples. They have come out after learning. He must be the great master of the Founder of the Mountains, what will Tianyi be like when that time comes, can't you think of it?"

"It's true that the same torrent of heavens will make the entire Liushentian a world-shaking change, but now it is the time to use soldiers, not the time to raise soldiers and use them for a thousand days... And, it's not everyone and you. That is such a high starting point. I will soon be able to take the opportunity to make a breakthrough after listening to the teachings. I am afraid that this class will take many years, decades, and 100 years. It is hard to say..." I laughed, although Li Qinghe It's pretty impressive, but you can't just think it's all good.

"That's what Junior Brother said." Senior Brother Hai smiled, then suddenly startled and said: "Look, we just talked about preaching matters, and we forgot to talk about business matters! Where did you just talk... By the way, It was because we were fascinated by the Tao that we forgot that Wan Song Xiao was still locked up. Because of the influence of the preaching, it was pervasive, but we didn’t know it, and thought he couldn’t hear it. I really don’t know that this kid is really lucky. Great! We heard that the growth is fast, but it is not faster than that kid, your grandmother just stepped into the Three Tribulations realm, he broke through the shackles, absorbed our true fairy energy out of the barrier! , I started to flee outside, probably because I was afraid that our unstable realm would be captured by us, so I didn’t plan to conflict with us at all!

"What? But the mountain and sea realm should not have enough immortality to make him attack the Three Tribulations!" I was stunned, but the old grandmother shook her head and said: "We simply opened the entrance of the mountain and sea realm to the preaching place. The true celestial qi will naturally flow continuously. The celestial qi is invisible and colorless. Everyone is obsessed with cultivating, but it is also overlooked for a while, and the place where he is locked is on the bottom of the sea. It is guarded by the dragon king gates that Xiaojiao left. All of them are practicing in retreat, and they have forgotten how small it is.

"Three Tribulations, let him escape, I'm afraid this world will soon become uneasy." Senior Brother Hai said depressedly.

"Is there news from them later? How did you get here?" I asked quickly.

"It's also fate. Senior Sister Zhou was worried that Wansong trot, so she took me out to track this kid, and the location of Gua Summoning was actually on the side of the Great Demon Hall, which is very suitable for this kid. Ideal route, so we rushed all the way, but we didn’t find Wan Songxiao, but we found the large-scale movement of Shenting’s battleship! The number was so large that both me and Senior Sister Zhou were frightened, not for a long time. Dazzling!" Senior Brother Hai said exaggeratedly.

At this moment, I was really stunned, and for a while, I said: "My luck, it is so good, this can be a blind cat and a dead mouse!"

"Isn't it? Later, after we discussed it, we were worried, and after a while, we found that the movement of the large-scale battleship in Shenting was actually related to us, so I concealed it and caught a scout to ask, and then I asked. They are going to attack the leader of the four worlds, and this leader is actually you! My dear, the leader of the four worlds! You are all mixed up to this level, and you have also attracted the emperor to go. Hit you, tut!" Senior Brother Hai patted me on the shoulder with an expression of You Rongyan, and then continued: "Senior Sister Zhou and I are together, no, we are basically weak. Back to the sky, so I just waited in place. The place where the message was sent back to the preacher was ordered. At least they had to be fast enough. Then they chased the warship together. You know, once and again. , Chasing the opponent’s battleship, and calculating how to fight it, how to perform the decapitation action, it will inevitably be late, right, so that’s why we came out after most of you fight!"

"Fortunately for you to come, or else I would really be planted this time, because Qingcheng Ruoxue didn't calculate that she would run into grandma's ghost body, so she could only run away with her tail between her tails." Still mixed feelings, if it weren't for grandma and grandma, I really didn't know what would happen.

Grandma is still in a virtual state, sitting cross-legged on the futon and quickly recovering her Dao body. I immediately recommended her to go to the Eyeball Cannon, because that place to restore the Dao body is very fast, definitely about three times faster than usual.

Grandma didn't refuse. She knew that it was the time to use soldiers. If she didn't block Qingcheng Ruoxue, she would definitely be very dangerous in the future.

"Brother, you said that Senior Brother is still in retreat, are you still listening to it?" I asked quickly.

"Yes, it's over there. He is currently attacking the Three Tribulations, and if you think about it, the mountains and seas are all over there, and the disciples of Tianyi are also over there, but this preaching land is in the gap in the space that the great wasteland extends. , Let’s not leave a super master over there, can you rest assured? After all, although other schools are almost gone, there are still some, so the most suitable candidate is Brother Youyan. His character is also more calm. This group of Xiaoxiao, hehe." Senior Brother Hai smiled.

"So, that means that now this place of hearing the Tao is in our hands, and the war stopped for a short while, and I brought a group of people up to smell the Tao. How could this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity be missed! ?" My heart is also itchy. Everyone hears different ways. Once I went, wouldn't it also be improved? I have been stuck in the Second Tribulation for a long time. If there is no Third Tribulation, how can I dare to challenge Qingcheng Ruoxue?

Chi Sheng was also very happy when he heard this. This was obviously his life-saving straw.

"Now the enemy's warships have escaped, and those that can't escape will stay in this space forever. The chasing warships are too far away and dare not go further and return. One day, the next move, we How should I go?" Han Shanshan asked.

I looked at the battle situation on the blueprint. In Shenting’s eight fleets, the Imperial Guard Fleet had been ordered by Qingcheng Ruoxue to retreat a long time ago. Among the other flagships, only King Qingxu’s flagship and his weapon were sunk. The flagship of King Mu Ru under the supervision, even King Zunshuo and King Yuxian did not escape our artillery fire, but the flagships of King Dongxuan and King Changsheng escaped from the battle universe because of their huge teams. Half-life returned, but their flagship was okay. It doesn't mean that the other ships were okay. This time, the Shenting battleship came with great momentum and came back in defeat, and the number of lost battleships reached 70%!

Of course, Shenting suffered huge losses, and we are not having a good time here. The damage to the Ancient God aircraft carrier this time is second only to the last time, and there are 24 heavenly warships, 17 of which were sunk, which is basically equal to Shenting, if not There was a battle with Qingcheng Ruoxue, which led to the other side's retreat. I am afraid that both sides will be reimbursed in this universe!

The Qingxu prince’s flagship was sunk, and Xuanyuan Ruxin, as the prince, and Zhou Qiping, this wonderful work, is still unclear. In short, this space is full of scars, and it will not be a short time to clean up. !

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